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Hi guys! 

The new chapter of Lily and Mrs. Johnson's story is up. This one is for the Supporting Baby and Premium Baby Tiers. The Little Helper Tier will get the third chapter today.


When Mrs. Johnson opened her eyes again, she realized she had slept all night. Though it was still dark in her nursery, she knew it was the next morning because her tummy was growling, indicating her morning poop was ready. Usually, she would just stand up and go to the bathroom. Not because she didn't like the feeling of her own mess against her skin. She loved it, but because cleaning that mess was always an ordeal.

She hesitated.

But then, a thought came to mind. She wasn't in charge of her own diaper changes anymore. Lily had made that very clear. If her assistant wanted to have complete control over her, why should she care about messy diapers?

Determined, Mrs. Johnson gathered her strength and crawled out of the crib. She noticed the warm, slightly musty smell of the room mixed with the sweet scent of her diaper. Standing up was challenging due to her bulky diaper, but she managed to stay upright. She glanced around the room, finding her way through the darkness. Her stomach felt heavy, tight, and full.

She squatted right there, just by the door.

Now, it was just a matter of pushing. And she did, and what came out sent shivers through her body. A mushy mix of liquid and solid, all pressing against her skin and the inside of her already-soaked diaper.

Mrs. Johnson grimaced and groaned with relief as the pressure eased and the warmth left her abdomen. Feeling utterly exhausted, she crawled back into the crib, curling up under the covers. The feeling of her own mess against her skin was intoxicating, but she was too tired to do anything about it. The smell was okay, not as bad as she thought, and as her eyelids became heavier, she grew more tired until she fell back asleep.

"The smell, my goodness," said Lily as soon as she entered the nursery.

Mrs. Johnson flinched at the strong odor, realizing she had fallen asleep in her dirty diaper. She looked up at Lily, hoping the younger woman wouldn't judge her. To her surprise, Lily only chuckled, her tone teasing yet affectionate.

"You know what they say, messy is sexy," she joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Mrs. Johnson blushed, feeling even more exposed than before. However, the warmth in Lily's voice comforted her. It reminded Mrs. Johnson that despite the current circumstances, she had someone who genuinely cared for her, someone who saw beyond her title and position. That knowledge brought a sense of calm and acceptance, helping her push aside any lingering fears of judgment.

"I'll take care of it," Lily assured her with a gentle smile.

Lily proceeded to strip off Mrs. Johnson's full diaper, revealing Mrs. Johnson's mess. Her entire crotch was covered in mushy and liquid poop, but it did not bother Lily. She carefully folded the diaper, placing it into a small laundry basket near the crib.

"I should probably give you a shower before we put you back in a diaper, don't you think?"

Mrs. Johnson said nothing. She was a baby. Babies didn't answer. They had no say in the matters of adults. She simply began sucking her thumb, making cute noises.

"That's one way to answer, I guess. Now, who's ready to shower with Mommy?"

Those words echoed in Mrs. Johnson's ears, bringing small tears into her eyes. She had always wanted a caregiver, a Mommy or Daddy. She never really cared who, but she never actually thought she would find one. Let alone one she was completely and utterly attracted to. A younger mommy who cared for her enough to change her soiled diapers was a dream come true. And as she accepted Lily's love, she began sobbing, still naked and vulnerable, still sucking her thumb.

"What's wrong?" asked Lily.

"Notin'," she answered, not removing her thumb from her mouth.

Lily embraced her, "Are you ready?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

Lily carefully picked up her naked boss, carrying her into the bathroom. Once there, she undressed the older woman, leaving her standing in front of the bathtub. Then, she turned on the water, adjusting the temperature to a comfortable level.

"Do you want me to hold you while I wash you?" asked Lily, offering Mrs. Johnson support as she stood in the tub. Mrs. Johnson nodded gratefully, stepping into the bathtub and allowing Lily to cradle her in her arms.

It was heaven for Mrs. Johnson, and everything that happened afterward just further cemented their new dynamic. She spent the entire weekend as Lily's baby. No worries. No responsibilities. Lily went as far as breastfeeding her every morning and every night. Nothing came out of her beautiful, perky breasts. But it didn't matter. It made Mrs. Johnson feel more like the baby she knew she was inside. She wasn't the boss anymore. She wasn't a successful businesswoman no more. No. She was a baby. But would those two parts of herself be able to coexist? Or would one have to trump the other? Perhaps that was the question she didn't want answered, but that's the thing about life. It forces us to answer the hard questions when we least expect it.

A month had passed since Emily Johnson was discovered by her young, new, hot assistant. Things had changed in her life since. For instance, she had become more agreeable in her job. She smiled at her employees and didn't lose her temper. She couldn't. Lily would punish her if she did. Spankings weren't Emily's favorite part of being under her young assistant's control. People didn't fear her anymore. They actually liked her. Of course, they didn't know it was because she had become Lily's baby. As for Lily, she was promoted. She now managed everything for Mrs. Johnson, not just as an assistant but as a vice president of sorts. But as with everything in life, not everyone was happy.

Daniella Michaels, a disgruntled subordinate, knew something was going on. After all, Lily was a new employee. She had no experience. She had no pedigree. Daniella was a hard-working Harvard graduate. She deserved the world. And she wasn't happy. She suspected something was going on between the two of them, perhaps an affair — the most normal thing that could happen between an older boss and a hot new employee. But there was something else. Why would they disappear so often three times a day? Scheduled. Sex? Nah. Too obvious.

And so she decided to act. For a month she had been paying attention to their every move. She even got the code to open Mrs. Johnson’s office. Next time they went inside to do whatever they do, she’d be ready. She would catch them in the act and get a sweet promotion. Maybe even ensured a lot of money.

Danielle sighed, hoping to find something worth her time.

She broke into Emily's office that afternoon to find a scene she was not expecting.

Lying on the ground, in the middle of her after-lunch diaper change, was her boss, Emily Johnson. She was sucking her thumb while her assistant, former assistant, cleaned her like she was a dumb baby. Worst of all, she seemed to be enjoying it. A woman so cold, she had earned herself the nickname of the Winter Bitch around the office, had just pooped herself, and was getting change. Lily went as far as blowing raspberries in Emily's tummy, making the older woman chuckle like an infant.

"What the fuck?!" Shouted Daniella, and both Lily and Mrs. Johnson froze right there.

"Daniella! What are you...? It's not...!" Emily said, removing her thumb from her mouth, "It's not what it looks like!"

But how could Emily defend herself? She was lying on the floor with her most private parts exposed as her younger assistant cleaned her? There was a fresh, new diaper next to her while Lily removed the old, used one. Baby powder and Mrs. Johnson's favorite stuffed animal decorated the scene. Was there another explanation than the truth?



Love the new character!


New chapter soon?