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As always, it took a bit longer than I hoped, but it’s not only the fixes, there are some new quality-of-life improvements as well. And, of course, a lot of fixes, since it’s going to be the next public update too.

Linear color space and default WeatherFX style updates

Of course, there were quite a few bugs with linear color space implementation, but now most of them should be fixed: that includes issues with nePBR shaders, lights range, rendering breaking on reloads, heating materials being broken and more. SSLR should also look a bit better with LCS on, although it might need more work still.

Default WeatherFX style got a few updates and fixes as well. Main change is new cloud layers for clouds up above. Also, there is now a small chance to see a falling star at night. Other than that, fog above (on tracks with tall buildings) and exposure in tunnels should be fixed and working properly now. Oh, and all the extra effects are optional now.


Getting closer and closer to a final version, now we’ve added surface type modifiers and rally tyres. A proper rally mode with a functional copilot is coming soon, but for now you can test current progress with these two cars: Toyota Yaris and a rally version of Kunos Celica (updated suspension and tyres). Most tracks should work out of the box, but to be sure simply open “data/surfaces.ini” and add “_EXT_SURFACE_TYPE=GRAVEL” to sections with gravel.

Please note, SurfacesFX is still a subject to change and is not yet available in public build, but it will be soon.


If you ever looked at Assetto Corsa and thought: “That’s cool and all, but why is there no music?,” I have some great news for you. The whole internet radio thing previously only available in Android Auto has been revisited. Instead, now CSP itself keeps track of the list of stations and manages playback, while other scripts can interact with it and control the state. This way, Android Auto app remains functional, but there is also a new Internet Radio app on the App Shelf seamlessly integrating with it, which is a lot more usable if you want to add your own stations or something. Not only that, the updated system uses API provided by radio.co and laut.fm to show some details for the currently playing track. And the list of stations has been updated as well, with dead ones removed and cool stations like badradio added.

Apps switcher

Sometimes even I’m losing open in-game windows, be it outside of view or just hidden in piles of other windows. Well, now it should be easier to find a missing window with the help of the new Ctrl+Tab shortcut, which works very similar to Alt+Tab in Windows (to keep things familiar), but also moves apps in the view (optional and can be disabled in taskbar settings). It might not be a huge change, but I think it might save some time (definitely saved me some time already).

Replays online

There is a new super-experimental option in General/Developer (at the bottom) allowing you to actually use instant replays right in online races (as long as the car has stopped moving). Not going to hide it, it’s a bit broken, some aspects of CSP weren’t designed for both simultaneous replay playback and recording (because, of course, this way AC should both replay things while continuing simulation and recording new stuff), but it seems to be mostly functional.

Rain FX

Turns out, for quite a long time there was this silly bug in rain physics where AI or remote cars driving far away from the main car in places the player hasn’t visited before would create areas without any puddles at all (which would then remain puddleless for the rest of the session). Recently, due to a change in some visual aspects, that zero got replaced with something like “pretty deep puddles”, so in some races you could see your car suddenly lose all grip in some cursed areas. Well, that one should be fixed now, sorry about that mishap. Apart from that, AIs should be wiser when changing tyres and no longer change tyres on the last lap.

Other notable changes

  • Shadows stabilization actually works now, shadows are a lot less shifty.

  • New AI Spline Editor app on the App Shelf for tweaking trajectories and sides.

  • Web Browser should perform better on Windows 11 with HAGS enabled.

  • New option to disable loading of interior and other redundant samples for remote cars that might help with performance and memory consumption.

  • WeatherFX got an option allowing conditions outside of their usual range.

Here is the full list of changes. Not a whole lot of new stuff, but now with the public v0.2.3 update and linear color space finished I hope I’ll be able to get back into adding new exciting visual features.

As always, thank you immensely for all the support! Here is a link for a quick update install.




Amazing work

Chris Woods

Just when you think CSP can't get any better, more excellent quality of life features arrive!

Flavio Cardoso

Edit: Sorry didn´t see the online install link. (My CM doesn´t like the zip file install at all. Never work. But the online install link works perfectly)


as always 4xfab surprising us! thanks for always making content for us!!


graphics are all messed up after installing

Flavio Cardoso

4xfab thanks! As feedback, the quit race button for the modern race menu is cut, only a tiny part can be seen. (The camera, continue, replay, quit menu race). It was ok with previous version. I dont know how to send you a print of the issue if it´s needed. (I know a tiny issue but i think may be correct)


This is true the ESC button shows only part of the menu and the C button doesn't work




100% relax lol it’s work in progress, want stable go public lmao


Amazing ! Thank you for your work !


Odometers work fine for me. Maybe stop driving bad mods?


i cant find the instant replay thing, is it in content manager or ingame?


100% I always had one bad car where that happens no matter what csp so not Illias fault also I think he might have Pure csp light for dash too high up so it’s blank


Car instruments tab in Content manager literally has features removed. Odo no longer hold existing stats km's done for cars. Total driven km's reset.

Andy Shinn

Any fix for black sky?

Gage Doherty

Keen to get back on this when I return from holidays.. keep up the great work man 😀

Adriano R.

Thats great, but would be amazing if the AI from this game goes 100% full throttle. I tried everything, Rare app... the AI is so dumb.

Alex Cochrane

Holy moly, that replay functionality is a *massive* boost for leagues that stream on AC. A few hotkeys to streamline the process would be monumental.


Hello, I'm having an issue with the screen saying I need a preview version for Linear Space. I have this version installed and it is still popping up. Any help?

Brandon Hurt

The removal of the exit in the new pause screen isn't good. Now instead of just exiting the game I must go back to the pits to exit, kinda cringe

Flavio Cardoso

If you see in the menu far right, there is a little piece of the exit button. If you click it, you exit the race. Its working until a proper fix.

Brandon Hurt

Ok Ill trust you, I just reinstalled the last version until the fix comes in


Same issue here with the EXIT button not appearing properly on screen.


Respect for feature removal. Okay. Why are you triggered ?

Joshua Layfield

You fixed every issue I had with this last one, for some reason I still wasn't getting rain no matter the CSP or settings or anything. Maybe coincidence but I doubt it, it looks incredible thanks fam.

Eduardo Ramírez

rain its not working for me, any suggestion? ):


Since the new colour processing method was introduced, all my PP filters look either too dark, too bright, and produce unnatural colouration. Any new PP filter suggestions?


Weird at home, everything works as it should with all my filters


Thank you for this update of the excellent work we have the impression of being in a new game the second layer of clouds, it's perfect the radio I didn't know but it's great to roll in music. Congratulations again for this update.

Callum McGurk

Odometers are still broken - they always reset to 0 with a new session. Tested with Kunos cars and known working mods


Funciona la lluvia?

Ethan Case

Also getting a black sky, running default weatherfx with replace YEBRIS enabled and no matter the filter or weather setting I try, default weather anything I still get a black sky 🙃

Ethan Case

Alright so I re installed manually and it apparently fixed, installing through CM broke it for me somehow


here it works the counter keeps the km after restarting the game to see another person's opinion

Vins Cenzo

Hi, "Exit" command has dissappear when I press ESC in game


Turn off LCS. Those filters are not compatible with it.


Hi ! I'd like to know if this latest version is compatible with VR? Thanks


thanks for all this work. just wondering when you loaded it up is it meant to say not available to install and in gray under available versions? it says currently active 0.2.4-preview and have all the extra settings so seems to be working fine! Thanks


Hi everybody If you want everything to work correctly, you must completely delete the "Extension" folder and the dwrite.dll in your Assetto Corsa root folder. Unzipped the latest Csp version and Copy and Paste manually the new “Extension” file and the new dwrite.dll in your Assetto Corsa root folder. Then in CM - Setting - Custom Shaders Patch, update: Cars configs Cars Texture Cars VAO Tracks config Tracks VAO Backgroud. Close CM Then install PURE 0.271 with install.bat as described by Peter Boese in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXcwlAqhItc Do not use CM to install PURE ! After that, everything works perfectly, rain, fog, and no dark sky. Remains the small problems like Exit and the various problems being resolved.

Callum McGurk

I've tried rolling back to 0.2.2 Preview 1 and this immediately fixed the odometers - it's a change from 0.2.3 onwards as all CSP versions from there to now don't work.

Adam m

Yes. To the left of that you'll see "Currently active: ...version: 0.2.4-preview1"


For me LCS only works if I have PP Filters enabled. If not enabled the picture is very dark and unplayable. This is true for both Pure and Default Weather options. On my system this means around 15fps drop with any PPF in, which is unfortunate.


I'll so that. Thanks! I guess we have to wait for PP filters to be created with LCS in mind?


hello. When I activate rain with Sol Planner. I always get green streets. I have to switch it off with csp debug. Is there a solution? thx & Greetings from Zurich


Do not use CM to install CSP? absolutely. Delete the extension folder?I advise against this. You will lose your configurations. I uninstall CSP in CM, close CM, and drag and drop the CSP zip file contents to the AC root folder, overwriting as requested. Never failed me once

Christian Domingo

I hope the Exit button during in-game will be fixed in next update as it's missing. Thank you for your hardwork.

André Barranco

Hi, Ilja. Great work as always! But 2 issues I found since updating: (1) the Pause Menu "Exit" button is barely visible and (2) when I "Look Behind", I see the track from a very high altitude. Dunno what's causing that.

Vins Cenzo

at the extrem right of this window you can see a little peace of window : it work if you click on it but it 's hard to see it


Effectively, you can lose some presets if you don't save them in CM, but I've been working like that for 2 years and no problem. Many presets are in My Documents/Assetto corsa or in App Data/AcTools Content Manager, not in the Extension folder. I even go so far as rename the Extension folder and the dwrite.dll with the number of the old version, to keep it and switch from one version to another until it is stable. And no worries


Cómo se instala con CM ? O hay que copiar el contenido dentro de la carpeta raíz ? Es necesario instalar el puré ???


Thanks for all your hard work ❤️

jay jones

RiZou71 can i ask probably a dumb question , why do we update Cars configs Cars Texture Cars VAO Tracks config Tracks VAO Background?


Hi, i have been having an issue and even with the latest csp i am having to use 2.0 becauase i get an error loading in ai splines and it completely freezes my pc to the point i have to restart it. please can you fix this.


Après j'ai essayer avec pure 0.271 mais je trouve mieux sans activer pure en laissant par default LCS


After reading all the reviews I'll say this... Yes, the "exit" button on the pause menu isn't easy to see and most people quickly assume it's not there but it's been cropped down to a skinny strip. The visuals don't feel the same at all after enabling LCS and I prefer the old feel or look imo.

Elliot Faggetter

Hi, I much prefer the newer UI so replace the really boring red one. Now when I go to exit my current session, the Exit button when paused is covered


Jay, In CM - Settings - Custom Shaders Patch - General Patch Setting - on the right you find "Clear Shaders cache when CSP version changes" enable So, all settings, Cars Configs - Textures - VAO, and Tracks Configs - Vao and Backgroud are deleted. So you must update them, except if you disable " Clear Shaders cache when CSP version changes" These parameters are found in the Extension folder of the new CSP.


Disable "draw grooves over track" in track adjustments settings, that fixed the camera issue for me.

Tyrese Sherrod

I still can't use LCs because of the same shader bug as the last version. The only thing it says is "Unfortunately, CSP couldn’t find one of its shaders, so Assetto Corsa has crashed. Most likely, it means that your CSP installation is damaged or not complete."


Instale la nueva versión de CSP 0.2.4 manualmente. Lo mismo para PURO. No es necesario instalar Pure, pero para el clima y muchas otras cosas es realmente genial.

Chris M

Everything works as should I don't have the missing exit button it's normal but I am having issues with my turbo buttons working then not working and I have to manually adjust in pits. Anyone else?

Krzysztof Piotrowicz

i really like this update, already seeing the linear colour space improvements and the rallying improvements. weather control, dont see a need to use Pure anymore with CSP

Hugo A

Not sure if others have mentioned it, but my game crashes if Linear Colour Space is on with helmet turned on, only in the cockpit view (not even the dash view, just the cockpit view). It doesn't crash if LCS is off, or helmet is turned off.

Tyrese Sherrod

I was just having that same problem, I would've never thought to turn off the helmet

Big Pun

Hi IIja im new to this but after some mucking around file wise i finally got the rain fx working ..............and its brilliant Thanks for your hard work ...Peace

Wolfskind exe

Awesome update. But i am not able to find out how to use online replay after i set the checkmark in csp general settings. probably me being stupid. anyone knows? edit: ye, me being stupid. it's the normal vanilla "replay" button in escape menu. Never thought about something that simple. mb^^

Jordan Fielding

is there a reason its telling me i need an updated csp version when i try to use this???


Strange, I had the same issue with some tracks where I would look back and my camera was way above the map. Couldn't figure out what was causing the issue until I disabled that option and the camera worked fine again.


Noob question. How do you disable LCS for current PP filters to work as expected? Or are there already PP filters available that are LCS compatible?

Krzysztof Piotrowicz

go to weather effects and select pure weather controller (if you have downloaded pure), then some of those pp filters will work again.

Krzysztof Piotrowicz

great work on the rally tires, will be great when co drivers are added. there is an old co-driver pace notes app, but its not very good.

Robert Taylor

The AI auto drive doesn’t work anymore on most tracks. Revert to 23 and it works fine by pressing C.

Nick Fadeev

it's "Ctrl + C" always was , come on, it was a clear bug with AI driver only binded on C key, and now people think it was expected behavior.

Jay T

yo i think u might got a bug in this light patch cause the game is crashiing for me to.

Maximilian Hartstock

hey Ilja, is there any way to fix that there is no crash audio in replays? Like hitting the wall or other cars makes no sound in replays somehow. Anyone else noticed that yet?

Witold Biliński

Hello, Is it possible to add an offline mode so that multiple people can play on one computer? For example, you enter several player names, each player takes turns completing, say, 5 laps, and at the end, there's a summary showing who had the best time?

Oscar granda

Hello, I would like to know how I can configure the surf for gravel, I have it like this, but I see that it does not have much effect, [SURFACE_0] KEY=GRAVEL FRICTION=0.90 DAMPING=0 WAV=gravel.wav WAV_PITCH=1.3 FF_EFFECT=0 DIRT_ADDITIVE=0.7 IS_VALID_TRACK=1 BLACK_FLAG_TIME=0 SIN_HEIGHT=0.01 SIN_LENGTH=1 IS_PITLANE=0 VIBRATION_GAIN=0.04 VIBRATION_LENGTH=0.05 _EXT_SURFACE_TYPE=GRAVEL I don't know if I have to select more things in the content manager. Thank you

Shranth Naik

do i update over exisiting files or clear old updates?? plz help


hi how can I adjust the opacity of the shadows? the button is no longer there and the shadows are too dark

Grace Dylan

Hey Ilja, with all the pre-1970 content from the likes of @HistoricSimStudios is there any chance you can allow for the date to be set to before 1970?


does anyone know why my neck fx does not work and my drivers hands are invisible with the preview? ive tried older versions

Nick Fadeev

You setting is fine, you can even use more simple settings [SURFACE_1] KEY=GRAVEL FRICTION=0.93 DAMPING=0 WAV=gravel.wav WAV_PITCH=0 FF_EFFECT=0 DIRT_ADDITIVE=1 IS_VALID_TRACK=1 BLACK_FLAG_TIME=0 SIN_HEIGHT=0.01 SIN_LENGTH=0.01 IS_PITLANE=0 VIBRATION_GAIN=0.02 VIBRATION_LENGTH=0.02 just make sure that you have surfacesFX and extended physics activated


Nice patch. sadly some light in the distance still pop up


Love the look of the linear color space, but the sparks produced by my cars are surrounded by black borders whenever I enable it.

Daniel Araya Sambucci

Hi! Someone knows how to join the Discord? In the $1 tier says that there's one, but when I linked my patreon with discord it only joined me on another server of other patreon suscription that I have :(


I have have a bug that is randomly crashing the pc. I have to manually shut it down and it is only happening with content manager. On the event log of windows there is something about the « ETW USB tracing » It is ,according to google, a problem with the oculus software but since it is only happening with csp and content manager I’m asking for help here.

Dewayne Patton

The sky is black when I use LCS.When I use Pure it says on the csreen that I need CSP 0.2.3p211 or latert.I'm using 0.2.4.Is the a fix for this?

Oscar granda

Thank you, I have tried several combinations and the 2 cars that are prepared for gravel. I see that the track seems like ice, before you could adjust the tread, so that it came out or not, DIRT_ADDITIVE=I used to use it for that, there is a parameter that is not set What are they for if you have to touch something more for gravel. I see that it lacks something more for it to be gravel, from my humble opinion, to be able to have some parameters to touch grip, dust that would be interesting for dirt circuits, FRICTION=0.90 like this Before it was used for asphalt, but I see that you go up it and the wheels don't make any noise.

Fernando Kaiser Saliba

Since version 2.3-preview 1, some apps have disappeared from the taskbar and do not appear on the dashboard. Is there any way to get these apps back on my Hud?

yawood W

There is still a black spot on the sun when the LCS AND TAA are both on.


this update broke my pause menu and i cant go into cockpit view

Teddie Macpherson marks

my sol planner won't work and i can't select "sol2.5" in my controller scripts and when it allows me to it still doesn't work help

Michael DiGuilmi

I'm having an issue where I can't use my mouse to click HUD apps while driving. I've tried messing with all the settings in the "controllers integration" section of "mode tweaks: VR" but noting seems to work

Michael DiGuilmi

To be specific, left clicking doesn't work. This seems to be a conflict between hand tracking and mouse clicking. I'm on Quest 3. If I turn hand tracking on in the controllers integration section, I can point with my mouse and then pinch my fingers to select UI, but I can't left click. However this is really finnicky and annoying. How do I disable hand tracking and enable left clicking all together?

Morten Eriksen

With lastest previews the raindrops on windscreen are a solid texture when using LCS- Is this a bug or a settings thing? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735562303595872337/1242043394859991100/Screenshot_vrc_pt_2024_ferrenzo_csp_heartland_motorsports_park_20-4-124-11-12-6.jpg?ex=664c668d&is=664b150d&hm=8acf2c8701cf93707128538b73c38e87deca13d063b1c7b36343ab33e7617894& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735562303595872337/1242043394050752674/Screenshot_vrc_erc_1999_fortix_csp_heartland_motorsports_park_20-4-124-11-13-54.jpg?ex=664c668d&is=664b150d&hm=f5f5f48dd5847ab939070abfdbeb3c5fdf6ffb8d4d75d7c5dbc55853b33d72ea& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735562303595872337/1242043393136398417/Screenshot_vrc_formula_na_2021_road_heartland_motorsports_park_20-4-124-11-6-25.jpg?ex=664c668c&is=664b150c&hm=b22fa64354f9b69dda75e985114eb87501e9385fe14dea86ae6b1843cc3e7fcc&

Troy Neavins

make sure the "Replace original CSP implementation with a custom script" is not active/unchecked... eye had this issue as well

Bob Jackson

what is the best pp filter for LCS?

John Hoang

just copy the dwrite.dll from 0.2.4 to your assetto corsa folder. Backup the current first /This fixed my black issue.

John Hoang

my VR refresh dropped to 60 FPS. It was 90 FPS. Is there a way to fix this?

Pradipta Sundhoro

NeckFX settings looks a lot different, how do you customize the values?

Rav Kan

Hey I have tried to get this rain working and it just refues to work, I installed sol and all the settings required and the rain just does not show up.

Max Schrappe

Lot's of bugs not fixed. Unfortunately. CM not saving changing, thus not applying the changes to the game. Need to do it manually in the .ini files. Applying the LCS in the CM weather tab and launching the game and it's crashing, receiving a message that the shaders are missing. Close CM open and relaunch and it goes. Also related to the LCS selected after the changes in the weather tab doesn't matter if the script model is on default it's necessary to reselect the controller in the race menu, otherwise it will crash too. AI REFUELING TO TOP FUEL INSTANTLY WHEN PITTING, NOT RESPECTING THE CAR PARAMETERS. 4 YEARS I'M POINTING TO THIS. Would really like to see that fixed because it's impossible to do offline races with refueling like this.

Marc Danzmann

Question about the radio app: Is there a similar file like the old stations.txt to add station manually?


rain just stoped working


ive tried everything possible all i can hear is rain and not see it help me please


Why was the number of settings under Smart Shadows drastically reduced? Primarily missing Shadow Opacity which helps somewhat combat the flickering in VR


Just wondering if you'd had the chance to take a look at the drone camera issues? There was some pretty bad shaking when using it a little while ago.

Adariuss Artz



not working for me, csp failed

Çağlar Arısoy

Hello. While driving in rain, even if I entered into a completely closed tunnel I still see rain pouring in my rearview mirror. Is there any way to fix it?

Matt Marantz

Thank you! But I have rain in my rear view mirror even on a sunny day. Are you aware of this problem?

Kaui Kustoms

i for some reason cant seem to get rain at all? i have all the updates, latest lights patch, sol 2.5, csp 2.3..

Kaui Kustoms

i can hear all the rain noises and droplets etc, just nothing shows on screen, even in a kunos car and track? any help pleasse

loukas zonas

also at content manager when i install light patch 0.2.4 previe1 it says not availiable to install ......why ? preview csp version where installed correctly

Moonsung Jung

is it just me im having problem with VR... game keeps getting darker everytime i restart.

Al Hitchin

Content Manager showing this version cannot be installed. Also having terrible luck with preview version 0.2.3 where upon loading a race it immediately cancels it when this version is used. I have no issues when I revert to an older non preview version


can someone tell me why when i have rain theres no spray from my tires?

Jonny Sev

Is there a hotfix for this version of CSP planned soon?


me too


but it was working a week ago

Uruguay OC

why Content Manager says 0.2.4 is not avaiable to install? i had 0.2.3 and can't install the new one...

Jonny Sev

Another added bug: In the cockpit view, if I look backwards I see the sky, not backwards (I don't know if I'm explaining correctly). Another thing, I downgraded to the previous version of CSP with rain (v0.2.3-prvw211) and I realize that it is a lower build version than the public one with the same version number 0.2.3. (build.2974 in the full version and build.3044 in the public one) and this generates a problem for me when trying to run with the latest LMH cars from RSS, which I bought yesterday, which require at least b.3044, for example. I didn't know about this until now and I don't know if it was always like this, the full version is an "inferior" version to the public version without rain. I hope you will give us a new version soon or at least some patch or hotfix to fix the many problems of this version. In the time I've been using the full versions of CSP this must be the version with the most bugs.


i have issues with AC 1.16.4 the game will not start

Tuner X Official

got something similar where game is always cancel ? for no reason i need to restart pc then it work i close the game i need to restart pc to start the game again ?


I think a hotfix for the Exit button bug is long overdue while we wait for some new version. I know that releasing hotfix has not been a thing so far, but things can change, right?

André Barranco

Just a quick question: is there a way to disable/hide the raindrops (not water spray) from being rendered on the rearview mirrors? https://www.reddit.com/r/assettocorsa/s/bpYxkd4OdP