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Morning peeps,

Here's next weeks video.  Only 7 more videos to go!  

There's a bit in this one that amuses me a little bit.  I remember there being a part in Rise of the Horde where it makes a huge deal out of the Orcs using birds to communicate.  So when Orgrim starts mocking Perenolde for sending a bird in this chapter... I'm sat there like "mate... you uhhh... you use birds too.  Why you acting like this is weird?"

I guess that's the problem with having so many different authors write the books over the years.  People act like it would be easy to create this huge fantasy world and maintain perfect continuity through several decades.  But lets face it.  Even the MCU has glaring plot holes.  Star Wars canon was messy af before Disney wiped all the EU stuff from it.  And now they've made it messy themselves.  Hell... comics, in general, have major 'Multiverse' events every few years so they can retcon everything and tidy shit up. 

Thing with licensed properties is... you can give the writers creative freedom.  Or you can have perfect continuity where nothing ever really changes.  You can't have both.  It's not possible.  

Butt... In other news... Do you guys think maybe we should just lay down our arms and let the boogey-dragon do whatever the f*** it wants in the next expansion?  Cos it's almost guaranteed that the boogey-dragon is only really trying to save us from something much worse.  He or She will spend the next two years calling us 'Pitiful Bitches' or whatever but in the end... they were only trying to save us from something much worse.

Honestly... I'm almost completely apathetic towards current WoW story at this point.  It's not compelling.  Steve Danuser can sit there with his 'fedora-wearing-demeanor' and claim things that are just plain demonstrably untrue all he wants.  I don't believe him.  It's as simple as that.  

Hell - I've even realised recently... I was giving the guy credit for things he doesn't even do.  Like... when I watch Taliesin's cinematic analysis videos... he always points stuff out and i'll sit there and be like... "oh actually... that's cool.  I appreciate that".  But I've realised... the visual, artistic and musical composition of cinematics is f*** all to do with Steve Danuser!  

As an analogy:  I think Michael Giacchino has created a fantastic score for The Batman.  But I'm not gonna give him credit for how well lit the scenes were in the movie.  Cos he has f*** all to do with the cinematography. 

But anyway - rant over.  I'm genuinely not the sort of person to attack individuals usually.  But there has to come a point where we acknowledge that we can either be nice to this guy... excuse everything he does... and the story stays shit.  Or... accept that he's not very good at what he does and maybe someone else should be doing it.  The rest of us don't get to keep our jobs when we're consistently shit at them.  

Weird note to end on but whatevs lol.  Thanks, as always, for your support folks.  Tis very much appreciated.  And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post.  Cheers!


Tides of Darkness [Warcraft Novel by Aaron Rosenberg] - Chapter 15


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