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Baby Jo's Decision 

Kate spent the rest of the day taking care of John, playing with him, and changing him whenever needed. That was until Jacob and Sarah returned. What followed was hours of them talking, but it was something John couldn't listen. They left him in his nursery again. Grown-ups are talking, is what they told him. And so he was left alone, wondering what they had to talk about. If they were talking about him, why wouldn't they allow him to be part of it? He didn't have to wait long to learn what they said. Kate changed him one last time before leaving, and as she changed his soaked diaper, she explained what they talked about. Basically, she was introduced to Jacob and the new status quo of their family. She had promised not to tell anyone about her father's new lifestyle or about her mother's new lover. She even volunteered to babysit John whenever possible. When she finished changing him, Kate simply kissed her father goodbye on the forehead and whispered in his ears, something John wasn't expecting.

"If you ever get tired of living with them. If they don't treat you well," she said, "You can come live with me. I'll take care of you."

John said nothing about her daughter's offer to her Daddy or Mommy. If he was honest with himself, there was no need to mention it. He was, if not happy, at least content with how things were going. That's what he thought before Sarah came a week later and sat next to his crib. He had just woken up, and his diaper was in need of a change, but the change didn't come. Instead, his wife, on paper, just looked at him with a mix of pity and love.

"Good morning, baby.”

"Morning, Mommy," he said without realizing it.

She smiled, "There's something we need to talk about."

Fear gripped John. Before he could ask what was it about, Sarah continued, "Jacob and I were talking a lot last night. I think you must already know there's no way I can ever see you as my husband anymore.”

Those words echoed in his regressed brain, but she was right. After everything that had happened, John was sure Sarah would never see him as a man again.

Sarah sighed deeply. “We understand your feelings, John. We know it must be hard, but it has to be done. I want the divorce.”

That was the part John wasn't expecting. "Divorce"? he asked, but his voice broke as he did.

She nodded, her eyes betrayed her with tears of her own as she continued, "I love him, John. I really do. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Jacob's a true man. He's gentle and protective and handsome and smart. And he's so good at everything you aren't."

John kept sobbing as he sucked his thumb, feeling more warm urine spreading around his already-soaked diaper. His brain disconnected from the present. Sarah's mouth kept moving, but he couldn't hear anything. He thought about his life before Jacob and how good it was. He thought about being a successful man long before diapers and blowjobs and Jacob turning him into his personal sissy bitch. But there was no going back. And if it wasn't obvious before, Sarah's petition for a divorce was a cruel reminder.

"What do you say?"

Her voice brought him back to reality.

"Wut?" he asked, still with his thumb on his mouth.

"You didn't hear anything. Did you?" She said, sighing, "Jacob wants to introduce me to his friends. And I want to tell mine. And we want to make our relationship official. Maybe even marry at some point.”

"But wut bout me?”

John whimpered like a small child. He was genuinely confused as to why all this seemed to revolve around Jacob rather than him - his needs, his pain, his very existence. He knew deep down that whatever decision they made wouldn't take his feelings into consideration, nor would it erase the humiliating memories of being reduced to a mere submissive baby. Still, he sought comfort in Sarah's presence, seeking assurance that despite everything, he mattered to her.

Sarah caressed his head tenderly, "You will be our baby. That's if you want to. But it wouldn't remain a secret anymore. It would be out in the open for everyone to see. Friends. Colleagues. Family. Everyone."

"But I don't want them to know!" he said, standing up for himself, removing his thumb from his mouth, "It's not fair! It's not fair!”

Sarah giggled, "Look at you. You can't even talk without sounding and looking like a toddler."

John was furious, "It's not my fault! It's yours and his! And you cannot make me anymore! I'm not letting anyone else see me like this."

"Then leave."

Her words cooled down the room, and John felt as if any sense of bravery had left his body. Sarah glared at him in a way she had not done before. "I'll let you out of the crib. You can put on your shoes and leave. I don't care what you do. We won't tell anyone. But you and I are over. And I ain't having you in the house as a man. Not again. You've failed at it. If you want to say, you are our baby. And as such, you don't get to choose who finds out about you."


"No buts. Just go," Sarah ordered, her tone cold and unforgiving. She lowered the crib rails. Suddenly, the immediacy of his decision hit him. But there wasn't really any other option. With wobbly legs, he stumbled off the crib with all the grace of a toddler. His full diaper pushed his legs apart, so walking was harder than usual. John turned to see his wife as he reached the doorway. His diaper was in desperate need of a change, and all the time he had spent crying whenever something upset him was paying off. He felt like wailing–just like a little child would. He had no barriers anymore.

And so he did, "Pwease. Don't makes me."

Sarah reached him, offering her arms, and he accepted the invitation in a heartbeat.

He pressed against her chest tightly, almost wanting to crawl inside her clothes to escape reality. "Pwease," he whispered through his tears, "Don't make me. Pwease. I... I be better. I pwomise. No wanna leave Mommy and Daddy.”

"You know what you have to do. And you can cry all you want, but I'm not changing my mind. It's gonna be our way or no way.”

John's bladder let go, as did his adulthood. As his diaper started to leak against his pink dress and thighs, the decision was made for him. He wasn't an adult anymore. He wasn't a man. There was no way he could deal with life by himself. Kate could take care of him, but that wouldn't change the fact he longed for his Daddy and Mommy.

"Good girl. Mommy's proud of you."

"Daddy's proud, too," Jacob's voice came from the doorway. He was standing there, handsome and dominant. His abs were on full display as he got closer to John and Sarah. "We're going to be a happy family."

John was still latching onto Sarah's ample bosom before he was carried away by Jacob. He placed him on the crib again, even though he just wanted to be hugged and kissed and held. His Daddy had other plans, though. Jacob grabbed Sarah, pulling her pants and panties down.

"Right here? In front of the baby?"

"Babies don't understand." He pushed Sarah against the crib so that she could be face-to-face with John. There was a second of anticipation between them as she smiled at her baby, and her baby smiled back at her. John's diaper was already full and leaking, but as soon as Jacob's manhood reached Sarah's sex, he started humping his pillow at the same rhythm as his Mommy and Daddy fucked. The crib trembled with every thrust of Jacob's powerful body and with every shake of Sarah's pleasure. Little John could do nothing but look and hump his leaky diaper as if his life depended on it. He didn't last long, and before Sarah and Jacob were done, his sticky mess exploded inside his soaked diapers.

The crib kept shaking as Jacob pounded Sarah, but to John, it was just like a rocking chair. And with every thrust, his eyelids got heavier until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. With his thumb in his mouth, he fell asleep as his Mommy and Daddy kept fucking right next to him.

When he opened his eyes again, he wasn't in his crib. He was in the master bedroom, which he had not been allowed in since that fateful night. His diaper was clean so far. He was wearing a onesie. And he was in between Daddy and Mommy, who were still sleeping. His teddy bear was right beside him, and his pacifier was stuck to his mouth. Grabbing his teddy bear tighter and sucking rhythmically on his pacifier, he smiled to himself, thinking that he had made the right choice. He closed his eyes again, allowing himself to enjoy the moment.



I doubt they told her about how mommy gets punished. But I'm sure that'll come up at some point lol. Good chapter.