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Chapter 4

John’s Decision

John looked away as his wife removed his full diaper. The look of disgust on her face, when she opened the padding to reveal his own mess, was priceless. If John had not been so humiliated because of it, he would’ve enjoyed seeing Sarah having to deal with such a task. And deal with it she did. Masterfully, he might’ve add. After all, she had been the one changing their kids diapers.

She said nothing as she cleaned his mess, and he said nothing as he sucked on his thumb the way his new Daddy had instructed. For a moment, their eyes met, and he could see inside her more love than he had received for years. It was as if she didn’t care she was changing his disgusting messy diaper. It was as if he was truly just a baby in her eyes, and it hurt him. She would probably never see him as a man or a husband. His life was over. Even if he left her and Jacob, what would he actually get? A life of ridicule, knowing they would tell every single person they knew.

“All ready,” said Sarah, taping a fresh new diaper around John’s crotch, “You’re a clean man again. I mean, baby.”

He looked away.

“You know, Jacob told me he liked you too. If you behave, he’ll treat you well. You won’t have to leave. And we’ll take care of you.”

“But what about my life? What about the kids? My job? Our friends?”

“They don’t need to find out. No one needs to find out, as long as you accept being our baby and you stop complaining. You must know it already, but this is so much better than fighting all the time. You enjoy it. I enjoy it.”

“I don’t enjoy it!”

“So you didn’t just cum in your messy diaper while sucking Jacob’s cock? You can pretend, but I just changed you. You might not produce a lot of sperm, but the traces were there. I know you did.”

John blushed again.

But before he could answer, the door to the room opened, and Jacob walked in, still displaying his massive manhood.

“Good, you finished. Let’s get back to the room,” he said, grabbing Sarah’s naked butt, “I’m ready for you again.”

John was shocked. His tiny penis couldn’t grasp getting another erection for a while, and here was Jacob, ready for more sex after summing not even fifteen minutes before.

“I thought you wanted to lay down the rules for little John here. Sorry, baby Joan.”

“It would be a waste of my time if he decides to leave,” said Jacob, now looking deep into John’s eyes, making the more mature man shake, “When we return, if you’re still here, you’ll live under my rules.”

He grabbed Sarah, carrying her with such ease she giggled like a schoolgirl because of it. “See you, baby Jo,” said Sarah as Jacob took her from the room and into the hall.

John was alone, lying on the bed in nothing but his diaper. And he had a decision to make. If he left, he could try and regain some dignity. But everyone would know his shame, including his kids. He was about to be a grandfather for Christ’s sake. He was a successful, intellectual, charming man. Man. That word seemed like a joke now, after being stripped away from almost every ounce of his manhood that morning. A real man wouldn’t have peed himself. A real man wouldn’t have allowed himself to be put back in diapers or beg to be treated like a baby girl. A real man wouldn’t have sucked another man’s dick and cum while doing so. Was he a real man? That question tormented him for the next few hours. To the point he didn’t even realized it had been few hours since he was left alone. His body reminded him of that, as the pressure in his bladder started to mount.

And the door to the room opened again.

“I see you’re still here,” said Jacob, still walking around the house naked, like a true Norse god, "You know what that means, don't you?”

John froze for a second, but nodded.

“Is he still here?” He heard Sarah’s voice echoing through the hall and into the room. Her voice sounded happy, tired, but pleased. Though, that was a given. Jacob must’ve probably rocked her world for two hours straight.

“He is,” said Jacob, his husky voice, masculine and dark, echoed through the house, “I've never seen a man ask to be treated like a baby girl. But you must admit,” Jacob paused, getting closer to John, "It feels natural, doesn't it? You were never really that much of a man. And for what Sarah tells me, she won't miss you as her husband.”

John said nothing at first.

His heart raced as if he had been running for hours. Cold sweat and shaky hands as he tried to stand, but Jacob forced him down again. John was kneeling right in front of Jacob’s manhood once more, and he could smell the scent of his wife’s sex emanating from it. Here he was, diapered and kneeling and about to say the words that would change his entire life forever.

“Well, say it,” said Jacob, towering over him, “Ask to be my baby girl. Ask to stop being a man. I promise I’ll take care of you. That’s what men do. They provide, and they protect, and I’ll do that for the both of you. I'll do what you could never do. I'll please your wife. I'll spend your money. I'll even meet your kids.”

John gulped and opened his mouth, “I wants to be your baby gwil, Daddy.”

He turned crimson as he said those words, and just as he finished, his bladder let go, and he soaked his diaper for the second time that day.

“Kiss your pacifier,” said Jacob, getting his tremendous manhood close to John’s lips. Even when not erected, his cock was bigger than John’s fully erected dick. If it was a matter of size, Jacob was indeed the man of the house.

No hesitation in him anymore, John closed his eyes and did as told. For a second, the taste of his own wife invaded his lips and tongue. But then Jacob moved back, removing his penis from John's lips. He grabbed the older man by the arms, pulling him up until they were both standing. Jacob sat on the bed, pushing John on his tummy and onto his lap. His wet diaper was pulled down, leaving John’s big buttocks and tiny balls on full display.

“Why, Daddy?” Asked John in fear, "I did nothing."

“So that you learn your place. This will be our new routine. Every morning, I will spank you. And you'll learn to like it.”

And it started.

The impact made John shake in pain as he fought back tears. A second smack hit his round butt cheeks, and then a third, and then a fourth, until he was nothing but a crying mess.

Jacob stopped after the tenth, but he let John stay on his lap, crying like a toddler. The younger man caressed John’s balls and butthole. And John felt the warmth of Jacob’s lips against his red butt cheeks, a kiss on each side, and then he was sealed again in his padded prison. The gentleness of the touch contrasted with the ravaging spanking he had been given, and yet, there was something inside John that longed to submit to the handsome man who had ended his manhood and adulthood.

“You did good,” said Jacob, sitting John on his lap so they were eye to eye, “Really good, baby girl.”

John was still crying, but somehow, Jacob’s words of encouragement made it better. And then the younger man kissed John’s forehead, and John stopped crying. He was smiling; even if he didn’t want to, Jacob's lips then found his, and the young man's tongue penetrated his mouth. John wanted to moan, but his new Daddy was in total control. At that moment, John knew his life as a straight man was truly over. Even if he chose to stop being treated like a baby girl, he would never stop wanting it. And the kids only stopped when John felt Jacob's massive manhood awakening again. Even for a nineteen-year-old, Jacob was incredibly sexual, capable of going on and on without exhaustion.

"Do you like this?" asked Jacob.

John nodded.

"You'll get more as long as you obey," said Jacob, standing up with John in his arms. Again, as if he was a father carrying a child. John latched onto his new Daddy's shoulders, scared he would fall over. "Don't worry. Daddy has got you. You'll be safe as long as you're with me."

For a second, John imagined himself as a little baby surrounded by adults. His friends and colleagues, and children, all of them looking at him and accepting him. His new Daddy and Mommy explained what had happened, and people treated John as if he wasn't a freak. He closed his eyes, allowing his Daddy to carry him around the house, and his thumb met his mouth, and then he was sleeping again.

Chapter 5

Sarah Gets Punished

The first week as Jacob and Sarah's new baby girl was full of incidents for John. Not only did he have to get used to doing everything in his diaper, including messes, but he also had to get used to staying in those messes until either Mommy or Daddy decided it was time to change the baby. For John, the feeling of a wet diaper was intoxicating at first, but after an hour or so, it became uncomfortable, almost unbearable. Messy diapers, on the other hand, became unbearable after a few minutes. True, he liked the initial feeling, but having to sit on them for longer than ten minutes was something he considered a punishment.

Messy and wet diapers weren't the only thing he had to get used to.

In an effort to make his new lifestyle more real, Daddy had redone their guest room into the perfect nursery for his sissy baby girl. The walls were painted a pastel pink with little stars all over the ceiling that illuminated during the night. It took some time to get used to sleeping with them, but John managed to do so after a few weeks. The crib took longer, though. John passed from sleeping with his wife in their Tempur-pedic king-size bed to sleeping in a crib just high enough for him and his many stuffed animals. Daddy and Mommy would put him in the crib three times a day for naps and all night, making it the place he spent the most time in.

The second place he spent the most time in was in his playpen. Or, as he called it, baby jail, where Mommy would put him in while she cleaned the house. It was a daily thing. Meanwhile, Daddy would be in college, being the jock superstar everybody knew.

Other changes weren't that difficult to adjust to.

Jacob would spank him every morning. It was painful at first, but he started longing for those moments alone with his new and handsome Daddy. Jacob would caress him, kiss him, and on some occasions when Sarah was indisposed, fucked him until he was leaking cum out of his ass. He would then be sealed back in a diaper, and Jacob would rock him in his arms until it was time for his first nap. The feeling of Jacob's massive manhood inside his rectum was something difficult to explain. Not only was it painful and emasculating, but it forced John into a state of submission few people would accept. It was Jacob's way of showing him there was going back to his old life. It was his way to assert himself as the man of the house, and John received it like a girl—Horney and willing.

Of course, Sarah knew about it as soon as it happened for the first time. One day, when Jacob was gone, she confronted her former husband.

"So, what do you and Jacob do in the mornings?" she asked as she changed John's messy diaper.

John blushed. Not because of the question but because he had still not shed the shame of having his messy parts exposed to the woman he had once called his wife.

"Remember that I change your diapers," said Sarah, as she cleaned John's tiny balls and penis, "I can see the cum leaking of your rear. Have you gone full gay already?”

John shook his head. Even now, after everything that had happened, he didn't consider himself gay. He liked girls. He wanted girls. But they were out of reach, and Daddy, ehm, Jacob, had needs. And John couldn't say no. I mean, he hadn't tried to yet. But he just was too afraid of him.

"Well?" asked Sarah again as she reached for a clean diaper, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The question itself was too much for little John's mind. He had been emasculated, humiliated, fucked like a woman, regressed, beaten, and punished. There was no trace of manhood inside of him, and his brain knew it. What could he say that would satisfy her? Yes, I'm getting ass-fucked by your new lover.

"I don't know what chu taking about," he said, with his thumb on his mouth like a good baby girl.

"You don’t?"

John shook his head.

“You asked for it, then.”

Sarah taped the new diaper around John's crotch and climbed right on top of her former husband. "If you allow him to use you as he pleases," she paused just when her naked sex was right on top of John's face, "Then I'll do the same. Now open your mouth for Mommy."

For the first time in over a month, John tasted the juices of his wife. For the first time in over a month, he had had a sexual encounter with a woman, and it was one of the greatest sensations he could've asked for. Those ten minutes pleasing his former wife were enough to remind him what being man meant. What he was missing from life.

But his joy disappeared quickly after Jacob found out about what they did.

“He’s not a man anymore. You’re not allowed to treat him as such,” he said as he spanked Sarah right in front of John’s playpen, where he was diapered and sucking on his pacifier, “If you do it again, you won’t be able to walk for a month. That’s a promise.”

There was no jealousy in his voice. There was no malice. For all intends and purposes, he sounded caring and gentle even as he reduced Sarah into a sobbing mess. Jacob's stern gaze was on John, intimidating the diapered sissy so much that he peed himself without realizing it.

"If you miss your husband so much, I'll give you a treat," said Jacob.

That night, Sarah was diapered and forced to sleep in John's crib right next to her former husband. She said nothing. She sobbed herself to sleep that night. But John was happy to have someone next to him again, even if it wasn't willingly. Sarah never again tried to make sexual moves on John. For her, he was an asexual entity living in her house. A baby whose only purpose was to look cute and obey Daddy.

It wasn't the last time Sarah ended up in diapers, sharing her husband's crib. From that moment onwards, every time she displeased Jacob, she would be spanked, diapered, and forced to be a baby just like John. Although, unlike John, she didn't like it one bit.

A month passed and John’s routine had become monotonous.

He wasn't allowed to do anything a baby wouldn't do, including walking or talking, unless given permission by Daddy. Sarah had stopped trying to reconnect with him, treating him like he was just a baby under her care. He had not felt the light of the sun against his skin, and his muscles were almost gone. He had barely any energy to stand up, chew, or suck, and he was getting even chubbier than he already was. But it seemed to be what Jacob wanted.

"We'll be back," said Sarah, closing the door to John's nursery, "Don't misbehave, or we'll get you a babysitter."

John said nothing as he was left alone inside his playpen. He wasn't allowed out unless it was an emergency, and even then, only if Daddy considered it an emergency. They were gone for a nice meal to celebrate Jacob's latest football match win, and there were talks of taking the baby out. But luckily for John, Sarah convinced Jacob for a romantic time, just the two of them.

So he played with his dolls and toys until he was bored, and then he just lay there. Listening to the lullabies playing on repeat in his nursery, his mind escaped to a fantasy in which he was allowed to do what he wanted without fear of a brutal spanking. A fantasy in which he was a manly man with a wife and a mistress and a lot of money. A fantasy that was as impossible as superheroes or spaceships.


Kate was worried about her parents.

The last time they spoke was over a month ago. Since, her father had not replied to any of her messages. It was only her mother reassuring her that dad was just busy with work, and he would be in touch soon. She tried video calling, but nothing. A stranger answered, explaining that John was indisposed. The stranger was even younger than her, and he seemed to have a good relationship with Kate's mother.

She had free time from work and nothing much to do. She wasn't visiting her brother. With his pregnant wife about to pop, she didn't wanna deal with the stress. And so she parked outside her parents' house and used her key to go in. It was empty. Walking around the big property, she heard a noise coming from the second floor.

Perhaps they were upstairs.

"Mom? Dad? It's me," she said, but there was no answer. There was, however, a noise getting stronger and stronger from the guest room. It sounded like background music for a baby store.

She got closer and opened the door and her jaw dropped as soon as she saw what was behind.