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Not a lot has changed since previous build, mostly various fixes. I’m really hoping that this build would be more stable now. But there are some new things too though.

First, I pretty much completely rewrote AI Flood (that thing for Track Mode which teleports cars around so there are always some cars nearby on large tracks). Now it shouldn’t break AIs, cars should spawn more stable and drive off faster. And it also supports two lane AI splines too now.

After doing some testing driving on two-lane layout of LAC and remembering how fun it was to take that Red Bull monster and try to overtake as many cars as possible, I thought to take a small detour and create a new racing mode for that. And for something else too, so I created a new module allowing to create new single-player modes with Lua scripts. At the moment whole thing is pretty experimental, let’s see if it’s of any use first, but later I’ll rework it so it would have proper CM integration in Quick Drive section as well as ability to define new modes on per-track level. And some API so those modes could control AIs, move objects around, affect weather conditions and so on. But currently they’re more on a level of original AC’s drifting mode.

Currently there are two modes which might be worth looking at, that overtake challenge working on any track with track day mode, and Driver Interview. Do you remember that old 1999 game? Now you can try that mission in AC! Just get the track here, car somewhere here, enable New Modes and Driver Interview in CSP settings and start a new practice session. (I would suggest to set time to night, turns out WeatherFX does have a problem with enclosed spaces, something to work on for later.)

Other changes now include adjustable HUD in VR, optional mip bias for tilted surfaces (to keep road textures sharp when looked at at an angle) and various small fixes. Also, I now integrated that loading profiler to runtime as well to record data for frames that took too long, it should help to detect possible stuttering issues. Already helped to smooth out that freeze on rain start, although more work might be needed there. Oh, and there is a new material for cubes of hay now, reusing fur shader in a new way.

Thank you so much for the amazing support! Next thing now is to work on protecting RainFX configs and working some more on its visuals to recreate that distant uneven haze/fog/spray effect, fixing AIs and trying to come up with a system which wouldn’t require to patch car data anymore.

By the way, the platform for competitive online racing we’ve been working on, RaceU, is close to its release now! We’re working on bringing some CSP features to it too. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, check it out. You can also join RaceU Discord server if you have any questions, suggestions or bugs to report.


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Como hacer no me patinen las ruedas con neumáticos de lluvia


Ohhhh myyy ilja !!! Driver Mission in ac.. awesome!


When will Rain Fx will have Online realtime Admin Control so it can be activated or deactivated during a session to make things more interesting on pit stop strategy and so?... I don't see any more work regarding this, and only things that not sure if they really matter.


Sweet, excited to see the HUD in VR!


Oh, of course, sorry, yeah. I’m starting to work on bringing dynamic conditions online


Awesome! Will it be possible to use the double precision physics online sometime soon?


yes! we need more structure to events and challenges. missions would be amazing! or a revamped career maker


It’s available now in both 0.1.74 and 0.1.75-preview1!

Morten Eriksen

Has anybody got issues using this version with VR?


amazing work! cant wait to see the full rain system implemented and stable


i am new in this world, i just have fun in small championship with friends using small race cars like yaris, fiat uno peugeot 106 and 205, but i have to say that your job is amazing mate! Really appreciated! atm i am moving into applying the rain effects in the car i use more and it is stunning!

Roberto Fornaro

Hello! Gotta say, awesome work! Can't wait to try it out tomorrow! Question: do you think it will be feasible to have the AI racing with the traffic mod? So that some cars are in slow traffic mode and some are racing?


Oh, sure, I’ll add something for that. I now can limit AIs to whatever speed we need, I use it for that shuffled behaviour option. I’ll add some other option which would make separation more clear. Also, maybe now it’s time to finally think about rolling starts 🤔


Since I've installed this version; my wheel and pedals + shifter sometimes drop out...

Andre Warringa

Hi :) I enabled the Overtake mode in 'New modes', what is the next step? I don't see any new modes in Single player or when I chose track day.. it's not entirely clear to me :-/


Is the new flames fixed?


thank Ilja for fixing the openVR issues - this works perfect in the headset now

Crash Sim Dummy

Great update as always, any plans to directly implement openxr for wmr users?


Hi there! I just wanted to get your thoughts on this annoying thing that keeps happening. It seems that CM takes a while to load the Patch VAO and Configs, so sometimes I cant start a race/ practice right away. Most of the time I manually go to the VAO and configs pages in CM to get the stuff to load quicker. Although, for the most part im still left waiting a minute or two for the stuff to load anyway. Is it something with my rig, or is this normal?


Loving all the recent updates! However, I was wondering if you might know of any reason why my screenshot format setting won't stay as PNG. It resets back to JPEG whenever I click on a different tab in CM. It has been doing this for some time now.

Jeroen Feelders

Some skins turn up weird since CSP0.1.74preview98. The 2019 WEC #83 (https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/wec-ferrari-am-pack.30196/) - white basecolor with black stripes shows up red instead of white. The culprit is CSP Settings > General Patch Settings > Optimizations: disable Cache AC data to speed up loading. This hasn't been solved yet.


Hi. No more droplets on the cars with this last update ?

Oscar granda

Good morning, is there a way to know which sun is more compatible, I have 2.1 and it seems that the sun shines a lot when the new ones take off, leaving the road very clear and inconducible


Rain on Camera has never worked in VR for me. Will it be implemented in future Versions?

Crash Sim Dummy

If you mean tracks are too bright use the ta option on last page of sol config app and reduce


thanks but still same problem as previous version. Starting 100m in the sky for long tracks. this happens only with PP 'off'. PP 'on' works fine. Shame for VR


I cannot see the puddles in the track, and idk why. Can anyone help me?


This is happening to me too, while connected to my own internet via ethernet, it tends to get stuck and just sit there for ages. But if I connect without ethernet, it tends to not hang on those things.

Sun Kin

for some reason the high beams won't stay on? i fight with the button to keep highbeam on, they keep swicthing to low automatically, if i force CSP to use highbeam by default it just reverses the behaviour and i'm fighting to keep low beam on, anyone else having these issues?


Nice updates, however crashes constantly with an auidoengine error and the benchmark is broken again with a car " " lod list is missing. Tried all the usual stuff, validating AC install via steam etc but the only thing that cures it is rolling back to 1.74 preview 3.


Nice job but wet surfaces is not working:/


how do i fix black sky?


Awesome! I know your getting very close to mastering these wet effects on the track etc, I can't wait for the day when the puddles on the track are responsive after you splash through with your tires! and flowing active drains on the track that take in rain flow! You are very close it just keeps getting better. We all nerd out over the little things and attention to detail! Thankyou keep it up!!


I am a first time user and I am more than satisfied! Now to go enjoy these wonder ful grapichc! :D Thanks again.


First, thank you for your effort and for your job satisfaction. Ilia, how do I create colors with AI in the rain? I already created the Rain Fx from my tracks, but the AI ​​cars are not controlled in the race. Is it necessary to edit in the car.ini file to work? Hugs from Brazil!


Excuse colors no, racing tks

G. Yam

I have the same problem. Even with older versions (but I haven't installed this version yet.) This bug is route dependent. Before you go crazy like me, try another route! For me it is for example LAC where the lights seem to always fail in the same places. It would be cool if someone could find a solution for that ....

Zip Zap

Is it possible to force the car to teleport to a certain point on the track? Like at a hotlap start, for example?


Having trouble with the last two updates where with certain mods on the replay the drivers' heads are floating several feet above each car. Didn't happen with Preview 33. Thanks!


Nice update, the new game mode idea is good. But i've tried it and it's more frustrating than enjoyable may be because it's an early version. The 80km limit is not compatible with many tracks. So it will terminate your race very quickly. Imho the game mode should be enjoyable with all tracks and the score should be based on overtake and avoidance ability with 1 or 2 direction traffic....By the way anyone knows a method to look through an helmet when driving open wheel cars and get the rain drop on it for real immersion? Thanks


Hi Ilja - thanks for your continued awesome work on Ac. I look forward to testing this. Can I ask as a direction of development - is it possible to have it so we can have a mix of AI cars and online live drivers on servers (a la pcars 2) that way , if you only have a couple of mates online, but want to run a full grid race, the AI could take up other slots - now that my friend - would be superb. Thanks in advance 👍🏼😉

G. Yam

I just tested it .. So this is the most stable and cleanest weather transition ever. (2060Super / Amd3600x / 16gb / Oculus Link). Nothing twitches absolutely smoothly now. Hallelujah 🍾. The only tiny little wish I would still have would be a very, very, very light rain, you know .... 😊 Really just drop by drop every few hundred meters. So that you never know if it will really start to rain or if it will stop right away. The light rain somehow starts too suddenly and too strong. Somehow it doesn't feel exactly analog.Thx you Great Patch Ilja!


try this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9L-Nk9dKgs


One question, I have a problem that cannot be detected, I have tried different configurations and no car is reflected on the asphalt in the rain, I have a triple monitor configuration. I no longer know what to touch so that the cars are reflected on the asphalt when it is raining. Thanks

Alex Zuotoski

Brilliant jod, Ilja! I can't wait to test it tonight at home. One thing before I forget. Do you have plans to work on snow like you did with rain? I mean visually, we can see the snow flakes in 3D? Thanks for you fantastic work! Cheers!


Thanks, just one question, what is adjustable HUD in VR?


Just tried the Driver mission.Anybody else has it, that even if you finish the list ,the counter would not stop and you always run out of time?


Another great update! Just have a question regarding the experimental physics option when driving in the rain. When a track is really wet, the AI slide off the road at corners (even when using Rain tyres). When the track is dry, the AI drives as it normally would when the experimental physics are turned off so I'm guessing that the experimental physics option reduces tyre grip on all tyres by a certain amount as well as reducing AI speed in wet conditions only. I am wondering if anyone knows where the config/script file is to modify the tyre grip as well as control the AI speed when the track is wet or perhaps just the file to edit Rain Tyres grip?

Rolf Biber

Sorry Ilja, saving setups in pits still doesn't work. Thank you for fixing that soon.


why some tracks say 5:06 AM?

Alex Zuotoski

Hi! Sorry to just ask for support... but it's been a few updates ago that I can't use the plus and minus numeric keyboard with photo app to zoom. It doesn't do anything (apparently), but when I minime the Photo App it zooms in/out the amount of times that I may have pressed the plus/minus keys. Or, I can minimize the Photo App and zoom as I wish, but then if I change the car light to be on/off all the time, when I minimize the app it reverts back the light to the how it was and I have to set it up again. Nothing too dificult to manage, but would be nice to have everything working as it used to be. Thanks!


Unfortunately he still has problems, in fact I'm here for this


Hi, keeps crashing constantly with audio noise in my headphones.

G. Yam

The Scale of the Hud. Big/Small/distance/high/width... Ect


Thanks for the new version. Still got the problem that some cars or parts of it looks like "chrome" when SSLR is activated. See here https://www.racedepartment.com/threads/ferrari-488-gt3-acc-chrome-bug-on-wheels-and-interior.202630/


I still have the problem that the grip level does not seem to change in the wet. I have checked all the appropriate boxes. Anyone (or Ilya) have an idea what the problem is?


The rain physics is a proper simulation of the tyre tread interacting with the water depth on the road, not just an arbitrary reduction in grip level. There is no config or script to simply edit the wet grip level or ai speed. AC ai probably just cannot deal with the aquaplaning when they drive on deep puddles of water.


Bloody legend... Thanks man


I have problems changing the tread of wet tires, solution?


Is it possible to force AI to use wet tires? They use Dry tires in Wet conditions and all just slide off the track at the first turn. Thanks.

Jeno Galatz

someone has the too much ambience, light ? how to solve ?


Also, I noticed that in VR, the monitor mirroring is now cropped and distorted. The left and right sides of the screen are cropped/ blurred. I had to revert back to the previous version to fix the issue. Is there a setting I can adjust in CM to fix it?


Hello, I need a small help: visually the rain and wet tyres work fine, but the physic is the same that dry condition, same feeling and same lap times. I activated this https://files.acstuff.ru/shared/xlCF/20210224-224852.png and this one https://files.acstuff.ru/shared/ydbY/20210224-224936.png. I find one thing: in wheather debub fx I don't have the rain debug, only FPS, Monitor Time, Clud Shadow, Clouds and wind and graphic options. What can I do to fix it? Thank you!

John Hoang

try to reinstall the lights-patch-v0.1.75-preview1-full.zip. It's not cropped and distorted after reinstall


This one feels like one of those milestone updates that really open new doors. Looking forward to what modes and features modders come up with. There's is an issue that has been with us for a few versions now: roads get wet even in tunnels and under overpasses. This has been an issue since ,0.1.73, 72 worked fine. Is this a known issue due to some underlying changes, or an actual bug?


Absolutely love it


Hello :) AI is not working in "Trackday" Mode. After downgrade to 0.1.74 it works perfect


The new ai actually drives off TOO fast, before it was a decent speed, but now you start a map and try to get out of pits but 5 cars slam into you with full force.


Is anyone else having problems with no rain sound, plus dynamic sound would be cool (e.g. different sounds for interior, exterior of cars)


AI is driving against Walls or stand still reving their engines for me :D is this a joke from him?




AI Headlights not working in this build...


try this mod;; JK_AccExtRain . from race department..


have you ticked . setting/csp/weather fx , force Ai headlights.?


By any chance, can we get the walk out thing with vr controller? That would be the greatest thing ever


Hi, if you don't mind do you get rain on camera (like falling on the helmet visor) with this build for for open wheel cars in sum cars without windshield. Mine don't have it and it's very immersion breaking.


can not install to content manager?


the proccers can not acces the file


hiya. rain only affects in right half side of the car. the left side is completely dry with no drops fx


The custom VR HUD Rendering settings are godlike, Ilja. Thank you sooooooo much for that!


When I turn motion blur off to get car refelction in the wet the game crashes, when I turn motion blur back on again it works fine is this a known bug?


Keep up the work my dude, you're doing a fantastic job.


hi guys I have a problem with a mod (my 155 DTM / ITCC 1996): when I enter the track with the car with the uncompressed "data" folder the car runs regularly, if with CM I compress the folder and create the file data.acd, the car does not advance and inoesoralbinte slides to the right at 90 °. All this happens only if the option "use extended physics" is activated. I've run some tests and it only happens with this mod. Some suggestions on the causes.


Hi guys and Ilja. CM and CSP are going better and better as always, you have all my support. My question is not very important but i'm looking for a trick about the scale of the cars in the custom showroom. In fact i think the cars are always too small in the major part of the scenerys of the differents showroom. When you are nearby the cars it's not obvious but when you move backward there is always a lack of scale for the model. It's often looks like a tiny toy. So i have not found a tool in the custom showroom menus to change the scale up of the car inside the scene ... Have you guys, a trick or any solution to this little problem for having more accurates screenshots ?? Thank's.


Hi, I don't know if this bug has been reported yet, but on some cars, the AI doesn't load the skins properly, and they all end up with a white car. I managed to reproduce it with the Porsche 996 GT3, the Corvette C6 Grand Sport and a bunch of other cars. I rolled back to 0.1.60 and everything works again. Edit: The skins work for me, the player, only the AI has that issue.


Hello all. In CSP Windscreen FX I clicked on Remove Dirt Completely to see what it would look like. I didn't like it so I clicked it off - but now my windows aren't dirty again? Does anyone know how to get that dirty look back ...and please don't say to drive for a while to get the windows dirty ;) Thanks for any help!

Jeroen Feelders

It seems Remove Dirt is buggy for some time now. Same as Shadows on windscreen. I'm even wondering WindscreenFX is working at all...


I am also having the white AI skins problem on Track Days exactly as described by EverlastingApex. I hope this is easy to fix as it is disconcerting to be on track with a lot of white Ferraris! EDIT: this problem is there with 1.74preview98. Preview 33 is fine.

Jeno Galatz

Some huge lightning issues , too bright , even the headlight at daytime you can see it. Also is there flames diddapeared from cars , just appearing when i change down from 4th to 1th and the engine blows up .


Not in my case. You have to check which cars do you use for the traffic. Decent mods should not have problems but yea some mods are not made with proper config or I dont know, so when these cars are used for traffic, it make the game crash


Hello, does anyone have vr and rtx 3070 or similar? who could please send me the csp config for me to test?


Thanks for all your hard work!

Jeroen Feelders

It's a bug: disable 'Cache AC data to speed up loading' in CSP settings > General Patch Settings > Optimizations.

Jeroen Feelders

It's a bug: disable 'Cache AC data to speed up loading' in CSP settings > General Patch Settings > Optimizations.


Really enjoyed the overtake mode! Its super fun and a real mood setter!


Hello http://drive.google.com/file/d/112t6BWuHVwD9ax0kV54D4A3jfZxQw3DD/view?usp=sharing i find triple screen car reflection cant work http://drive.google.com/file/d/11FWY2wfph3y0jHIfnH-p87Lc_ZxcvoSI/view?usp=sharing but set single screen 5760*1080 can reflection do i CSP set somthing wrong? I have HP ReverbG2 I found in vr car cant reflection in water too any one have same question?


I have the same problem, I think because of the EXTRA FX option that does not support triple screen. Looking for solution


As explained by Xavier in the post below, Extra FX are not supported on triple screen. I personally discussed the topic with Ilja in the past, and he explained me that "ExtraFx requires to render whole scene second time, so it would be six renders for triple screen mode instead of three": It's quite an expensive HW request. He told also he don't exclude to look into in the future, but at the moment I think it's quite down in his priorities.


hi guys, with the 1.75, 1.74 and 1.73 I have a problem with the weather fx, I cannot join servers, I have errors and I have tried everything and nothing works, it frustrates me so much 😖


I can't find the option to switch on/off the rain anymore


I don't understand if this rain fx can be link to sol 2.1 plane rain


i need some help here. evertime i try to load up a session it crashes and it says that csp cant find the shader: accCarCpuHeightGen_vs.fxo i tried uninstalling and reinstalling sol and that didnt help


sorry stupid question but how do i get raindrops on the windscreen and wipers to work`?


hi, in some tracks, for instance Mullholland drive , "Origin shift" feature is not working propperly (I then am not on the track when loading in , all i see are some blurry mountains). I hope this is the right place to report such a thing. kind regards,


choose sol > rain and go to patch settings and assign the wiper keybinds

G. Yam

Select Sol 2.1 on the weatherFx. And also look to the App. There is a new Sol Planer. You must activate it and then search Ingame for a new Menu.


Everything is working great except i have no rain spray on mine & the AI cars. I can't find a solution anywhere. Am i missing a specific setting or something i need for rain spray to work?


Same to me. After installing 1.75 no spray. Did you find any fix?




I have had to turn "Origin Shift" option off in Graphics Adjustments in order to get long tracks like LAC etc to work. Otherwise you can't see the car after loading and just see graphics as if you are driving above or below the road surface. I don't really know what Origin Shift does but it is no good for me.


I have been thinking this as well. Haven't found solution for this yet. Have you got any tips to adjust this?


Mate, thank you so much. Worked for me, didn't even realise i was also missing puddles.


Hi all, someone could tell me if the rain tires are part of version 0.1.75. A big thank you in advance


hi guys, is there a bug at SPA ? i see alot of red crosses + signs all over the track


Hello guys. I'm having some issues with the rain if anyone could think of something to fix it I'd really appreciate it. I don't get any water/puddles on the track/ground. I'm only getting that wet look(darker tone of road texture) but no water/reflections.


just a heads up read my comment about how to make it work


maybe car or track needs to be reloaded or no DLC for that mod ? hope helps.


Totally loss the rain spray effect. I tried all the suggestion posted without effect and even back to 1.73 version but without success.


Got the solution: it is needed to flag "New smoke and dust" into Setting - Custom Shader Patch - Particles FX. With the standard smoke it does not work meanwhile with the CSP one it looks very very good. Hope this help anyone has the same issue


i tried everything but i can't get wipers to work, can anyone help me?


Ok, so apparently the water/puddles on the road are available only for the kunos tracks, right? Or am I still missing something? I'm asking because I saw videos on yt with the mod working perfectly fine on mod tracks like the LA Canyons.


are you getting water and puddles on some tracks ?






SETTINGS / CSP / PARTICLES FX / Developer options - Draw track AO samples -OFF


una consulta. nadie sabe si alguna ves se va a crear un virtual safety car o un safety car manejado por la IA para jugar contra la maquina?


Does the rain affect how the car drives . It doesn’t really seem to affect the car that much for me


Hello - I've downloaded the new patch and I am not able to get the rain to work. Under WeatherFX I have as active. Also in RainFX I have it as active as well. Any help is much appreciated.


It can with experimental car physics enabled but its very wip and can break your online if enabled


when you are in car , move the mouse top right to get the menu, then look for weatherFXdebug / rain debug / then tick debug rain


Hello. I cant get the car to reflect on the road. I've got Simple Light Bounce enabled and most settings under ExtraFX enabled. It used to work before but not with this build. Any help?


Hey, getting a bug with Sol 2.1 where I am not getting any rain drops on the exterior of my cars. Its only showing on my windshield and the wipers work great.

Sun Kin

i thought that at first, but give it time for the puddles to build up

Sun Kin

There seems to be an alpha dominance issue with the rain fall and the spray coming off the back of the cars.....the rains alpha layer cuts right through the spray effect making it look odd, whereas the smoke/ mist effect should have dominance so that the rain falls behind the mist, and the mist occludes the rain......you can see the effect here.... https://youtu.be/eMbqp2gEJIo


anyone experimenting tyre swap not working ??even though it says hold shift to swap


With the newer previews online skins do load properly. Blues are green and whites are yellow on the other cars. If I go back to public 1.74 the skins are correct. I have disabled the new Caching feature (load times are halved) and this has no effect.


Windscreen FX "remove dirt completely" doesn't seem to be working after this patch.


have an issue. The Honda NSX GT3 conversion from ACC does not work with this version. I have to go back to 1.69 if I want to use this car, and it happens to be one of my favorites. Have you heard of this already, and do you have a fix or suggestion? Thank you, and amazing job. This is not a criticism of your work. I'm amazed at what you've accomplished. Thank you


rain works perfectly in solo, anyone knows how to enable it in servers? so I can play with my friend s >.<


Type this in the server description For testing, rain is active with intensity 100%.


Hey guys how do I get the rain to trickle down/over the car? Mine just stays static


hey so when i try load the csp version it say lua utilities missing. But i have the lua in extension file. Anyone know a fi


I'm getting blobs of rain on my "visor" even when inside the car. Is there any way to turn this off?


Okay... I just realised I was driving the Mazda Miata Cup, which is an open top... stop laughing...


Hello, how do I get rain handling to work?


Hello! wats obout AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution? is it posible?


Settings -> content manager -> drive -> allow to use patch cars data to activate extended physics. And then on the drive tab click "use extended physics"


I seem to be missing smoke on cars other than my own, is there a way to fix this? Or is it by design?


Hi, the option Windscreen FX Remove Dirt Completely doesnt work after this patch anymore.


No smoke on other cars, and Windsxreen fx - remove dirt does not work!


How should anyone know yet? It's not been released at all to the public...


Pretty unrelated to CSP builds but I heard the new Ninja Ripper version can rip encrypted KN5's and can easily get them game-ready. This caused a huge amount of mod creators to stop posting their mods because of this. Please if you can, try to create a stricter encryption program, I don't want to see a lot of amazing mods to go to waste!

Brandon Hurt

try installing an older version and move those out of the folder and reinstall current and put them back. I renamed the whole ac folder as I'm debugging a problem and put in the older version after I put this version on.


Agree. It's sad seeing so many good mods being delayed now because some people just can't respect the work of others.


You're the best dude!


hi! i have install all, but i I can't see the windshield wiper marks, the movement of drops in speed, or the water falling from the roofs. Let's see if you can help me configure it, thanks.


has anyone else noticed that the sparks look really crap now and are different colours on different cars... same with the exhaust flames...


What do you mean, exactly? I too think something changed in sparks. They are very round, soft, like little spherical light sources, reddish sometimes. I think they looked very sharp and were more like 1px wide yellow strings, that really looked like sparks. However, during racing I don't have the time to notice this. However, I wouldn't say they look crap either.


Hello, I just installed the new 0.1.75 Version but I just don't get any rain :( I can config everything and everything works but I just don't get any rain drops.. nothing :( what I'am doing wrong? I thought I tried everything in the past days/weeks :( Thanks for your help.


i still dont like the new "splashes" while driving in rain looks like white sparks, a smoke/fog effect like in the back of the car would be way better. Also did the Motion blur changed ? it looks totally off and in different directions while taking photos

Callum McGurk

I seem to be getting a lot of 'extra' sparks from cars, for example if you leave a load of 2018 911RSRs running around then after a while they give off sparks like their wheels have burst, but obviously they haven't. Off of bodywork too, but I guess that's intentional, but sometimes it's a bit over the top. Also for some reason some cars have stopped using anything other than AC stock skins - For example the 488 GT3 will only use stock AC skins and a select few others. Also if I leave a camera static at, for example, Le Mans, and the pack drives away from it, then all the skidmarks appear on the track and all the alpha channels on lights go black (for example the ferris wheel) and all manner of crazy stuff happens if you try to move the camera - an infinity mirror effect of various textures endlessly repeating as they move across the screen with the camera movement.


I found two bugs! 1. you cant switch camera's in the second spawned car with the walking mode. (I turned 'new AI behavior' off. Went to 'track day' mode and spawned myself a panamera and a GTR as second. I was able to get out of the panamera which' wipers were on. But when i got in the second car, 1. The wipers didnt work. and 2. i couldnt switch cameras! I really love the work it's so amazingly well done but i just thought i would mention this!


Perhaps there is a setting I missed... I have rain droplets on my windscreen even when I start the session in clear weather. How can I prevent this?


I feel the original sparks when first implemented look 100% better than current sparks. sparks veary from car to car but none are as good as originals.


Every time I drag the zipped folder into content manager it says "cannot install two things at once" when I hit install, I followed the guide on youtube what am I missing?


Just copy the content of the zip file in the root folder of AC, overwriting files. That's how I do it and never had any problems.


I can't do the walking feature. ( Doesn't work with vr that's why)


Hi guys, can someone help me with the lock to horizon effect... im only driving in VR, and i dont seem to feel so muc of this effect anymore.. before when driving Nordschleife i could really feel the elevations.. is there any seeting to adjust this??


Hey guys, i cant get the wet physics to work with this new V1.75... Is there anything specific i have to do for those wet physics to work? Any car works?


hey so i am trying to install it and it says cannot install two things at once yet i am just putting one file into cm?


i cant get exterior rain and wet track, can someone help me?


i'm having the same issue as Daniel..help


Hey, getting a bug with Sol 2.1 where I am not getting any rain drops on the exterior of my cars. Its only showing on my windshield and the wipers work great.


Just try to drag the content of the zip file into assettocorsa folder.


Just try to drag the content of the zip file into assettocorsa folder.


how do I get the rainfx to work hosting an online server?


with the last versine he crashed me several times forcing me to turn off the computer the error that gave the shader error 1.75


goto server , main/ extra options then ad this... [RAIN_PREVIEW] INTENSITY = 0.5 REQUIRED = 1


the spray of the rain behind cars seem to be missing in multiplayer am i missing something


From what I understand the rain effect only works on Kunos-tracks with Kunos-cars (so no mods).


hello why don't i see the lights of the headlights of the other cars at night


Does anyone know how can I get the "Wiper Sound" ?


It was removed in 1.75 so you can take it from an older preview. Watch Sir Pat youtube video on Sol and wet tyres, he explains it all


It takes like 5 minutes for drops to build up on the exterior of cars when raining.


hi, no news since May 8, that's a long time :(


Please help...my car change tyres rain...AI no tyres rain...solution ?


Thanks a lot for the effort that you have put in in this mod


I'm also interested in this aspect, and I'm sure it's being worked on.


Can you remove the automatic parking brake? Assetto Corsa automatically applies the parking brake when it comes to a full stop. So if I put neutral gear on the downhill, it doesn't roll down, and it's hard to start slowly and smoothly. This is just a suggestion.


just wow i have just got the reverb g2 and your patch my god this blows my mind. well done on your greatness you rule




can someone tell me why when i install the preview 0.1.75 it downgrades me to 0.1.73


Just drag it in to CM/Settings (the three bars)


Select install. After it installs don't select anything


hi, news version CM very bug in showroom :(


hi, in newest CM-version 0.8.2297.38573 in mode drive i can not select cars with drag and drop from my carlist to the preview-window. how to select cars now?


So far the latest update has been good but it seems on some maps like Nikko by noon there's snow on my friends map but mine shows just dirt and mud. He's on a older version. Also noticed most adc cars are mostly all white cars but their colors are different before I join the lobby. Other than that it's been great


I had this problem and it was driving me nuts, the solution is to go to WeatherFX settings and change the controller script to Sol 2.0 instead of 2.1


For those having issues with the car taking basically forever to appear wet, go to WeatherFX settings and change your Controller Script back to Sol 2.0 The issue seems to be caused by Sol's 2.1 Weather Controller Script


To quote Peter Boose (Sol Dev) on RD: "The car's wetness is very dependent to the RainFX "water" parameter. This controls the amount of puddles. If this is 1, the cars getting instantly "wet". BUT! With the development of rainFX's physics by Ilja and JPG_18, there was an advice to not go over 0.5 / 50% of water for the usual situation. Only for very catastrophic weather the value could be higher. With Sol 2.0 controller this is not updated. Only the Sol 2.1 controller has the recommended water amount. If water (puddles) is too high, the physics will react "realistic" on that and you will have a very slippery driving. So coming to an end with this: CSP needs to be updated to have the car's wettnes not be related to "water". That's why cars do not getting wet fast with Sol 2.1 controller script. With Sol 2.0 controller script, the water amount is much higher and so cars getting wet faster..."

seguin jean jacques

bonjour a tous j'utilise la version 1.75 depuis peux et je n'arrive pas a faire fonctionner les essuies glaces j'ai utilisé plusieurs voitures et circuits mais rien .Avez vous une solution merci.


sa depend si il fonctionne sur la voiture , sinon essaie alt + ton pave numerique ces un des chiffre


New flames wont work for me in the last CSP releases, also even with clear sunny sky my cars have water drops droping on the edges, any workaround?


I have the same thing, from what I've gathered it's a known bug to be fixed in the future


After I installed it I get like shiny graphics, like rFactor 2, its like the trees blinks. Any way to fix it? Also how can I fix the sun? I barely cant see when its in front of me, even if its cloudy or night lol. Something like this. Took this picture at night xD https://prnt.sc/16uxfcl


I installed this and the weather works but my steering wheel and clutch stopped working. I feel like I tried everything including even reinstalling assetto corsa completely. What do I do?


In open wheelers drops on the visor are like a ball not a Drop which is melted and goes away as it was in last update - do u know how to fix? Thanks


Particle fx new flames doesn't do anything for me :(


how do I get rain sounds?


is there ANY way to get more speed fel with VR? driving 300 feels like 140 in realtime... is there any adjustments like POV on screen?


That is incredible


It feels pretty realistic to me at 90fps on the reverb g2, not so much at 60


why is there the sound of the rain but I cant see it? I have everything updated


Thank you very much for this version. With CSP 0.1.75 and also with 0.1.74 the skins of the cars are not visible. They look white. Sorry for my English.


Hi Ilja, are you okay, haven't heard from you in a bit?


I have everything enabled and rain still doesnt show up, what should I do?


I've learnt throughout my life that expectations make your life harder, and actually cause high level of unneeded stress. It's so much easier not to expect and get more joy when things come.


Any chance you might experiment with AMD’s FSR?


Hey, it seems since v1.74 and now with 1.75, large tracks seem to be broken and doesnt start correctly. Issue is fixed when going down to 1.73


I think I may be having the same issue. Some tracks just don't want to load anymore and crash to Race Cancelled. I've reinstalled AC/CSP/Sol with this version and it still seems the same.


When trying to install this CM tells me I can't install 2 things at once... Any fixes? EDIT: I went in the assetto corsa folder and dropped them manually and its all good

Jeno Galatz

there is some bugs with this new csp , the rain drops appear inside the car in several things , huge brightness or what , also for headlight, anybody had notice ?

Callum McGurk

Have flames been changed lately? I see them occasionally starting in front of the car, and I tried to take some screenshots the other day and the flames were totally broken, they move as if the car was moving at full speed when using shutter speed to create motion blur.


i don' have sound when it rain and either if its thunderstorm mod can you help me ? ? ? (great mod btw)


Hey ! My wipers aren't doing any sound, any fix ? :0


Hi, what is changed that i have on visor of openwheelers only balls of Water - no realistic rain Drop on the visor as it was before? What to do in order to have ir back? Thanks

John Roberts

Two months and not one post? Please tell me that the next update is coming soon.


Hi, does anyone know is it normal that I don't have water spray in rain settings? i have no idea how can I have water spray at the back of the car while driving in rain...


A heads up to anyone on rift, using and upscale does not work correctly as the way the game works using Oculus basically takes the mirror image and puts that into headset, so when it downscales it breaks the render in headset, you can switch game to use steam vr or openvr and it'll work but the performance is worse using those so you are barely breaking even and end up with the artifacting, shame.


Hey, can anyone help me please. How to get reflection of the car on puddles and wet surface? I remember I had this problem before, but can't remember how I fixed it. Motion blur is off and SLR is turned on.


where do i get that parking lot map?


Rain is working great … potential for snow in the future?


from 60fps to 30fps with rain, heavy days, also the rain seem to look more like dirt than rain. even the rain trail as you drive looks like you driving rally in the rain with sol 2.1.3. the moment i use the old sol everything works normal and looks normal.


I installed the patch and now Content Manager won't let me start a race, I can start one through Assetto Corsa on steam but not content manager


OMG Driver! So nostalgic...