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Hey peeps,

Here's next weeks video.

Tis basically the ending.  Although there's still a few more chapters.  

I might actually skip Chapter 28 tho - It's kinda incorrect anyway in terms of how the story has been expanded upon since the book came out.  Obviously we've learned since that Turalyon and Alleria were separated from the rest of the group because the rift was volatile or something.  Whereas in this book - they all teleport about five yards away from where they were and talk about how Draenor is their home now.  

So I think I'll leave their ending more ambiguous to sorta replicate how they were considered dead / gone for quite a while in the lore.

But I will do Chapter 27 and the epilogue.  Mainly cos Chapter 27 is one of the few occasions where Rexxar gets to actually do something.  And the epilogue is a nice little post-credit scene that leads into the Lich King stuff.  

But other than that - Series is basically done.  Which is nice.  Hopefully I'll narrowly avoid having a full-blown nervous breakdown now.   I will put the last two episodes up as soon as they're finished rather than drag it out for another two weeks.  Not sure exactly when they'll be done but... keep an eye out for more Early Access posts sooner rather than later.  Then I'll try and get the SuperCut rendered asap and sent off to Hiru & Fel so they can check it and, if all goes smoothly... should be up on Hiru's channel before Christmas.

Anywho - Thanks, as always, for your support.  And I'll see ya soon


Beyond the Dark Portal [Warcraft Novel by Aaron Rosenberg & Christie Golden] - Chapter Twenty Five


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