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Hi folks,

Sorry for the delay.  Here's the finished version of the next episode.

This one will go up on the 21st and we'll be back to weekly releases after that.  For as long as I can maintain that / keep going before I inevitably need another break lol

The good news is - we're not far off halfway through the story.  We're over a third of the way.  In terms of chapters.

Also... I (somewhat narcissistically) sat and watched through these first 8 episodes myself last night and... turns out this story is a lot better than I previously felt it was.  It's coming together nicely.

I do struggle to put Knaak's writing into my own words.  More than I do with any of the other authors.  Butt... I feel better about this series than I did a few weeks back

Anywho - Thanks, as always, for your support.  Hope you enjoy this new episode.  And I'll see ya next week!


Fighting Dragons on Griffons -【Day of the Dragon Part 8】

Can Rhonin defeat deathwing by himself? (probably) Video edited by The Flying Buttress https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFg95TXR5dR13qGq6aC9ng Buy the book - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/100427.Day_of_the_Dragon -Social Media- https://twitter.com/hirumared https://www.facebook.com/Hirumaredx http://www.patreon.com/hirumaredx - #WoW #WorldofWarcraft #warcraft


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