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At forty, Kayla wasn't like any other woman. Not any woman she knew, at least.

She had a secret. She would regress to babyhood whenever she was alone and forget about the many responsibilities and stresses of motherhood and adulthood. She did her job well, and her kids never knew about it. That was until Kayla's husband passed, leaving behind a big debt. 

The forty-year-old woman had no other choice but to sell her home and move back with her daughter. Emily, twenty-two, wasn't happy about having her mother in her house. She has a sour memory of her childhood. A lot of nagging, punishments, passive-aggressiveness, and more. And she had no choice. She was an only daughter. She couldn't just leave her mom on the streets, not even if she wanted to. 

"I like your apartment," said Kayla, "It's cozy." 

"Thanks, mom." 

"Do you clean it once a month or every two months?" the mother asked with a smile on her face. 

Emily didn't answer. She just didn't want to. Every day, and every hour was full of her mother's remarks about everything she did, from working remotely to her lack of social life and diet. She wasn't a kid anymore. She was making bank with her new job. It wasn't enough for her mother, though. 

And then something interesting happened the very first week her mother moved in. 

Emily had noticed her mother taking out the trash every single day. Nothing too unusual, if not considering there were only two living there. Odd, yes. But forgettable nonetheless. Still, it made Emily suspicious, so one day, when her mother was away, she entered her room. The spare bedroom Emily had given her was impeccable. But there was a weird smell. A smell she had only encountered a couple of times in her life. The times she had visited her friend and was invited to the nursery. The odor of wet diapers and baby powder combined with some scented disinfectant. 

And it didn't take long for Emily to find the source of the smell. 

A diaper pail. Full. And within minutes, she had found her mom's complete stash of diapers, pacifiers, onesies, bonnets, mittens, and stuffed animals. All of them designed for an adult her mom's size. How did she get them? Was she using them? Why? 

That night, when Kayla returned after a day out with her friends, she found her daughter sitting in the living room of her luxurious apartment. 

"Hi," said Emily, "How was it?"

"How was what?"

"Your day."

"Fine. Having fun is something you should do more often." 

That was it. If Emily wasn't sure about what to do yet, those last words settled the matter. She stood up, towering over her mother, getting closer to her until they were eye to eye. The scent of alcohol emanated from Kayla's breathing. 

"Are you okay? You're acting weird."

"Why are there used diapers in your room?" asked Emily. 

And Kayla's jaw dropped. Her heart stopped for a second only to beat faster than it had ever beaten before. And the sweat, the cold sweat of the realization her deepest, darkest secret was out. 

"Why do you have adult-sized diapers and pacifiers and baby bottles in your room?" 

"I...I...How? Why did you go into my room?"

"It's my house. I decide where I can and can't go," she said, "Now, answer me, Mom. What's all that shit you got there?"

It felt like an eternity before Kayla opened her mouth to try to explain why she did what she did and why she liked it. She came clean with everything, from the way diapers made her feel to the idea of being careless and cared for. The accessories were just a way to get into that mindset faster and easier. And she never meant for Emily to find out. She kept it secret all her life, even when she was the mother of a baby herself. 

And now it was out in the open. 

Emily smiled. 

For the first time, she had power over her mother. For the first time in her life, she saw her mother as small and pathetic creature. And the rush of excitement she felt thanks to it forced her to do something she didn't even know she wanted. 

She grabbed her mother, pulled down her pants, and spanked her until Kayla was nothing but a crying mess. 

"Babies aren't supposed to go drinking. Are they?"

Kayla cried in pain. 

But it wasn't over. 

Next thing she knew, Emily was dragging her to the room where the diapers were stored. Without warning, she undressed her mother, leaving her crying and naked as she grabbed one of the adult-sized diapers Kayla had stored there. 

"What are you..." Kayla tried to ask, but it was too late. 

Emily pushed her onto the bed and, for the first time since Kayla was a baby, she was put in a diaper by someone else. What was worse? It was her own daughter doing the diapering. And if that wasn't bad enough, Kayla's groin was on fire as her daughter spread baby powder all over her hairless crotch. 

Things changed quickly after that. Kayla passed from being the mother to being the baby, diapered twenty-four-seven. And she liked it. Her mommy, formerly known as her daughter, dressed her, bathed her, diapered her, fed her, and more. Kayla wasn't a woman anymore. She was a baby, and she was treated like one, no matter where they were or who was around. 
