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Chapter Four

She woke up hours later, feeling oddly refreshed despite her previous protest against taking a nap. As she opened her eyes, she noticed the room was now dark, except for the soft glow coming from the nightlight in the corner. She remembered being put in a fresh diaper before being left to rest. Feeling a bit silly, she tried moving, only to find that she couldn't due to the thickness of the diaper restricting her movements.

As Elle lay there, a sudden urge to pee came upon her. Despite knowing it wasn't the best idea, she chose to ignore it. But her body soon caught up to her mind. With a sense of panic, she felt the pressure building up in her bladder. Unsure of what to do, she instinctively reached for her crotch just to remember she was locked in a thick diaper. But it was too late; her body betrayed her, and she lost control, peeing herself once again.

She sighed.

It had been too much for the last couple of hours, and the weekend had just started. Now alone, with the wetness of her freshly peed diaper spreading around her crotch, Elle realized she was getting aroused again. Had she always craved this? Or was this just some mental manipulation done by her sister?

And then the door to the room opened.

And she saw her sister coming in. Lucile was wearing just a t-shirt that barely covered her. Her naked sex looked perfect, with the right amount of pubic hair and no imperfections in sight.

"So you're awake?"

"Mhm, yes," she replied, sounding uncertain and embarrassed.

"Did you sleep okay?"

Elle shook her head, though, if she was honest, she did sleep well.

"Oh, look at that, someone's wet."

Elle blushed.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing?" asked Lucile, removing the tapes from her sister's diaper.

"You don't have to. I can change myself."

"You can now? I don't think you understand your new position in this house."

"What do you mean?"

But Lucile didn't answer. She just smiled devilishly.

She gently picked Elle up, lifting her skirt to expose her soaked diaper. The younger sister smiled slightly, enjoying that she could easily carry her older sibling. Elle remained silent throughout the process, feeling increasingly humiliated as her younger sister cleaned her. She should hated it. She should have fought back, but she didn't. If anything, the more she was treated like a dumb toddler, the more she liked it.

"This is so fun," said Lucile as she helped her sister up, "You know Camille just made it to the potty while you were taking a nap. I think, at this speed, she's going to be out of diapers before you. Do you think she'll mind changing you in a few years when she is older?" joked Lucille as she led Elle outside the bedroom.

Elle blushed as the thought of her daughter gaining big girl panties while she was downgraded to diapers flooded her mind. Would her husband help her, or would he reject her? And what did her sister gain from this?

"Can I ask you something?" asked Elle, still ashamed of her current situation and not really thinking about the question she wanted to ask.

"Shoot," said Lucile.

"Why are you doing this?"

Lucile smiled, "It's a long answer, but the short version is that I envied you. I dedicated myself to my career and have no family of my own. You barely do anything, and yet, you get everything. Why?"

Her younger sister's demeanor shifted and turned dark, "Why can't I have it? The last few hours had been perfect for me. And if you are honest with yourself, they've been perfect for you too."

Elle shook her head.

"Are you going to deny you didn't enjoy it? I know you, sis. You have the perfect life, but you don't enjoy it because you never really grew up. You enjoy this, being treated like a dumb little baby is probably the best feeling, right? I see it in your eye. I'm good at my job, sis. Why don't you admit?"

Elle looked away.

If she was honest with herself, her sister was right.

She did enjoy being treated like a baby. She loved having someone else take care of her needs. Even though she despised it, she craved the control she lacked during those moments. Lucile dressed her, bathed her, and took her for a nap. It all felt so much better than having to be a mother, a wife, an adult. But she was those things.

"But I'm an adult," said Elle, fighting back the urge to be held by her younger sister.

"No, sis. You aren't. Today and tomorrow, you will be nothing but a baby. And I suggest you accept that. It'll make everything easier for you. By the end of the weekend, you can go back to your old life if you want to."

"If I want to?"

"The choice is yours. I'll ask you tomorrow night what you want to do."

"What if I choose this?" asked Elle, touching her diapered crotch.

"Then things will change a lot around here. But you will like that, won't you?"

Elle didn't answer. She just let her sister lead her through the corridors and passages of the house until they were back in the living room.

"Where's Camille?" asked Elle.

"She's napping. If she manages to wake up dry, she'll move up to pull-ups at nights. Unlike someone I know."

Lucile sat Elle on her lap. Her diapered crotch was right against Lucile's bare skin. She had taken her older sister through a journey, and now she needed to be patient. If she pushed too far too fast, it would all come crumbling down. If she played it right, by the end of the weekend, she would have her sister's life - a husband, a daughter, two daughters, though one would stay a baby forever.

"Are you hungry?" asked Lucile.

Elle nodded.

With a swift and gentle movement, Lucile removed her shirt, revealing her two massive breasts and the delicious nipples Elle had tasted earlier.

Silence reigned in the living room as Lucile gently pulled Elle's lips against her nipple. The older sister didn't know what to do. The shock of it had broken her brain activity. So something primal took charge. A need, an instinct. She began sucking and sucking. It was heaven, just like it had been that morning, and she wondered if she could ever live without it again.

Elle nursed on her sister's breast, feeling the warmth flowing through her veins, making her feel safe and secure. She couldn't even imagine leaving this behind, but she knew she must. This wasn't her normal life.

"Isn't this better?" asked Lucile, breaking the silence, her hand brushing over Elle's shoulder.

Elle paid no attention to her sister's words. Her mind and body were concentrating on just one thing: Sucking. She sucked on her younger sister's breast as if her life depended on it. The sweet and tasty milk flowed down her throat, creating a craving for a life she had lost so long ago. If this was her new self, she was ready to give up. Ready to give it all up and become her younger sister's baby. Her social circle would know, and she wouldn't care, and her husband would not be her husband again. But oddly, she felt like it was the right thing to do.

The rest of the night went by, and Elle couldn't believe how good it felt. She colored with her daughter. They watched Mulan together. They played while Lucile ordered pizza for dinner. The only problem was that when the pizza got to the house, the delivery driver came into the living room to find Elle wearing nothing but a diaper that was clearly yellow with her own urine. She blushed and tried to hide while Camille and Lucile laughed.

"It's time to say goodnight," said Lucile firmly.

And in response, Elle yawned loudly. She hadn't known how tired she actually was after spending most of the day from one humiliating scenario to another to the point she felt no shame anymore about being paraded in diapers around her own house in front of her daughter.

"Okay," she murmured, almost disoriented by the sudden transition from a helpless infant to a tired grown woman.

As she stood up, a wave of exhaustion swept over her. But before she could even take a step, her sister grabbed her and carried her away as if she were indeed an infant. They reached the bedroom where the once-mature mother used to sleep with her husband. Her younger sister tucked her in, providing a pacifier to help her sleep better. Elle accepted the gift and immediately began sucking. Her eyelids grew heavier, and her eyes grew tired, and her thoughts faded away as she sucked.

Chapter Five

The dream took her to a country club.

It was a familiar sight of a beautiful day at the park, but there was something unfamiliar happening around her. It was a picnic, perhaps a BBQ—something one would attend on a 4th of July evening. But for Elle, it was a surreal experience.

She was diapered. That part was obvious to her. She had no clue when or how, or if it happened, but she was diapered. Sucking her pacifier and playing with her dolls right in front of dozens of her friends and family members. She could see her daughter playing with the bigger girls and her husband talking business with the other men. And her sister, Lucile, looking rather dazzling, chuckling with the other wives — a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

Everyone seemed happy and delighted at the perfect day, and no one seemed to care about the diapered woman in her thirties, sitting on the ground, dressed like the perfect toddler princess.

In fact, many of her old friends were there. They were surrounding her with compliments and kisses and care, and she wondered if it was all real or not.

"Looks like someone's made a stinky present for her mommy," said a young girl, kneeling right next to Elle, lifting her dress and checking the state of her diaper.

Elle blushed.

"Right on time," said Lucile, getting closer to them.

"Is it okay if we help?" asked Mindy, the Queen Bee of the country club.

Lucile nodded, uncared about Elle's protests. She didn't want others to see her shame. But then again, babies felt no shame. And those conflicting thoughts kept spiraling in her head as she was led away from the BBQ and into a family's bathroom not too far from where they were. There was a changing table, maybe not big enough for Elle, but that didn't stop Lucile. She placed her older sister right on top of it, allowing Mindy to witness the messy diaper the older woman wore.

Mindy giggled softly and approached Elle, "I always knew you were nothing but a dumb little baby pretending to be a woman."

"That's right, Elle here is nothing but a dumb baby. Aren't you, sweetie?" asked Lucile.

Elle's embarrassment escalated even further when her sister opened the tapes of her diaper, revealing her messy, hairless crotch. Elle closed her eyes, avoiding eye contact, but when she opened them, she wasn't in the bathroom anymore. She was outside. In the picnic area, everyone looking at her getting her diaper changed.

Suddenly, the place filled with laughter and smirks coming from her peers, who once looked upon her as a respectable woman. Now, they saw her as nothing more than the dumb baby she knew she was deep inside – a source of amusement.

And then she woke up.

She was still diapered but in her own bed. And the events of the previous day came rushing back, flooding her brain with humiliation and shame. Her hands found their way to her padded crotch to realize she had wet herself already. She tried to stand up, but before she could, she was surprised by someone walking into the room.

"You're awake," said Lucile.

Elle nodded.

"Sleep okay?"

Elle nodded again. She wasn't about to tell her sister what she dreamed.

"Ready for your last day as a baby?"

Elle nodded again, hesitant. She was going to have to make a decision soon, but she didn't know what she wanted.

"Good, 'cause we are going out today."

"Out? You mean like this?"

Lucile nodded, "We are going to the park. Just the three of us. Camille wanted to go out, so that's the plan. We might stop by McDonald's on our way back. You'll get a happy meal."

"I don't...I can't go out like this."

Elle whined, feeling self-conscious in her thick plastic pants and bright-colored onesie. "You'll wear something comfy, don't worry. No one should notice the diaper." Lucile reassured her gently.

That morning, she was given again the pleasure of tasting her younger sister's milk. It was heaven like it had been the day before. Camille woke up an hour later, and together, they played after her daughter was fed. Thirty minutes later, she was given a bath and put on a fresh diaper. A pretty dress that was more fitted for a toddler than someone in her thirties was Lucile's choice for her. Elle couldn't really complain. She didn't want another spanking. Not in front of Camille.

"We are all ready," Lucile said, and they were on their way.

Walking down the street, holding her sister's hand while wearing a diaper so thick it was difficult to stay on foot, was the most adrenaline she had felt in a while. Was something wrong with her? She was an adult and a mother. And here she was, getting aroused with every step she took.

Finally, they made it to the car, and Elle was placed on an oversized seat for toddlers.

"You look so cute," said Lucile.

Elle blushed, avoiding eye contact, knowing the entire world was about to find out about her current situation.

Once Camille was sat on her seat and Lucile had packed the diaper bag, they were on their way. During the driving, Elle kept wishing the park would empty, that somehow, everyone had decided to stay at home and not go out. That something would happen to the car, so they wouldn't make it —Nothing serious, of course.

But they made it to the park in less than ten minutes.

"It's time to play," said Lucile.

"Yay!" said Camille.

Elle was surprised by the amount of kids and parents around. Most surprising of all, no one seemed to care about the woman in her thirties with the oversized diaper barely covered by her toddler dress. If anything, some kids just seemed to accept her as one of their own. That was even more obvious when Camille grabbed her hand to lead her to the playground.

"Come on," her daughter said, "Let's go play!"

"Go on," said Lucile, "I'll be looking after you from here."

For almost an hour, they played. She played with the other kids and her daughter and, for a second, there was nothing in her mind but her new role as a baby.

Then suddenly, amidst the children's laughter and screams, her senses returned.

"Eww. she farted."

She heard one of the kids say. And it was true. She had stopped playing, squatted right there, and was now pushing. If it had not been for their words, she would've done it without even realizing it. And when she realized what was going on, she couldn't stop sobbing as the mess spread around her diapered crotch. She sat there, crumpled, surrounded by her fellow kiddos who only moments ago thought her their friend. They played, oblivious to her growing panic. Elle looked around for her Mommy, but she was nowhere in sight.

A couple of mothers noticed the situation and came over to lend a hand. One offered her a change of clothes, while another suggested calling her Mommy. They didn't even blink an eye at the bizarre situation. Maybe they thought she was just a special kid with special needs. Elle's sobbing intensified as the attention she received from both her peers and the public grew out of proportion. Soon, cameras started flashing, recording the disgraceful spectacle unfolding under the playground equipment.

"It's okay, I'll call Mommy," said Camille, and the fact her daughter thought of Lucile as her mother stabbed her right in the chest. She continued sobbing as her thumb found its way back into her mouth. Perhaps this was her new life. A new reality. Perhaps Lucile was right. Elle just wasn't designed to be a mother, an adult, or a wife. She was meant to be a baby.


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