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It was clear as day. Mrs. Johnson was wearing a diaper, and Lily was, perhaps, the only one who knew about it. A month she had been working for her, and only now had she realized. It made so much sense now. Why was that discovery exciting? Why were her private parts wet? She would have to confront her boss, a strict and cold woman almost twice her age and with a body that would put any model to shame. 

What will Lily do? 

Chapter One

Lily Adams arrived early for her first day at work, eager to make a good impression on her new employer, Mrs. Johnson. She dressed impeccably in a tailored navy suit with matching heels, hoping to convey a sense of competence and poise. Stepping into the office, she was greeted by the sight of sleek furniture, minimalist decorations, and cutting-edge technology, reflecting the modern corporate environment. A warm smile crossed her lips as she approached her desk, knowing she would excel in such a setting.

However, her confidence faltered when she noticed the frosty atmosphere around her. The once lively room now felt cold and distant, thanks to Mrs. Johnson's presence. Lily's colleagues turned their sighs away as Mrs. Johnson walked the corridors straight into her office. 

"You must be Adams," Mrs. Johnson said, her tone brusque and demanding. "Right?"

Lily nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, ma'am."

"I hope you're ready to start."

"I assure you I'm more than prepared to do my job today."

"Good, 'cause I don't tolerate mediocrity. Go on, now. Bring the reports of the last quarter. And tell Daniel to bring his lazy ass here," said Mrs. Johnson, not even looking at Lily right in the eyes. 

It had been a month working for Mrs. Johnson, and Lily couldn't help but feel discouraged. Every little mistake didn't go unnoticed, while everything she did right or great would earn her nothing but a cold shoulder. She had seen her boss firing people for being late just a minute or two. And Mrs. Johnson's nickname among her subordinates was starting to sound just about right: Cold bitch. 

"I'm off now. I expect you to have the latest sales report with my coffee on my desk tomorrow morning. Understood?" asked Mrs. Johnson. 

Lily nodded. 

That night, Lily was ready to go back home after the most exhausting day to date. She grabbed the reports and placed them carefully on Mrs. Johnson's desk when she noticed one thing. Her boss' phone was there. She must've forgotten about it, and Lily's heart began pounding. A voice inside her told her not to do it, but if there was something there that could make Lily's life easier, then why not? Perhaps it would be nothing. After all, it would have a password, right? 


It didn't; Lily did what anyone else would've done in that situation. She went straight to her boss' messages. Nothing out of the ordinary. But the photo library was something else. What she saw there shocked her to her very core. Mrs. Johnson, usually so stern and unapproachable, was wearing a diaper. A wet one. But why? Why would Mrs. Johnson be seen wearing diapers?

This discovery fueled Lily's curiosity, piquing her interest even further. For someone like Mrs. Johnson, known for her strict and demanding attitude, to have a picture like that on her phone. Was there more to Mrs. Johnson than met the eye? Had her strict exterior merely served as a façade to conceal her true self?

She placed the phone back where it had been and left her boss' office.


Hi guys!

This short story was voted by members of the Supporting Baby and the Premium Baby Tiers. If you want voting power, you can always update your subscription

A new chapter of Miss Helena's Ballet Academy will be debuting this Sunday. Hope you have a great week ahead! 



This has lots of promise. I love older women being dominated and diapered by younger women. I definitely can't wait till Sunday, this story might possibly be in competition with Helen's school story as my favorite story of yours lol


Best story in a while!