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Here's the last chapter, plus the Epilogue for Lily Becomes Her Boss' New Mommy. It's up for The Premium Baby and Supporting Baby Tiers. Enjoy!


Chapter Five

Mrs. Johnson’s New Life

The fresh, thick diaper around her crotch did nothing to bring her comfort. Here she was, a mature woman, quite successful, in front of two younger women who were dressed the part. Mrs. Johnson wanted Lily's touch and comfort. She wanted to feel her warmth. She wanted to feel safe and protected. But she couldn't have that, not before dealing with the problem at hand.

"So this is why you got promoted. You are changing her shit," said Daniella. She was most definitely getting a lot of money.

"She's your boss, and I'm too," said Lily, defiantly, with an air of confidence Mrs. Johnson couldn't even understand at the moment.

"Please," the older woman pleaded, "Don't tell anyone."

"Well, that depends on you," said Daniella as something came to her mind, "Before anything else, what the fuck is happening here?"

"Nothing that should concern you," said Lily, handling Mrs. Johnson, her favorite teddy bear. The older woman took it and embraced it, making her look even more ridiculous, and yet, in Daniella's eyes, slightly bit cute.

"It does concern me. You got my promotion just because you're changing the boss' dirty diapers. Now, that's a sentence I never thought I was going to say."

"Don't be rude," said Lily, putting herself in between the newcomer and her boss, "You're going to make her cry."

Mrs. Johnson felt warm at Lily's words, though she feared her new Mommy was making things worse for the both of them. After all, they were at fault. The affair was the least of their worries. No company would ever hire someone for such a position of power, knowing they spend their free time wearing diapers and sucking their thumbs. Emily's career was over. And that realization brought tears to her eyes.

"Have some spine, my goodness," said Danielle, "I used to admire you. You were everything I wanted to be. But now," she paused, getting face to face with Lily, "She's nothing more than a dumb baby."

Mrs. Johnson couldn't fight it anymore. She began sobbing because Daniella had hurt her feelings. What had happened to her? A month ago, she would've fired Daniella without hesitation. She would've drowned her with lawsuit after lawsuit until the bitch agreed to keep her mouth shut. Now, she was a sobbing baby hoping for her Mommy's touch and protection, and as she realized that, her diaper grew bigger and warmer.

"Is she peeing herself?!" asked Daniella, laughing.

"She does that when there's a lot of strong emotions," said Lily, "You and me are going to talk about this."

"What about her?"

"She's going to wait here with Mr. Teddy and be a good girl. Won't you darling?" asked Lily to her boss.

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

And Lily and Daniella were gone.

Emily Johnson, wearing a wet diaper and a blouse, sat in her office's ground, holding her teddy bear tight. Mommy was gone with the awful lady. She was making sure Emily could keep her job without anyone else finding out about her new life. It was all gonna be okay. As her thoughts went to other places, she began sucking her thumb right there. The door to her office was open. Anyone could come in. But she didn't care. She was a baby, after all. She wasn't an adult anymore. Perhaps it would be better if people knew who she was.


That wasn't it. She loved her job. She needed to regain control of the situation, and she needed to do it right away. But as she stood up, she noticed her pants were gone. Lily must have had them. She couldn't parade around the office in just a blouse and a wet diaper.

So she waited. Holding Mr. Teddy tighter with every minute that passed. And she kept waiting.

After what seemed like an hour, her subordinate came back alone.

"Lily," said Mrs. Johnson, mustering as much dominant presence as she could in her current state, "Did you fix it? I think things have gotten out of control. We need to stop. I need to grow up and go back to how things were before." She was determined. It would be hard. She didn't want to give up on her little side, but it was necessary.

Lily closed the door without saying a word.

"I also think you should probably look for another job. You know, make it easy for Daniella to keep it secret."

Lily sat at Mrs. Johnson's desk.

"Lily! Are you paying any attention?" Mrs. Johnson demanded, feeling her strength slipping away. But Lily just stared at her, thinking how ridiculous the older woman looked trying to be in control while a wet diaper hung around her crotch. "If you don't fix this, it will ruin my reputation. Everything I've worked for will be lost."

Lily hesitated for a second. She was about to give the final push, and the next minutes were going to be some of the most important in her life and in Mrs. Johnson's life. Though, the boss was unaware of what Daniella and she had talked about and what the solution was.


"You will call me Mommy, or I swear I'm going to parade you in front of every employee here in just your diaper." Lily's voice was cold and distant, and it felt ten times more demanding and imposing than Mrs. Johnson's.

The boss complied, "Mommy," she said with watery eyes, holding her teddy bear tight, "I'm scared."

Lily pulled Mrs. Johnson close to her, sitting her right over her lap, "It's okay. No one's going to hurt you while I'm here."

Mrs. Johnson felt ridiculous. She had tried to exert some domination. She had tried to take control of the situation but to no avail. There was nothing she could do as long as she kept submitting to Lily's demands.

"Listen," said Lily, bouncing her boss on her lap, "We came to an agreement. And it's going to be hard. But you need to understand that it's for your own good."

Mrs. Johnson couldn't really worry much as her inner baby was enjoying bouncing in her Mommy's lap, giggling like a little girl as she did. It had been harder and harder to keep in touch with her adulthood, especially with Lily around. But then the words came out of Lily's mouth.

"You're stepping down as CEO. You are appointing Daniella and me as the new bosses here. And you will remain my baby forever."

Mrs. Johnson's jaw dropped, and her giggles turned into sobs.

"But... But... But... But..." she stammered, trying to grasp what was happening. The reality of the situation sank in, and it was all becoming too much. This wasn't the way things were supposed to happen. It was unbearable. The diaper had grown hotter, and she began to wriggle in discomfort. Her emotions were swirling like a storm, and her thoughts were in chaos. She wanted to be a good girl, but her old self wouldn't let her.

Mrs. Johnson's thoughts raced, panicking. She tried to pull away from Lily's lap. But the younger woman who had been her assistant until very recently pulled her closer, embracing her like a mother would a child.

"Take the deal," said Lily, "And I will take care of you forever. I can move in with you. Daniella will become your auntie. And she'll take good care of your company."

But the older boss couldn't stop sobbing against the gentle breasts of her assistant. "But I'm an adult! I'm your boss. I'm the boss," she argued in between sobs as she felt her adulthood sliding away.

"But you aren't. Not anymore. Tell me the truth: do you really want to be an adult? Don't you prefer being my baby?"

Her little brain couldn't really understand the question. Of course, she liked being a baby. But she enjoyed both.

As Mrs. Johnson continued to sob, Lily caressed her hair, rocking her softly. "There, there, sweetheart. Everything's going to be alright."

"But how? How am I going to explain this to everyone?" Mrs. Johnson whispered, sniffling, the stains on her blouse showing the signs of her growing fear.

"That's where we come in," Lily said, looking towards Daniella, who had entered the room, taking in the unfolding events. The older woman wearing a diaper and sitting over the lap of the younger assistant.

"Together, we'll help you keep your reputation intact," said Daniella, "You can be a baby for as long as you want. And in time, if you want, you can let the world see your real self."

Mrs. Johnson gulped.

"What's your decision?" asked Lily.

This was the moment. She could choose not to accept. She could choose to regain her previous life and become the boss again. Or she could get everything her heart had desired for as long as she could remember. In that precise second, she felt a familiar rumbling in her tummy. And without her making a conscious decision, her body expelled the bowel movement straight into her thick padding. It spread fast and everywhere, and when she was finished, she started bouncing on her Mommy's lap like the dumb baby she was. Her body had taken the decision for her, and now it was up to her to live with the consequences. Perhaps Lily was right. Perhaps she would have a happier life as a baby than as an adult.


Baby Shower

Lily looked out the window of her spacious corner office, observing the hustle and bustle of the city below. It had been a few months since she and Mrs. Johnson moved in together. For the last few weeks, she had witnessed Mrs. Johnson's rapid transformation - from the once stern-faced corporate executive to a whimpering, diaper-wearing baby, always clutching her beloved teddy bear.

"Mommy, mommy," she would call whenever Lily came back from work.

Despite the peculiar circumstances, Lily found herself enjoying the role of caregiver and boss. Daniella had been helping a lot, too. She had even changed Mrs. Johnson's diapers when she came to visit them. Together, they had found the right babysitter for Emily. A young girl named Laura who was just out of high school. She was hot and cute with a dominant personality. She had become Emily's third favorite person in the world. Something Lily found not surprising, knowing her former boss' taste for younger girls.

Laura would often stay for weeks in their manor, and when she was there, she would take care of everything. But Lily craved more intimacy with her boss baby. Working away from her was difficult. The instinct to be with her new baby every day, all day, was strong. Perhaps it was what real mothers felt. Not to worry, though. She was going to fix that.

The door to Lily's office opened.

Daniella walked in.

"Everyone's ready. Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Daniella.

Lily nodded.

"Very well. Do you think she will mind?"

"She might cry, but she's a baby. They cry a lot. She has no say in the matter. Besides, it ought to happen someday. Why not sooner rather than later?"

"Her parents are here. Her younger sisters. Former lovers. Every employee. Every person she knows. Everyone who looks up to her," Daniella got closer to Lily, "She won't like it."

"I know she won't. But she will get used to it. I doubt she could cope without being a baby anymore. She'll play along with it."

Mrs. Johnson woke up in her old office. The office was different from how it had been before, but she knew it was her office. There was a changing table on one side, a crib on another, and a playpen full of toys, stuffed animals, and blankets. She tried to move, but she was trapped in her trolley. She was wet, as usual, wearing nothing but a onesie that barely covered her diaper.

"You are awake," said Lily.

"Mommy, was going on?" asked Mrs. Johnson with her thumb in her mouth.

"I got a surprise for you. But we were waiting for you to be awake," Lily answered, pushing the trolley towards the door.

Mrs. Johnson's heart was beating fast. This was a nightmare. It must be. As soon as they left the office, they were met by dozens of people in her office. All of them looked shocked at their former boss.

"It's true," she heard them whisper. "She really is a baby."

"Is she wearing a diaper?"

"Is that a pacifier?"


Mrs. Johnson's face turned pale as she realized what was happening. She had thought she had made peace with her new reality, but seeing all these people... it was too much. She wanted to scream, demand answers, ask for privacy. Yet, she found herself unable to do anything other than sit there, staring at the floor for a moment before trying to hide inside her trolley.

"Don't be rude, sweetie. All these people are here to see you," said Lily, smiling gently at her. "They want to be part of your new life. Isn't that nice?"

Mrs. Johnson closed her eyes, wishing she could run away from this situation.

"What is this?" she asked, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"This is your baby shower. My baby shower. Everyone from today onwards will know I'm your Mommy, and you are my baby, and we are happy together," whispered Lily into the trolley as they moved down the aisles.

Mrs. Johnson bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes. This was the most humiliating thing she had ever experienced. She had lost everything, even her dignity.

Lily held her hand, feeling her trembling. "Don't worry. I promise you this is for the better. Now, we won't have to hide. And Daniella will take over your company. And I can be your Mommy twenty-four-seven."

"Emily, is that you?"

Mrs. Johnson looked up. Her younger sister was standing right in front of her, next to her, Amanda and Roger Johnson, her parents. They looked shocked and disappointed.

"I always knew you were compensating something with all this success," said her mother, "This look rather suits you. Don't worry. Dad and I are okay with it. Lily here says you'll be with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Dad's made it clear he won't change your diapers. But your sisters and I will give it a try."

Mrs. Johnson felt like dying. She was sobbing, blushing, and sucking her thumb, looking for some sense of comfort. She wanted her Mommy. She wanted Lily's breast. That always calmed her down.

But the day wasn't over.

Her parents weren't the only people from her past in the baby shower. An old boyfriend was chuckling next to Emily's former employees, probably sharing intimate stories of the new baby in the office. He had broken up with her when she wet the bed one night. She had been thirty then.

"It's okay, baby. It will all be okay. Just give in. Let go of it all and be the baby you were always meant to be."

Something changed that day.

Something inside Emily Johnson broke, and something was born to replace it. Long gone was the cold bitch that had ruled the office with an iron fist. In its place was a baby girl. One that wouldn't even talk like an adult anymore. One that had not used the potty for years and counting. A perfect baby girl who depended on others for everything. Even when those others were technically half her age.



What a great story beginning to end! You have good pacing in your writing. More physical description of the characters would be great addition as well.


Thanks so much! I love chubby and tall women being reduced by someone fitter and maybe even hotter. I also like muscular Mommies. Older littles. And so on. But I know we all have our own type, so I try to leave it vague as much as possible. I do, however, have plans for a story involving a Latina woman. Not enough of them in ABDL-related content. Could give her a nice physical description.