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Hey folks,

Here it is.  Episode 1.  Sorry it's not an entire week early - it's not quite as straightforward as previous videos because, obviously, it's going up over on Hiru's channel so there's more steps involved.

This will likely go 'live' on Tuesday so... same as before.  That way I can get 3 episodes out this month.  Might go up later in the day than usual tho cos... (again)… Time zones and stuff.

But yeah - Hope you enjoy.  Thanks, as always, for your support.  And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post


That Time Rhonin Tried to Defeat Deathwing all by Himself -【Day of the Dragon Part 1】

Can Rhonin defeat deathwing by himself? (probably) Video edited by The Flying Buttress https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFg95TXR5dR13qGq6aC9ng Buy the book - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/100427.Day_of_the_Dragon -Social Media- https://twitter.com/hirumared https://www.facebook.com/Hirumaredx http://www.patreon.com/hirumaredx - #WoW #WorldofWarcraft #warcraft



Thanks Buttress! Really hope that these going up on Hirus channel is a great move for your content. Keep it up my dude.


I've never seen my name on YouTube before... it's empowering! I'll remember you all when I'm big!