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In case you missed it on social media - here is the link for Zerial! Donate what you can afford to get access to the episode. 

From what I'm hearing, doing this on mobile fucks it up so do it on a browser if you can. If you have any trouble, DM me a screencap of your donation receipt and I'll send you the drive link. 

Abolish Police


Zerial: A Legitimate True Crime Podcast

We worked really hard on this show, and we hope you enjoy it. To gain access, please donate to Reclaim The Block, an organization working to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. The suggested donation is $10, but you will still get the show if you donate less.



eyyyy I figured out how to get it to play #justiceforlaunch


Donate for a damn good cause and get a funny show yall its great


Holy fuck. You guys. This is the best shit ever 😍. Hilarious, well produced, it's such a fucking fun idea. What a treat to listen to. Please keep it going.

Fickle Harpy

As soon as I log into my computer for non-work related reasons, I am peeping this out!!


It's just one episode so far right?