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Hi Guys! 

Here's a commissioned caption for someone on Fet. It was very specific about an aunt and niece in the South and in first person. Not the best at first-person stuff, but I did my best. Remember, you can claim your monthly Commission Stories and Captions whenever you want. Or you can revive an old story or get me to focus on a story more. My Inbox's always open for you! 


The Summer I stayed with My Auntie

My name's Irene. This summer, I was forced to stay with my Mommy's sister because Mommy had to travel. She doesn't trust me to stay on my own. She says I would invite boys over and get pregnant. I tried to protest, but she was adamant. And so I was left with my aunt, Karen.

She is a bit older than my mom, with dark hair and nice skin for her age. But she's also a tyrant. At least, that's how I would describe her. On my very first night, she threw away my favorite skirt.

"It's not lady-like," she said, "You don't wanna be seen as a whore around here, Irene."

You see, I don't take no bullshit from anyone. That's how my Mommy raised me. But I let it slip. I was staying there all summer and didn't wanna 'cause trouble. And it would've been okay if she hadn't done what she did after. I was asked out by a boy when I went grocery shopping. He was cute. Tall and blonde and with a square jaw. He was a few years older than me.

My aunt did not like that. No. When I told her I was seeing him later that night, she went berserk. She pulled down my panties and spanked me so hard I swear I was about to cry. But I wasn't letting that bitch see me cry. No. No. As she spanked my perfect, round butt, I formed a plan. I wasn't taking her bullshit. She was going to learn manners one way or another.

All it took was a few diuretics and a lot of effort. At night, I  put them in her drink, and when she was sleeping, I sneaked into her room. A bowl of warm water did the trick. Don't underestimate it. The next morning, she woke up with a wet bed and a more agreeable attitude. She didn't fight with me nor say anything about the way I was dressed. That's when I decided to continue with it. Every night, I would do the same, and every morning, she would wake up with her bed wet. And she would be agreeable and nice. Shame is a powerful motivator. However, she still tried to prevent me from seeing Todd. That's when I took things to the next level.

We went out for food that weekend. And when she wasn't looking, I sneaked in some diuretics and laxatives–the kind Mommy would use to purge herself and lose weight. You should've been there. She wasn't even halfway through her burger when she started farting uncontrollably. She rushed to the bathroom, but I made sure they were closed. Right there, outside the lady's room, she peed and pooped herself like a toddler. She was crying so much.

I did what everyone would do in that situation. I recorded it and sent it to my Mommy, asking her if she was sure my aunt was big enough to take care of herself. Mommy was so mad at my aunt. She called her that night when we arrived home and made her cry. Of course, I continued with my plan. I was gonna be the big one for the summer and do as I pleased, and my aunt just needed a little push from me to achieve that.

"Auntie," I said, entering her room the next morning.

I didn't need to ask what happened. The smell was foul. She was crying in her bathroom when I found her. Her pajamas were soaked, and she had shited herself again. I didn't even need to use laxatives this time.

"Auntie," I said, mustering gentleness and concern, "I think we need to talk. But, maybe let's get you clean first."

She didn't react when I undressed her. Gotta be honest, guys. Her body was amazing for someone in her mid-forties. I took her to the shower, and I cleaned her good. She just blushed and giggled when I started rubbing the shit out of her crotch and crack. It wasn't a nice experience for me, but it was necessary. Though, I'm starting to suspect the reason my aunt never married is that she plays for the other team if you know what I mean.

When she was clean, and it took a while, I proceeded with the second part of my plan. Now that I had my auntie docile and having accidents constantly, I just needed the final push, and Todd helped me with it.

"What's that?" asked my Auntie when we reached her room.

"Well," I said, grabbing the thick adult diaper over the bed, "We cannot have you ruining your clothes or mattress. Can we?"

"No. No. I'm not wearing those!" She said, trying to get away. But I'm faster, and she was in too much of a shock to prevent what happened next. Let's just say she couldn't sit for a while and ended up begging for the diapers. After I broke her barriers, everything else fell right into place. Every day, I would bathe her, change her, and tuck her into bed. I even breastfed her. Nothing came out, but that wasn't the point. It was all about asserting my domination over her. And by the time it was over, she had no say in anything that happened in her life.

I won. Gotta go now. My Mommy's about to return, and the baby needs a change. I wonder what Mommy will say. If she ain't happy about it, I might give Auntie a twin-baby sister. Todd won't mind. His family has money, and he can provide for us. 

See you next time.



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