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Hey peeps,

Happy New Year and stuff.

Time to get back to work I guess.  Here's the audio for Episodes 1 & 2 of the new series.  I can only embed one so part 2 is attached below.

There's another scene I need to record for the end of Part 2.  It's a bit of a weird conversation between Prestor and a Goblin called Kryll.  In the book, it feels a bit off.  The things they're saying don't really flow from one thing to the next.  My first attempt at making it feel more like an actual conversation didn't really work so I'm gonna have another bash at that.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to record that bit but I wanted to post something cos it's New Years Day.

But it basically consists of Kryll ending everything he says with stuff like "o Venomous One", "o Master of Duplicity", etc.  And Deathwing gets justifiably annoyed by that and tells him to stop talking like a wanker.  And then some other goblin arrives and informs them that someone is attempting to free Alexstrasza.

Also - Hiru obviously wants each episode to be at least 8 minutes long.  For YT reasons.  The first one will be once we've added a little intro from Hiru telling his audience what's going on.  The second episode should be over 8 minutes once that last scene is added. Plus there's also an extra 13 seconds gained from Patron credits / End Card.  lol.  I know that's a bit cheeky but still.  It's really difficult to gauge how long a video will be when writing the scripts.  And it's annoying when it comes up a little bit short because you can't just add 10 seconds of the beginning of the next chapter.  You kinda have to keep going until you reach a moment that feels like a good place to leave it.  Which could potentially add another like... 10+ hours of editing to your week.  lol.

But now it's just a waiting game.  Cos there's still no working updated version of WoW Model Viewer.  Can't actually make the video without that.  Hopefully, now that Xmas and New Year are out of the way... there will be a new build sooner rather than later and I can get started.  Just know that... if there's still no new build two weeks from now... that's probably when I'll start to freak the f*** out.

Cheers mates!


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