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Mother & Daughter

Araceli looked at her daughter.

She was eagerly eating the street burger she had bought for them. Ten dollars wasn't a big thing for them gringos, but for her, it was life-changing. Her daughter had not known the taste of nice food in a while, and knowing she could change that for good made Araceli consider the proposal of the crazy white lady who gave her the money. Porn? Porn? But with diapers. It just didn't sound good. She said not really porn. Nothing too sexual. Was there not going to be coitus? Was it just the diaper? Those crazy people from first-world countries were really into some weird stuff, weren't they?

"Are you okay, mom?" asked Maria.

She looked like a clone of her mother but in the body of a nineteen-year-old. Even malnutrition hadn't taken away her beauty, and it was her beauty they were counting on when they escaped Venezuela. But when they arrived, they realized no matter how pretty they were, there were hundreds upon hundreds of them. Most Peruvians hated them, too. There were no opportunities. Chileans hated them. Argentinians hated them. Brazilians hated them. They were banned from El Salvador. It seemed they could only go to America, but getting there was the problem.

Easy to go in, difficult to get there.

"Mom?" asked Maria again.

Araceli looked at her daughter and smiled, "Eat, honey.”

Maria did as told.

Mothers, especially those from Latin countries, would do anything for their kids. And if she wanted to call herself a real mother, she needed to step up. She couldn't let her daughter starve. And they needed a home. Somewhere to live. A thousand dollars was enough to rent an apartment for three months or more if they were smart about it. Maybe buy some cheap clothes. Eat properly for a while.

But the shame of what she needed to do prevented her from committing to that decision.

"Mom. That's it. Tell me what's going on," said Maria once more.

Her daughter had always been more bossy and dominant than herself. It had gotten her into trouble, especially in a culture that didn't allow that on women. But Maria was also smart, maybe not street smart, but smart nonetheless. Emotionally smart would be the right word.

"It's nothing, honey," she said, "I just got...a proposal."

"A proposal?”

Araceli nodded, "Yeah, a money-type proposal."

"A job?”

Araceli hesitated to share more with her daughter, but they were close. Best friends. There were no secrets between them, and that alone was the only reason they had survived so far. Together, they were stronger. They complemented each other. And her hesitation faded as she explained what had happened earlier that day.

"Diapers? Porn? You aren't thinking about doing this. Are you?" asked Maria.

Araceli nodded, "It's a lot of money. We could find a place to live." She looked around. They were sitting in a dark park, hoping no one would force them out until the morning.

"But it's no different than having sex for money! No. You won't do it. I forbid it.”

"I'm the mother.”

"Yes, but I'm the one that takes care of us.”

"Enough," said Araceli, putting her foot down for the very first time in her life, "I'm the adult here. You're only nineteen. I decide what we do, and if I decide I'm taking the offer, I will. No discussion."

There was a moment of awkward silence between the two. Araceli tried to look away, giving her daughter some sense of space. Though, they dared not to get too far away from each other at night.

"If I had a room, I'd rush there and stomp the door," said Maria, and Araceli chuckled, and she did, too, "When do you have to do it?"


In her hotel, Lena had everything ready. She had bought diapers she was sure would fit Araceli. They had different bodies, and hers wouldn’t actually cut it for what she intended.

She also got more baby powder and baby wipes for diaper changes. Her camera was already set up. And she had the cash ready. She even ordered food and alcohol. Perhaps it would help break the ice. But in reality, she just wanted Araceli to soak the diaper until it leaked. That would make for good content, for sure. 

And now she waited. It would be her first time as someone's caregiver. The idea itself was exhilarating, enough to create a sense of warmth between her crotch. Knowing Araceli was vanilla and, like most people in the region, was probably conservative, made the entire idea even more exciting. Controlling someone twice her age was something she had never expected, but it was a welcomed change.

While she waited, she thought, why not? Her finger found their way to her wet pussy, caressing it slowly and carefully at first, thinking about the mature woman who she would soon put back in diapers. Lena was never meant to be the baby. She had always craved to be in charge. And now she was close to it, and as the thought came to her mind, she reached the best climax she had had in ages.

Her heart was beating fast, and she was sweating slightly, and she was naked on top of the bed.

It was going to be an interesting experience, that was for sure.

She smiled and kept waiting.


Araceli didn't know what to say or how to act. Everyone in the hotel looked at her as if she had some sort of disease. The disease of being homeless was too much for their sensibilities, perhaps, but it was still a difficult walk. She kept telling herself it was for her daughter. But she had to admit that it was mostly for her. She wanted a better life. A different life. Her daughter didn’t mind. She didn’t lose everything when communism destroyed their country. She was born in poverty already, and it’s easier to live knowing you haven’t lost anything than it is to accept that what you had is gone.

She sighed as she found her way around the hotel hallways and stairs. She dared not take the elevator. Her smell alone would make it unpleasant for everyone, so she took the long route to the penthouse floor, where the security guard told her Lena would be waiting.

The outside of the hotel was luxurious and elegant, but inside, it was like something out of her imagination. If this was how people lived in countries with decent economies, was it better somewhere else? America, perhaps, was as good as her acquaintances had told her.

She walked down the aisles and through, looking for the room where she would earn money enough to change her daughter’s life for good. If only it didn’t mean dishonoring herself. If only she didn’t have to submit to others’ demands to survive. She cursed her luck as the thought of being diapered again by someone much younger than her rushed through her brain.

Would it be that bad?

She had no time to answer herself as she reached Lena’s room.

Hesitant, she knocked, and within a few seconds, the door opened. She took a deep breath and stepped in.



I can't wait to see what happens next. Especially how things go between her and her daughter lol