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Had a bit of a hiccup in performance, but things are back to proper mode of operation now, so more new features (and, of course, fixes and documentation) are coming soon! As for this update, there are still a few new interesting things:

Trees (not yet procedural)

Whole thing with trees turned out trickier than I anticipated (generating a tree is one thing, but having to create LODs for it too requires some very different geometry which I’m still investigating). Instead, I went a different direction and added support for existing tree models:

Here is how it looks in motion. With billboards for distant trees and heavy use of instancing to save draw calls and improve performance new system can handle hundreds of thousands of trees with no problem (and can also be used for bushes). Hopefully in the future I’ll be able to figure out procedural generation which will make replacing trees on existing tracks trivial, but at least now creators working on new tracks can use this system to save some time and performance.

Extra FX update

First of all, SSLR got a big update. Improved blurring, improved filtering, but also a couple of much better-quality levels (I finally realized algorithm leaving holes everywhere in a hope of a lucky hit in a few steps is not really as of a tradeoff as I thought it was). Now, instead of holes a simpler algorithm adds a bit of blurriness, and the best Hi-Z algorithm uses a special data structure to find reflections the most accurately, even being able to find a reflection of a single pixel wide cable ten meters from the ground:

SSGI has been removed, as it wasn’t really fitting the direction CSP was taking with bounced light and such. Instead, bounced light effects were extended to now include light bouncing from cars onto the ground. No longer screen-space, it should work faster and not break with view angle changes:

Another big new this is a new Extra FX effect allowing emissive meshes to cast light on surrounding geometry. Currently it needs a car or track config to work in full (considering occasionally strange emissive values I was worried guessing could break some existing mods and such), but configuration is very simple and it can add some interesting visual effects:

Here is a side-by-side comparison. The effect could also be used by tracks to simplify making those emissive meshes actually glow. Also works with skinned meshes and can illuminate whole tracks by itself only (although with the latter one performance does suffer a bit, using it like that is somewhat of an overkill). Note that this is not a screen-space effect, so hands covering dashboard LEDs, for example, won’t stop them from casting light.

Other visual improvements

WeatherFX got a strange new feature mimicking PBR lighting distribution for standard materials. While PBR is already available, it might take some time to upgrade all the content to that method, so this tweak allows for regular materials to look more in-place until then. Main change you’ll notice is horizontal surfaces being noticeably brighter when the sun in low.

Brake Disk FX now uses rim silhouette for reflections and occlusion. A cheap trick, but it really helps to add more depth to wheels without relying on expensive and occasionally failing SSLR:

Shadowed Wheels module now occludes reflections as well. Another easy to compute fix helping reflective rims to look a lot more grounded.

Other changes include updated default WeatherFX implementation with improved fog and other values, optional MIPs for rear mirrors to reduce aliasing and various fixes and core improvements to improve performance and reduce changes of freezes with conditions change. Original AC heat shimmer also got an update, now allowing for car configs to configure the effect in more detail, adjust emission points and directions, link effect to engine temperature and more. Also, new flames should look more like short-lived flashes now.

AI rubberbanding

New option in New Behaviour module allowing to alter AI level based on its position relative to you, making bots in front of you perform worse and bots behind better. More often seen in arcade racing, but it could be useful here in case you’d want to train with bots closer to you.

PS5 DualSense support

CSP also got a full DualSense support: touch panel, LEDs, light bar and more. Gamepad FX script can also access the gyroscope and accelerometer state as well as apply custom resistance to triggers. There is also an experimental “Dualsense Extended” Gamepad FX script using slip force for resistance, but it’s more of an API demo at this stage.

Speaking of gamepads, built-in Control Tweaks app also got a small update allowing to remap buttons (including clutch button and more) live. Plus, CSP now recognizes START button of both wheels and gamepads for starting, pausing and resuming the simulation allowing to play without reaching for a keyboard.

(Also, Dualshock support is coming soon as well if everything would go as planned.)

Rain tyres

That issue with rain tyres being slightly faster than regular ones should be fixed now, with rain tyres properly overheating and having worse grip than regular ones. Extended physics also got a few fixes and a lot of improvements. With all this, RainFX gets one step closer to completion now.


Without going into too much details, CSP should make cheating in online races more difficult now. Hopefully this protection will last for some time. Server admins now can simply set v0.1.79 CSP as a required version (build #2144) and it should make racing fairer.

Other changes

A few other notable things: AC Pro support has been improved, Neck FX now should handle large drifting angles better, live conditions online won’t break simulation. There are also plenty of fixes and optimizations, and new functions for Lua. Here is the whole list of changes.

As always, thank you very much for all the incredible support! Sorry for such a long delay, now that few big things are out of the way I’ll try my best to start releasing updates more frequently.




how can i get into understanding how the navigation systems work? or is there some sort of api i can use in order to utilize them for personal usage?

Younes G


Nuno Carrilho

after i installed version 1.8 the weather dont star sky look black and right apps show all red any help ?


This happened to me as well. If you are running Content Manager on 1.79 and INSTALL preview 1.8, thats what causes the extra black sky. You'll have to download 1.79 preview, but only if you are running content manager on 1.79 :))


are taa interiors forced now? my game is somehow more blurry in cockpit camera compared to exterior, i do not have motion blur enabled.


For some reason when SSLR is set to Simple (New) the AC always crashes. Setting it to whatever else helps.


When the trees are fully functional and implemented will they automatically go into the base AC tracks and the added on downloaded tracks, or how will that work?

Max S

Single Stereo Pass is still bugged - hides too much on periphery in VR; shadowed wheels are bugged in VR (look weird, lit weird maybe offset). Thank you!

Max S

And 'full color accessible color buffer' is *still* broken!


why is my road all green ?


settings/CSP/rainFX turn off racing line debug


look goooood


nice job man looks so nice!


Will this help make better crowds as well?


App-Schlüssel noch keinen bekommen .rain fix nicht zu finden


We need better performance on VR. Even with high end PC on medium settings VR is lagging


did you active single pass stereo? if u dont u should active it. it gives u a lot different performance boost. mine using gtx 1080 with high/max graphic setting with no problem. stable fps no stuttering


tbf there are a number of other things you need to do to get good VR perf on lower-tier cards, tho yes SPS is a massive boost. I cut out postprocessing to get solid fps on my NV GTX 1650, among many other things.

Andre Warringa

stable 90fps in a 22 AI race on the Nordschleife, using FSR at Ultra quality setting. That is on a humble I9 9900 and 2080S with a G2 reverb. VR needs some finetuning to get optimal results. Use ToolkitXR / FFR, that saves me about 15fps.

Andre Warringa

Big thumbs up for the rubberbanding AI. I always hated that in arcade racers but in AC it's crazy fun to have constant battles with the AI :)


where can I find the options for AI? and I dont appear to have rain tyres? any help would be appreciated.


I got a issue when I install the 1.8 update my sky is completely gray.. Is because my sol is not on the right update or whats going on? I reverted back to 1.79 and then it al works again. Love the work you are puting in by the way!


get rain when you stop paying ? sent this guy a message no replay just bills me . not happy .


what the heck is ToolkitXR and FFR also where can I find single pass stereo? -thanks!


OpenXR is a replacement for SteamVR. Search OpenXR Toolkit and find mbucchia on github link. Single Stereo Pass is in CSP settings 'Mode VR Tweaks'. Enable it and if you get occassional black flashes disable 'Cover Screen in Smoke' option in ParticlesFX


does anyone know how can I change the rain in game? And if snow is available?

Mathew OToole

Does anyone have the issue of races crashing?


Man your rain feature is incredible 😍👍 thanx ! This pushed immersion to the next level on my setup. I need to add a humidifier on my rig now 😅 Here’s a vid I made yesterday: https://youtu.be/a6Q4QOSYbpQ


Having problems with xbox one controller, it's not working even if i put on especific control, does it have a solution? I have tried almost everything and nothing


Well, i'm having the same problem on 1.79 too, the solution in the moment is going back to 1.78, and sadly not having the Rain FX


I had controller issues in general when I was just using controller to do fast fps tests in VR without hooking all my junk up. I ran DS4Windows, then it recognized. Maybe run one of those programs thatll trick it into thinking its a different kind of controller. Make sure to go bind all the controls too in settings if you havent.

Ayax Rodriguez

Getting aggressive dithering for transitions of reflections/shadows/alphas etc on this release.


Hey guys thanks for the help! I actually found a way to solve the problem, i don't know if it gonna works in others case, but it may help in something. Pick the "Default" setup and go to the controls for Gamepad. After this, you just need to remake your seetings and save preset with the name "Default (1)".


Love the work you do. I've been making AC videos but the prob is that past CSP vr 1.73 the cam tool and drone app app doesn't function properly. The cars begin to stutter when Cam Tool is activated, and have to keep Drone cam deactivated. So basically I can't properly enjoy/make the most of your improvements because the tools to record the footage go wonky past 1.73. So no smooth rain videos, graphical enhancements, etc for me without the glitching :( - (1.73 as in the base version, no preview build. even the preview builds don't fix the prob)


Hi! I don't know what is going on, CSP version 1.78 and above is not working. It gives me this error message: [ Detected issue ] Error: Error might have something to do with: [size=10][mono] AC\pythonfunctions.h (3035): clearPythonCache AC\pythoninterface.cpp (202): PythonInterface::PythonInterface AC\sim.cpp (547): Sim::Sim AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen::postRender AC\game.cpp (181): Game::onIdle AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup[/mono][/size] [ Versions ] AC: 1.16.4 (x64) CSP: 0.1.80-preview1 [ Hardware ] Cores: 12 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER VRAM: 8010 [ Configuration ] Mode: OPENVR Resolution: 1280×720 Fullscreen: Yes YEBIS: Yes FXAA: No AC blur: No Apps: accextmirrors, batterymeter, camber-extravaganza, chat, crewchiefex, ffbclip, gmeter, protyres, simhub, sol_config, sol_planner, sol_weather, thesetupmarket Input: WHEEL Devices: DUALSHOCK®4 Wireless Adaptor, Logitech G27 [ Race ] Type: Offline Track: ks_silverstone Layout: gp Car: ks_ferrari_488_challenge_evo [ Errors ] Clean: No CSP: Crash! Trying to generate nice dump: 000000D7412FD080 Stack: OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1 ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E17E3DD) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E17E3DD) 000000001E17E3DD (python33): (filename not available): (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E17ECB7) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E17ECB7) 000000001E17ECB7 (python33): (filename not available): (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E17EDA6) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E17EDA6) 000000001E17EDA6 (python33): (filename not available): (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E1A2B4C) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E1A2B4C) 000000001E1A2B4C (python33): (filename not available): (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAA6F9B1D8) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAA6F9B1D8) 00007FFAA6F9B1D8 (DWrite): (filename not available): (function-name not available) d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\pythonfunctions.h (3035): clearPythonCache d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\pythoninterface.cpp (202): PythonInterface::PythonInterface ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAA7567470) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAA7567470) 00007FFAA7567470 (DWrite): (filename not available): (function-name not available) d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\sim.cpp (547): Sim::Sim ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAA75E7A6C) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAA75E7A6C) 00007FFAA75E7A6C (DWrite): (filename not available): (function-name not available) d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen::postRender d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\ksgame\game.cpp (181): Game::onIdle d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\ksgame\game.cpp (210): Game::run d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFACCB67034) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFACCB67034) 00007FFACCB67034 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFACE1426A1) ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFACE1426A1) 00007FFACE1426A1 (ntdll): (filename not available): (function-name not available) [ Other logs ] Warnings: INIReader: content/cars/ks_ferrari_488_challenge_evo/data/digital_instruments.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ITEM_5] PREFIX INIReader: content/cars/ks_ferrari_488_challenge_evo/data/digital_instruments.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ITEM_5] POSTFIX INIReader: content/cars/ks_ferrari_488_challenge_evo/data/digital_instruments.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ITEM_9] PREFIX INIReader: content/cars/ks_ferrari_488_challenge_evo/data/digital_instruments.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ITEM_9] POSTFIX


Anyone else unable to run wet physics now? I know that extended physics is working as one of the cars I usually drive is broken with EP on, and this behaviour continues to this day. Tried everything! Running Sol 2.2 with Pure 0.142 weather script, though I've tried going back to Sol for the weather script. The graphics are incredible, just no physics! I've verified from the Sol Planner that the track is actually 'wet', so the issue isn't there.


when in car , right hand menu rainFX debug


Try disabling 'Enforce latest shared memory library' in General patch settings


go to my documents and rename the folder assettocorsa to assettocorsabackup. the restart CM and try and play.. this will make a new folder named assettocorsa. hope this helps


First of all... Amazing job once again x4fab!! But i cant set rain in my server annymore. [RAIN_PREVIEW] INTENSITY = 5.0 Dont work annymore... The code changed i would imagine?


It looks like everything is running now (I have RainFX for the first time) but I cant get the ground to get puddles or look "wet"\


It worked! I disabled "enforce latest shared memory" and it worked! Thank you so much!


Thanks Jelly! I'll leave it noted for the next time I get trouble with assetto corsa (and probably I will hahah)


any tracks with the new trees already?


have you tried all tracks as not all tracks have wet FX




Hi! Some of the indicator lights on the car are reflecting as green off the road. Is there any way I could fix this myself? Thanks, Right now it is only happening on my Giulia Quadrifoglio.


1.79 works great for me, my pc doesn't like 1.80, it makes my headlights flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0LSXYvlz9o


Queensland my accounts being over charged no replay yet .

Mathew OToole

I keep getting this error Error might have something to do with: AC\sim.cpp (2550): Sim::renderScene AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (126): Game::onIdle AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup Can anyone help?


disabling Enforce latest shared memory library in General patch settings


bank accounts hacked by patreon $15 month no email receipt only email for $2.20 scamers


cant install 2 things at once??


When using the dualsense controller the content manager lists it as Xbox 360, is this normal?


yes it's normal

Zip Zap

Does anyone notice the new Workshop tab in Content Manager? Why isn't it working?


hi when updating to this version, all my screens turns reds while prviously 1.79 preview is good using sol 2.2 and pure also


with this allow me to have rain mod

Piotr Lewandowski

Anyone know how to send message to Ilja? He is not responding on telegram.


Possibly busy or just doesn't respond to people. If you're looking for help, you can try the Discord server. Otherwise, I guess you'll have to wait

Piotr Lewandowski

Once again wipers remove rain drops effect from F5 cam sometimes works sometimes dont.


hi ilja. i want to ask you if i can adjust the spark emmision to emit more light as flames?

John Hoang

Also, is there a way toget reain

John Hoang

Also, is there a way to get rain on helmet visor so driver can see rain frops on helmet visor?


How do i get CSP 1.80?


i downloaded it and it said cant install two contents and tips


Thank you very much. Tyre FX still buggy? My GT3 cars have no labels on rims....


Ilja I have buy full version of CM and also download all from your site.. what do I have to do to get to the rain in Assetto corsa... please for help ... no way to get rain :( I also have Pimax 8K X .. to try rain :) ... Which your paches do I need to get the rain in game ?


you will need any preview patch you can download here on cm, you will also need to download Sol and put it as weather script, then you will have rain


I can find the solution here: https://www.simracingthings.com/guias-tutoriales/assetto-corsa/sol-assetto-corsa/


Any idea why my flames started not coming out of my exhaust in the right spot. Almost every car


gives me an error that i cant install 2 files at once. also trying to get rain to work


it aint workin


rain dosent work anymore


Hi , i'd like to thank you for your job. the only problem that i can't solve is that i have green skidmarks when i use rain fx. Thank you!

Max Schrappe

Hi, I'm one that should be giving a lot of thanks for Ilja in this update. The improvements in AI will now make offline, specially multiclass and endurance ones feasible, once the old problems with the cars running too damaged were addressed for this preview. This was a pain in my ... last year when I ran WSC 1970 Project in half distance, a lot of races spoiled due to AI getting too much damage and keep racing at zero mph and never going to the pits, causing jamming, more crashes and stutter due to over use of the CPU. So specifically in this subject I want to give a huge thanks for Ilja for listening and applying an improvement! Next I'm going to test it!

Max Schrappe

Another thing I noticed is that with this version I got the return of artifacts and the rendering of meshes and grids in some areas. For the 1.79 I was able to find a configuration that worked out this problem without the need of disabling the FXAA, but for this new one the artifacts came back and only disabling FXAA I could work around.. But there is a problem I can't workaround and this is about bluring the image. Once again with 1.79 I could find a configuration that worked with SOL / PURE and let the image ok, but the original Kunos not. But in this version, I could not find a way to get rid of the blur. I'm even using MSAA and Reshade to try to make the appearence sharper but with no success. It really break the immersion and make the things unrealistic as if things are completely out of focus beyond 200 meters.


Is anyone else not able to disable windscreen fx? I just want to disable the drops on the windshield


Ilja managed to add so much things already to CSP and most of the are great , Bravo Ilja. Seeing the last months update and contents it seems that there is few room left for improvement for CSP. Development seems turning in circle now and many new features no longer have real impact on user experience. Their are mainly miscellaneous... What is sad is fundamental features like dynamic weather options like GUI weather slot selection for each race preset has not been added. Something like sol planner but different for each race preset and customizable via CM interface. We now depend too much on Sol or Pure which also has a confusing and looping development like cloud updates for 5 months etc...like different releases with same options sol or pure or both etc. We should not forget that lot of patrons here are here for the "rain" and weather options...


Is there a different way to install? I drag it into CM and it says "Can't install 2 things at once"


Nevermind, I just closed and reopened content manager and it worked


Hi i have been having a problem with force-feed back since 1.79 where when drifting the car just goes lock to lock like a magnet its weird to describe, i thought it was my setup so i bought a new wheel moza r9 and its doing it on that too. i thought it was just me but some Logitech g920 user also experiencing it too. something you might need to look into if you could.


I lose Rain Fx after update to 1.80 Pls HELP D:


Hi, could you explain what each variable does? And how to adjust the AI spawn number? Thanks. SPAWN_MIN_DISTANCE_TO_PLAYER=200, 180 SPAWN_DISTANCE=160, 1 SPAWN_RANGE=150, 60 SPAWN_DESPAWN=160, 220

Mathew OToole

Can anyone help me with this error? Error might have something to do with: AC\camerashadowmapped.cpp (299): CameraShadowMapped::renderPass AC\cameraforwardyebis.cpp (1266): CameraForwardYebis::renderApplyEffect AC\cameraforwardyebis.cpp (1182): CameraForwardYebis::render AC\sim.cpp (2564): Sim::renderScene AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (126): Game::onIdle AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup


disabling 'Enforce latest shared memory library' in General patch settings


Where is the rain my genius brother?


I dont know if it is a known issue, but rain tyres cant be selected in 1.80 in online lobbys. Does somebody know a fix? And it is not disabled. With 1.79 they can be selected but they are broken!

Max Schrappe

Hi there, I'm getting an odd effect with some cars (appear to be with the ones with metallic texture), it's some kind of grid with black dots inside the texture. It just happens with 1.80, with <=1.79 it doesn't happen. I isolated the problem and it's not related to SOL or Pure, it happens even when not installed. Edit: I did a test with rain and it happened everywhere, in the puddles, windscreen, sky, etc ... I believe it's related to reflections. Follow the link for a image showing the problem: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uo5EGf9twFjjhJKHSqkoERKPwaQzqfsq/view?usp=share_link


go to my documents and rename the folder assettocorsa to assettocorsabackup. the restart CM and try and play.. this will make a new folder named assettocorsa. hope this helps


Will car reflection on water / mirror effect on road water will ever work with triple monitor? That is a big issue :(


that dont work for me. someone can help me?


hello my friend , it won't let me install csp from content manager

Pie Leu

if cars come into the pits during the race and want to get out again, they only roll back or drive in circles


Open content manager as administrator, then manualy add file by selecting the 3 stripes in the topbar


How to install this mod?


thanks brosky


buenas noches. queria saber si existe alguna app o mod que añada virtual safety car o safety car fisico controlados por IA en modo ofline para partidas mias? desde ya muchas gracias!


Aloha, ive been a patreon member since 1.78 and have been enjoying rain FX since then, but this recent 1.80 ive lost the rain. at first everything like setup exchange and Comfy Map wouldnt work, then i realized its because i needed to do a cleaninstall of Sol 2.2.5 using soluninstall.bat, so after i reinstalled SOL i fixed the comfy map and setup exchange problems, but i STILL CANNOT FIX RAIN, at first when i did DEBUG it showed some particles and raindrops on my screen but it would only activated when i went to DEBUG, so i tried to fix it by doing a clean reinstall of CSP, then SOL, then PURE in that order, and i STILL CANNOT GET RAIN FX TO WORK< PLEASE HELP


First of all, I want to thank you for your tremendous work! Only recently I got acquainted with the paid version of the "preview". I have a question how to fix the problem that on some tracks water spray does not appear behind the car, and on some tracks it does appear as dust.

Max Schrappe

Another huge problem with the gameplay involving AI in the offline races that deserves a solution is with the AI refueling that do not follow the correct time as given in the car's configs "ini". Actually the refueling time does not exist AI cars are just refueled to full instantly as it touches the pit stall and it broke every attempt to do any offline race with refueling when the correct time is greater than the time to change tires, because when racing with AI, with this bugged behaviour, their pitstop time are always the time it takes to change tires, but when the human driver stops his/her time to refuel is greater than the time to change tires, so, in vintage races, in an example, human pitstop may be 60 seconds greater than AI destroying any attempt to do a decent wheel to wheel close race, in fact to have any chance one should lap, sometimes, 2 seconds a lap faster then AI to compensate the time spent in the pits, it's a shame. Finally there is another problem with the AI behaviour that when they enter or exits the pitlane in the same time as another, with the collisions disabled, they just "enter inside" each other, which is ridiculous, AI should keep it's distance from another car at any given time, even in the pits. Valid mention that in the track I tested (the same of the video in the following link) in a multiclass race a faster AI car crashes into the back of a slower AI when braking to reach the speed limit to the pitlane and the cars, sometimes, keep outside the pitlane and other cars come and crashes too. Hope you can do something about it, it's been very frustrating to try to make any race with this bug, and as always, thanks for all the great work you already did to AC. Follow a video depicting the problem with refueling and with the AI "entering inside" each other. 1. AI refueling instantly (11th second) see the bottom center of the screen where is the essential app in the fuel gauge. 2. AI exiting "inside" each other (37th second) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eg38oE71o3jQ8ah7dDgpe48XXF8QZtCd/view?usp=share_link


I want to know this also I noticed this exact same thing today


Anyone else having an issue with the navigator? It won't show the map until I edit / resave the ext_config. For some reason it doesnt trigger automatically when the game loads. The android auto navigator works fine.


Hi. I have an issue, with 1.80 I can't see rain tyres on cars that apears corectly in 1.79 version. Is there any solution for that?


Hi, I have a problem with 1.80. I cant run shutoko? Any solution ?


Hello. Workshop not functioning in 1.80. "Cannot locate resource 'pages/workshop/workshopcontentmain.xaml" System.IO.IOException: Cannot locate resource 'pages/workshop/workshopcarbrandshorizonal.xaml'. at MS.Internal.AppModel.ResourcePart.GetStreamCore(FileMode mode, FileAccess access) at System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart.GetStream(FileMode mode, FileAccess access) at System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart.GetStream() at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Uri resourceLocator, Boolean bSkipJournaledProperties) at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Uri resourceLocator) at FirstFloor.ModernUI.Windows.DefaultContentLoader.d__0.MoveNext()


I am having an error on install where its saying " Error cannot install 2 things at once "


I am having the same problem. It says "Error cannot install 2 things at once"


Has the issue with Single Pass Stereo been fixed in this release? I'm using the reverb G2 and always had an issue with the tyre blister texture (noticeable on open-wheeler cars). The texture would appear in different places in each display. I found this quite off-putting since I only really use cars like the Lotus Exos and Tatuus FA01


Here's a video explaining the fix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrp0mxXMug4


hi, i have this problem since i updated to csp 1.80, i keep getting some random over sharpened pixels on body parts, usually reflections or the on edge of the respective body part, this didn't happen with the previous version, at least in my case. Is anyone experiencing this too? This is what I'm talking about csp 1.80: https://imgur.com/a/pAXDg7W csp 1.79: https://imgur.com/a/qSAig3S as you can see the 1.79 is crisp and clear


i have the same effect, and i'm already getting annoyed by it since i take lots of pictures and i have to blur the dots so they don't look so bad

Max Schrappe

Yes that is happening to me too, with 1.79 it was ok. I also wrote a comment about it some days ago also posting an image showing the problem in an image comparing the two versions.


I tried yesterday, and this is an amazing improvement ! For the first time I saw RAIN on AC! Thanks for the great work.


I was wondering how can one lower the volume of the Rain !? It is way louder then everything else... thx


1.80 his just amazing with 4k gameplay thnaks for the hard work!!


the in car right hand menu .... sol config page 12 sound , or pure config sound


Could anyone help me? Rain physics stopped working for me. It used to work but somehow it doesn't now. I have the car.ini files changed and the use experimental physics box ticked. Tried downgrading to a different CSP version but it didn't help either. I also have the payed version of CM. Do you have any ideas why it might be this way?


have u tried to reinstall content manager ? it worked for me, i had the same issue


How do you reinstall it? Just delete the file and unpack the exe file from rar? If yes, I did it and it did not help...


Loving latest CSP, but you know what I want more than anything else is dust being thrown up when you go off racing line! That would be amazing.


I haven't updated for a while, so I decided to catch up with this update. Now I have the old "everything is too dark in VR" bug again. Not cool.


my game lags alot when i installed this

Gustavo Alencar

Good night guys, can someone help me with the rain problem, version 1.80, it doesn't rain on the screen or on the track


Hi, did you activated rainfx in your custom shader patch settings and do you have the right CSP version ? if Yes then jump into a game and open Sol planner and make it rain, you can also try to use weather debug if that doesn't work. hope it help sorry if it doesn't


go back to a non preview version , then install the new preview 1.80


Hi everyone, is there a way to turn the water spray effects from cars driving in front of you down a notch? It looks great and even if it realistic it robs vision just too much and i would rather see a tad better than having it real.


dragging and dropping the file into content managers and pressing install produces an error which says 'can't install two things at once'. Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone know a fix


just unzip it and then drop it in assetto corsa dir


try install from a file instead worked for me


If you start CM Run Administrator it allows, but Im getting a crash after install