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First of all, I wanted to say, it’s truly horrible what’s happening in Ukraine and this damned war. Really hoping things would get better soon.

As always, it started with me working on fixes and then getting more and more ideas for some new things to try. So, in no particular order, some details about some of new features:

Skidmarks FX has been rewritten, now using a different method of managing bits of tracks. Adaptive length, smooth addition of a new element to ensure it would never get detached from a wheel, new better blending to make sure overlapping tracks wouldn’t look strange, four different types of tracks for offroad and blown tyres. Oh, and blown tyres got a new look too (and sparks got updated, now looking more simplistic and reasonable):

Also thanks to new way of handling tracks, you can choose to save them between sessions. And tracks in dirt use tyre normals so you can use it to figure out who lost control where. :D

Spectators now also use a different rendering method, should save some CPU time. With it, they can even cast shadows now, including dynamic shadows. And also, fixed spectators created with intersecting planes can be converted to nicer spectators with a track config. Here are comparison screenshots.

Smoke got an update, now it considers speed and direction of a car to blow smoke of wheels more accurately. And, hopefully, brightness issue should be fixed as well. As for other changes, WeatherFX default script got an update with improved lighting, and there are a bunch of new custom server options, and bales of hay are now flammable, but another thing I of course want to mention here is a lot of additions to Lua scripting! Added a lot to those for all sorts of occasions.

Firstly, online scripts got a lot more powerful. Now they can control cars, move them around, assign penalties (so if you want third offroad incident to result in drivethrough penalty, for example, now it’s possible), shut off engines, grab and move cameras. As another example, here is a GIF of a small script in action locking out controls when race starts and moving camera to a car, and turning engine back on once camera is in. Some sort of Le Mans type thing. Rolling starts, warm up laps, all of that can now be set up with simple scripts (which could be written once and then reused on different servers).

Apps also got a lot more things to mess with. Reload control settings live (here is an app which uses that so you can change FFB settings live), for example, or project textures onto other textures (here is the paintshop app). Or an app to configure real mirrors live.

If you remember that YouTube thing previously, now it got nicely wrapped into some sort of Android Auto recreation. Should already be available with BMW M4 or Porsche Panamera. It might have some useful things out of the box, like a navigator, radio or a timer app, but you can also add custom apps to it which would be available in all cars that use it. And to plug is just as simple as plugging navigators from earlier. Also, guess how you can take a screenshot in it

Another thing where scripts got is filters. Old VHS filter has been replaced with a thing where a Lua script can set its own shaders and render passes, like this oldschool filter. This way not only a filter can be more complex, but also can be dynamic and react to state of a race. Like Tunnel Vision filter blurring out edges when car speeds up.

And also, scripts now can be added to car physics to override its controls or change a few other things. Currently not very feature-rich thing, but it should be enough to create automatic gearboxes, launch controls, remap car inputs or add extra forces from some unusual sources.

Pause menu also got updated, although for now new look is disabled by default, just in case it wouldn’t work too well with some specific cases. Oh, and now you can use D-Pad to move a mouse, and any other button to act like a left mouse button, kind of how it works in Gran Turismo. From my testing it seems to be enough to navigate starting and pause menu, and even do some setup. 

As for rain, I fixed racing line: now it should work for both drying and wettening, although it still needs a lot of tweaking to get the numbers right. Also, AIs now can drive in wet without spinning out and change tyres to wet and dry with changes in conditions. They also need more work though: currently their reaction for hydroplanning is to use the brakes and that’s not the brightest idea. 

Here is the full list of changes with all the fixes. Thank you for your fantastic support! I’ll try my best to get the next update ready sooner.




anybody know the track in the first pic?


i have a question? where is the rain FX?


settings>custom shaders patch> left side menu towards the bottom

Daniel Vira

Why CONTROLLER SCRIPT isn't show in WEATHER FX, I installed SOL 2.2.9 and Lights Pack 0.1.78 p1

leri lomadze

guys its his rain patch?


Hey can you please read your DM I need a CM key


You can just buy a key for $5 and support the developers.


Is there any documentation for the new online scripting functionality?


Thanks man! 🙌

Callum McGurk

Holy crap, what an update. I can’t wait to play with it! Thankyou Ilja.


Formula car on dirt track? Sounds kind of fun




Hi Ilja, the new update is great!! Thank you so much. But one thing i cannot change it back is making the driver hidden. So before i did Assetto Corsa, System and checked Hidden Driver but now it still shows the Driver. Is there anyway i can hidden driver different way? Thank you so much :)


Great to see you, Ilja. Glad you are OK and thank you for the kind words about Ukraine. Great update and will check it out.

Rodrigo Mondaca

Thanks for your words at the begining and thanks for this update


Thanks for the update!! Some cars like the bmw 1M for example have distorted wiper geometry while in VR, on one of the eyes. Is it something related to CSP?


Super la mise a jour, toujours un problème au niveau du triple screen, les reflets de la voiture sont pas sur l’eau en triple screen, mais en single ça marche


Ilia. Your work is amazing . I love to enjoy your work and pay you for it. I will now have to stop supporting you . As soon as this conflict comes to a resolution I will return to pay you for the great work you do . I grew up in communist Romania ...it is incumbent upon all of us to do what is right . I am not telling you to go in the streets to get arrested but what i am telling you is we all bear responsibility. The leader of your country is a dictator . Always been always will. It is important you all stand up for what is right . Your brothers are dieing in Ukraine for no reason while killing their ukranian kin. I wish we could talk about silly video games ...but my neighbors are dying . Games will wait . Let's all stand up for what is right


CM stopped loading, instead of it the inscription-"The operation was not completed successfully, because the file contains a virus or a potentially unwanted program." This is the first time, it used to load perfectly.Who knows, tell me.By the way, Windows Defender is disabled, there is no antivirus.I replaced 1.78 with 1.76, the problem did not go away.......... The reason was not the CM, it was a Trojan that flew in from a cheat trainer.Everything is OK.




Thanks! Amazing update again Ilja!! any progress been made with trees?

Jacopo Di Giuli

Yes... TreesFX and RainFX is the most important things for me! <3 Thanks again Ilja for all your work!


I joined AC/CM/PATCH community only a month ago and discover your amazing work Ilja !!! big big fan & big big thanks !!! simply amazing




Is it possible to use lua scripts to set up qualifying as per F1 ?


How do I do youtube integration?


as a drifter i appreciate the update to smoke greatly. Something i may suggest is having a haze of smoke enter the cabin and linger around as well as having the smoke pour out of the cabin while you are drifting at high speeds, as this is what happens in real life, particularly if you're driving a pro spec car with a lot of power. If you watch formula drift you'll see what im talking about


First impression after a few laps... Awesome update. The new taa deliers a crystal clear image without any sort of aliasing. Brilliant! Also the new pause-menu is really great. The look and the options gives the game a real nextgen experience. Thank you! EDIT: have to revert a bit... fences seem to be a problem now. Looks low res with a bunch of aliasing... Any tips for that?


Great update, any chance we can get the updated VAO baker tool?


Is there any chance of online scripts working for offline races in the future too?


Hello Ilja, I also find it very terrible what is happening in Ukraine. I hope this stops soon. I like the new features. Upgrades assetto Corsa a bit. I now say yes to assetto Corsa 2.0. I still have a small request. Is it not possible to make the exhaust smoke dependent on the speed and the gear. Because with old turbo cars. It also smokes when shifting down or when shifting up. Is that possible And you can enter the tint and the transparency at glow exhaust pipe to adjust the factor. Greetings Christian


So after a few more laps I can confirm: fences and other transparent textures are a problem in the new build. They are looking like they have a black outline and flicker like hell. The best place to see it is Zandvoort... Looks quite ugly.


EDIT: got the display to fit nicely on a modded car's infotainment system , only issue is , I can click on the home button and it does it's little animation , but it doesn't take me back to home screen. FIXED: i fixed it by re mapping the UV in 3dsMAX. Made it much easier to position in game .


At this point, we might just play Assetto Corsa for the next 10 years! Vamos Ilja!!


Great work as usual! I do have some feedback too though, in VR at the very least, the new skidmarks are kind of glitchy, it appears that there is kind of a "film" over them - screenshots don't really show it that well, maybe I need to take some double eyes ones: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1832406432258342930/01F290B5FC7EEC9A61C58AC8314E8E979A3DA651/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1832406432258342601/1374755A99E4833A73AAE816F3C14F207A97FA4B/ I assume there is some issue with the camera offset due to VR that results in that effect. The other thing is, the new smoke appears to be moving alongside with head movement too (also VR)


It seems that user defined procedural rain threads (tyre normals) are no more working, only the default ones are working. Coming back to 0.1.77 fix it, so definetively something different in this version.


Great update, thanks. Hope the war will come to an end very soon. Peace to the world

Morten Eriksen

The new LUA apps. I installed the Photoshop app, but it does not show in the in-game menu. Do I need to activate it somehow?


game does not load with this version can you help me please?


PBR shaders no longer seem to work with this version. Went back to 1.76 and they work again


hey guys does anyone know how to bring up the new pit menu using a key bind? i know i can just go into the pit box and it’ll show up but that’s not a good idea during a race


Great update, Do you plan to improve the visual damage of the tires? I think they look very old fashioned, thank ofc. https://gyazo.com/249d4511fef14d021050c401e466c125


VHS filter doesn't seem to work, neither does tunnel vision.


The link to the full list of changes just shows version 1.77 by the way.


something is broken with the textures/shaders in VR with this update. Some of the textures are shimmering really badly. I'm seeing this in some of the cars (example TC Legends Mini Cooper S) as well as some textures on some of the tracks. In 2D everyting is fine, but in VR its really bad. Reverting to the 1.77 fixes it. I'm on Oculus, running the game through Oculus runtime.


Hello, I'm 吉良吉影. Why can't I contact you in telegram? I need your help about the Chinese version


I think is intended and just like previous versions. 0.1.7X P1 is the Patreon version of the public released 0.1.7(X-1), where the difference is RainFX.


with v0.1.78 p1, the game crashes constantly drive.google.com/file/d/1mtD7q2-OZ43geLd0DJzIetK5KqcVnTgu/view?usp=sharing


Hello! I have the same problem, the CM crashes instantly, "race cancelled". Never got this message with the previous versions. I'm using Peter's Pure, but with SOL, is the same...


I just did a quick test on the Zandvoort Wet track and it worked. I'll test on other tracks later. Thank you! CM version: 0.8.2393.39063


Everything looks good for me (VR Oculus), but tyres are all black, no texture

sim-racing-game- 2B

salut llja. enfin un nouveau Patch merci. Une petite question. Les flocons de neiges seront possible un jour dans CM ? autre chose... il y a beaucoup plus de maniaque aux USA...


с v0.1.78 p1 игра постоянно вылетает drive.google.com/file/d/1mtD7q2-OZ43geLd0DJzIetK5KqcVnTgu/view?usp=sharing I found some pattern - the game crashes if you move off the asphalt, on some tracks


Worked fine before but now suddenly starts to stutter couple seconds cpu 100% and pc restarts interesting


Nevermind, it was the DDS setting. Turned it off, and everything is fine again.


Илья ты просто монстер!!! Ты Корсу превратил во что то чему тупо ещё нет аналогов, и причём в одиночку, да такую работу штат целой студии не в состоянии сделать а если и делают то ждать такой конфеты приходиться годы. Вон вышла новая ГранТурисимо, и что.?! по сути те же яйца только в профиль, ни чего нового по большому счёту, та же игра с тем же геймплеем только графику подправили. Огромное человеческое спасибор тебе за твою нечеловеческую работу!

Edgar Daniel Lòpez Carbajal

Incredible Job! The youtube thing is crazy, I loved it a lot, I hope it will be implemented in many more cars. The other thing that I would very much like to see is that the "spray" left behind by the cars when racing in the wet be improved, I think it is very little that they raise, especially the formulas. Please <3.


Please man help me read your DM i Need CM key

Frawsty Bawlz

how did you get youtube to work? what cars have it enabled? been trying to figure it out since the last preview lol


that gamepad effects is a game changer bro

Edgar Daniel Lòpez Carbajal

@Frawsty Bawlz It's available with the Porshe Panamera and BMW M4, both kunos kars. Just run with these cars and it will be there


Loading details now shown in triple screen! Yes!


That's fantasic mod for AC,support you all times


Thank you for the updates as always. I noticed an issue thats pretty big for me as a filter dev: godrays are completely broken on 0.1.77 and 0.1.78 preview 1. by broken i mean they are not rendered at all. I assume the issue lies in the new filters you implemented as the vhs replacement.


i have installed the 1.78version,and used m4 or panamera of kunos,but it didnt show the youtube videos on the car screen


It seems VR doesn't work if you have the new pause menu enabled


CSP 1.78p flicker issue fix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBXbF0Ka9NU


ich hatte gedacht einen einmaligen zahlung von 1 USD zuzustimmen.Leider hab ich seit 4 Monaten 1 USD bezahl das finde ich ganz und gar nicht ok.


Can I edit what radio stations are in the radio app? If I can, then how?


bonjours, j'ai installé le lights patch 1.78 preview sauf que celui-ci ne s'affiche pas malgré avoir relancer le jeu.. et résultat je n'ai plus le 1.77 preview et donc plus le rain debug .. comment faire ?


hi are there some good rainfx servers in ac? i couldnt find one thats why im asking


How do I do Android integration ?


I have lost the 'snowy' winter weather effects. All the tracks are green in Jan and feb. The preset ones (Jan & Feb) I had winter effects on before are now green. I have tried changing the dates again. I tried reinstalling 0.1.77, didn't help, and then back to 0.1.78 but nothing works. Run out of ideas, can anyone help? Thanks.


"Use seasonal adjustments" option in WeatherFX under Miscellaneous! Had the same problem awhile ago


Ah thank you, that's it! I had considered that before but when I hovered over it it said 'only works with custom sun trajectory' so I didn't think it was relevant. Great to have the winter effects again. The Nordschleife at 10.25 in the middle of January is my favourite, love those lighting/windscreen effects. Thanks again!


Is it possible to script the Nav unit into other cars, if so how can this be done?


Awesome, thanks - the only issue is that there are no longer water spray effects - is there a setting I need to check? No matter how heavy I make it rain and for how long cars don't spray any water...


Hello, I have a bug with the smoke, it appears shifted and on my 3 screens in outside view... Is it a bug of the "New Smoke" in "FX Particles"...? Thank you in advance...


Any idea when snow will be fixed?


Snow or winter effects? If you've suddenly lost the white winter effects : "Use seasonal adjustments" option in WeatherFX under Miscellaneous.


How can I connect to spotify?


it worked perfectly but i clicked on another patch not on purpose and i cant reselect 1.78 and cant drag and drop it too ; it says cant install two things at once .


Amazing job tho !


Great job.... But does anyone have any info on shutting down the motors?. Apparently LUA applications are needed.


Thank you for the amazing work.


You are doing a good work! RainFX works and even i can install it with no problems! Thank You!


Any updates on TreeFX??


Man I can't wait for these new trees, they're needed so bad its the only thing really keeping the game looking its age. With 3d tree's it's probably gonna look better than AC2 lol

Edgar Daniel Lòpez Carbajal

Anybody knows how to change that youtube thing and put Twitch or another Web inside the car?


Hi Ilja, muchas gracias for another fine release!! One remark, though: When activating one of the following ExtraFX effects: - TAA - SSLR - ASSAO - light bounce (simple or SSGI) I get a GPU increase from +10°C. That Extra load I have not seen no any of the previous builds. If I switch them off, the GPU seems to work in the "normal" range (the temp range it has been working with any of the previous releases...) Is that somethink to check? Or should that be "normal" additional Power Rqmt on the GPU? Cheers


Nice work. Small issue I noticed though is there seems to be alot of flickering going with textures


Is it possible to added snow fx in future?

Zip Zap

Do you think you might be banned from Patreon for what's happening? OnlyFans have banned creators just for being Russian-born...

Grace Dylan

occasionally I get a an error "hi kai" in a little window?


Wow it is awesome with for example youtube implemented into the car 'satnav'. One issue though...I'm driving in VR and how can I control the virtual 'android auto' I have no idea where to aim the mouse pointer because its not rendered on the car screen. Its almost impossible to click on the right position.


i cant seem to get the android auto stuff to work any tips?


How do I setup the controller tweaks for live ffb change when I turn on the app from the side menu its just empty box.


can you please do something with SSLR, theres lots of people that have been waiting for a fix :/

Alex Cochrane

The smoke is *crazy* online, I run in a formula league, and the smoke triggers for small slides, light lock ups, or even just driving along normally, not sure if CSP is getting confused and triggering smoke when it shouldn't, but it's a major downgrade in appearance from last updates. You can see it very often during this stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pisoMCRxs8E

Sun Kin

The DDS Texture loading is way faster, it's a good addition, however i have to roll back to the previous patch as this release has awful anti aliasing on fences and barriers i can't get rid of, but i roll back and it's all silky butter smooth again..


Hello! Is it possible to add a feature to select the monitor assetto corsa starts up on? I dont want to make my second monitor my main.


correct, I noticed that also....but just untick dds loader, that did the trick.

Callum McGurk

Anyone know where I can add/remove radio stations for the Navigator?

Nicholas Bond

This version seems too upset the tyre data for the gravy garage cars


Hey Ilja, not sure you are reading this, but giving it a go. Since i installed 1.78 preview, in replays my car is blinking in external view, like it's turning transparant and back again. THis is only my car, not the other cars on track. Sounds are fading in and out too. When i disable CSP everything is back to normal. It's only blinking in replays, not when i'm actually driving on track. Any ideas?


run content manager in administrator and install manually from the top dropdown bar where they usually appear, use install from a file


The new pause menu worked during first few races with wheel buttons then now I have to use the mouse again. ANyway good update.


Can i please have access to the discord channel please?


Hi, thanks for your great work. I am having one small issue: I am using HP Reverb G2 for VR, and I have the "Fix sound in VR" option to attempt to get positional/spatial audio. However, the audio is just stereo and sounds exactly the same no matter whether I turn my head left or right. Have I missed something obvious? Thanks again.


Would like to report a bug. When running an AI race the track I tried it on was "summit point". At the end of the first lap all the AI went in to the pits. The first time this happened my car was in the pits, so I could see how the AI handle the rain. When I moved my car all other cars resumed the race. Then I tried to stay on the track. AI cars entered pits at the end of first lap again, then rejoined. Didn't have time to try other tracks. Great update!!


Why does the andriot auto does a screanshot when te brak and gas is presed ?


Where do I download the rain? I am new to Patreon <3


Hey, I know this is stupid, but the android auto feature is very difficult to use in vr, would it be possible to add some sort of cursor on the display, maybe in the settings, maybe it's there but I can't seem to find it.


My sol config app doesn’t show up


says 1.78 preview 1 is not available to install how do i fix it


can anyone help with this? just installed this newest CSP version and rain isnt working. Running SOL 2.2.1 in my CM content and my weather fx controller script is at SOLv2.2.1 along with my weather script.


Do i download this so i can have rain?


Dunno if you read, but i write the same 🙂 it seems there is a bug, after 0.1.75 (75 still ok) when you change something in a car extension, it loads correctly the extension if you dont change nothing in game, it's like loading partially. (car paint , it's like without shadows ecc) Dunno why 🙂

Sun Kin

yes indeedy.....and it will be the best rain in the world


Hi, i'm new patron and need your help. I install 0.1.78-preview for the rain. Rain on windscreen, puddles on surface, all works fine, but i don't have any spray ! Settings: Assetto Corsa / Video / generate smoke = max CSP / Particle FX / unabled "New smoke and dust" Whats wrong ?


when i try to download lights-patch-v0.1.78-preview1-full it says i cant download 2 things at once


i dont have the rain fx app and cant get rain to work i tried everything in almost every video on youtube can someone please help


just install a previous version of CSP and then upgrade to the new one. Make sure to restart CM after downgrading.


ive just had the same issue but somehow managed to fix it. 1. Make sure you have SOL 2.2.1 installed along with this newest CSP. 2. Go to weather FX in CSP and make sure that: controller script is set to SOL 2.0, ( Edit: Please make sure its set to 2.0 otherwise it wont work. Maybe different for you but thats how mine is ) and also make sure that weather script is set to SOL 2.2.1. 3. Go to CSPs Rain FX tab and uncheck it and open the game, reload the game and check the box. 4. Simply check the weather is set to SOL Rain or something like that to make sure its working. Also, might help to check this link out for further details. If you need any more help just reply to this and ill be sure to try fix whatever the issue is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

Fabien Honnore

hello i installed latest version of lightpatch on fab patreon and latest version of Sol 2.2 and when i clic on rain ine the game, i still don"t have rain but i can hear thunder ahah can someone help me ?


Patreon rewiews , are manually installed, not like the free versions in content manager. Look to the left, where it says currently active csp .


I just saw on Jimmy's channel https://youtu.be/rIm11cthgWU?t=570 how they did the rain in GT7. OMG :) CSP does rain drops so much better, it's light years ahead :)


what map did you use for the haybales? i wanna try it for myself


Is there any chance the windscreen wipers will be fixed?? They have been broken for a long time in VR showing weird doubling of it and when they move there is like a stretching doubling of them.

Sun Kin

Try enabling the Weather FX Debug app in CSP/Settings/GUI....pull the app up in game from the side bar and enable Rain Debug, see if that yields any results


I'm assuming that considering the situation in Russia that he no longer has access to the Internet in any meaningful way, so there likely won't be any updates unless he a) escapes Russia or b) the Iron curtain comes back down.


anyone face flickering light issue on track with this version?


Hi Ilya. I don’t know if you’re monitoring these chats, but are Patreon payments getting through to you?


Hey, I have a problem with WeatherFX Debug. Unfortunately, it does not show me the ability to edit the rain or puddle. What's the problem? Of course I'm using Sol 2.2.1.


hey im having an issue with the infotainment system were it outright just doesnt work or in some cars it just shows maps and a phone, when i clik on it it says no phone connected, could you help?


hey im new here how to install new csp ?


anybody who gets "cannot download 2 things at once" just needs to close CM and start it again and try installing again. It fixes that issue 99% of the time


This youtube thing in Navigator, I wonder if I can use it while in VR mode?


i cant get rain i have the mod but i dont understand how activate the rain


dwonload the latest version of CSP preview and choose the rain you want in content manager before going into a track, thats the way that works for me


1.7.8 installed SOL 2.2.2 I got raindrops but tracks are not wet and have no puddles...


Same but some maps the roads are green like literal color green


I read that you need to install Wet Mod to get puddles and such. They are part of the track, so Wet Mod essentially just has wet tracks with good reflections.


Why if i start a private server and me and me friend have this csp with Rain on the server we haven't got Rain? I flag Rain in the option on server manager but we don't see Rain and wet track, only black clouds and ligthnings




Add this with N replaced by number to your welcome message.


Yes please remember folks, you need to extract the .zip first and drag to folder into ac's root folder, and the dwrite file too. Mines working fine!


Hi i was wonderin i have rain drop but the track is not wet for some reason


i installed this but still dont have rain plzz help


SoL weather planner on the right side of the screen....


activate RainFX and WindsheldFX. in game on the right side in the panel menu open SoL Weather Planner. have fun...(y)


the visual effects work fine, but car performances are the same of a dry track, with a f1 i can take eau rouge flat out with heavy rain and slick tyres


do you have extended physics on? because after that ingame you get option for rain tyres


honestly i don't know where to look for this option in cm.


anche a me servirebbe.. ma qua nessuno risponde!!


I think the latest Content Manager update broke the exhaust flames and sparks


Lightning in thunderstorms appears to have stopped working as well. Is any one else having issues?


Sorry, this appears to be an issue with the pure PPF. Maybe a setting I'm missing or a bug

Daniel Astrologicals

Also having issues with Rain FX. All has stopped working all together?


what happened to the rain fx


how do i add rain to an online server?


My rain fx is also not working. I tried 1.80 or 1.79 as well and I had the same result.


atleast 3 times a day my game crashes trying to load in and gives me a shaders error how do i fix this