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Hey peeps,

Weirdly short Chapter considering it's the penultimate one.  Although, saying that, I'm actually kinda glad it's shorter cos I've had extra time these past few days to finish two Hiru videos.  So that's cool.

I am in the process of writing the script for the final Chapter so I'm not sure how long that one's gonna be yet.  But after that, the plan is to get the Supercut of this series done... and then just get started on Illidan, i guess.  

I've played a bit more Alpha stuff (cos they added Ardenweald).  It kinda crashes before you can finish the zone though so... it's still a bit early to critique.  It's got a real Il Mheg vibe though (for anyone thats played FFXIV Shadowbringers) - there's like... little trickster faeries and stuff.

They've also fixed the issue in Bastion so I've played through that zone completely now - it gets kinda cool towards the end but I won't spoil it.  That being said... since it's only Alpha... the battles kinda look like they do in my videos... where there's like... 3 people on screen and it doesn't quite reach the epic heights you'd expect from a summer blockbuster or something.

I will replay Revendreth at some point... just to see if they've added / changed anything.  But I think i'll wait til we're closer to like... Beta testing.  By that point, it's usually closer to the finished product.  And theres not like... quest objectives floating in mid-air, random placeholder NPCs and objects that look really out of place.

And that's it.  Maldraxxus still isn't up for testing yet.  I have to admit... initially that was the zone I probably cared the least about but I'm starting to think it'll end up being one of the best.  

Thanks, as always, for your support.  Hope you enjoy this vid if you decide to watch it early.  And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post (Hopefully Sunday).



Warcraft [Arthas Rise of the Lich King] - Chapter Twenty Three.mp4


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