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Hey folks,

Here's next weeks' video for you.  Another shorter one (all in the Hellfire Citadel throne room again.  But the chapter after this one is fairly eventful so don't worry.

I'm falling behind again though.  In terms of my editing schedule.  Cos of how eventful the next episode is.  

In other news; I recently ordered all the main Tolkien books.  Hobbit, LotR and Silmarillion.  They've all arrived now so I'm gonna probably start with The Hobbit and gradually make my way through.  Probably take me quite a while because I can basically only read before bedtime.  And can usually only make it through a chapter or two before I pass out.  

Side note:  That's why I don't buy hardbacks anymore.  Cos of how many times I've dropped a book on my face.

I've never actually read any Tolkien before though.  Think I may have tried when I was much younger but I was too much of a dumbass.  But I'm interested in getting to know the lore of that world a bit better.  Who knows:  Maybe I'll suddenly decide the new Amazon show is actually shite and get really angry about it.  lol.

Anywho - Thanks, as always, for your support.  I'm holding off on this months 'Patron Podcast' cos I think I should do them at the end of the month instead of the beginning but I'll see ya next week in the next Early Access post.  Cheers mates!


Beyond the Dark Portal [Warcraft Novel by Aaron Rosenberg & Christie Golden] - Episode Sixteen


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