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Hi peeps,

There's two Early Access posts today; this is the second one.

Short and Sweet cos it's the epilogue which is only about 3 n' a half pages long.  But that's it.  End of an era.  lol

So... in terms of what's next:

No idea.  I've not officially settled on which book to do next yet.  I was considering War Crimes but there's some other candidates in the mix so I'll keep you posted on that.  Feel free to make some suggestions.

Felplague did make a good shout tho - there's a new short story about Wrathion that's just come out.  Makes absolute sense to adapt that but it all depends on whether I can actually figure out a good script.  I have tried, in the past, to adapt some of those short stories and struggled with it for some reason.  Can't quite figure out why.  But if I do manage to sort that out; that'll go up over on Hiru's channel rather than mine.  Hopefully I can do it and get it done before the end of the year.

Other than that... not sure there will be much else from me before 2023.  I should definitely take a little bit of time before jumping into another series.  Just for my own mental health.  Butt... who knows.  I might decide, in a week, that I'm bored and start bloody prepping a new series anyway.  I beat myself up about being 'lazy' if I'm not working on something.

Thanks, as always, for your support.  Tis very much appreciated.  Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to those of you that do that.  I'll definitely post something else before Christmas; I'm not just gonna disappear now for a month.  lol.  But yeah - Cheers mates!


Beyond the Dark Portal [Warcraft Novel by Aaron Rosenberg & Christie Golden] - Episode Twenty Seven



Another top production - many thanks FB. Enjoy whatever break your accursed character flaw allows you to take. Xmas Cheers mate :D

Flying Buttress

Thanks! I forgot to mention; SuperCut of this series should also be up fairly soon on Hiru's channel as well. Dunno exactly when but... soon.


I do look forward to the new chapters every week. Thank you for the content Buttress <3