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Hi Guys!

As promised, here's the updated version of A Mother's Mistake, plus the new chapter. I'll be working on this story, Mis Helena's Ballet Academy, and Regressing the Older Sister. This week's new short story will be decided by you! Members of the Supporting Baby Tier and the Premium Baby, be ready!

Chapter One

Elle thought it was an innocent idea.

Her younger sister, Lucile, had explained that in order to be a better mother, she needed to understand how her daughter felt. It did make sense. Her daughter, Camille, was two years old, and things had not been good lately between them. Elle felt it was because she couldn’t connect with her no matter what she tried. Whether it was breastfeeding, playing, napping, or watching cartoons, nothing seemed to make things work. It was as if Camille didn’t recognize her as her mother. But why? Elle had asked herself that question ever since they returned from the hospital after giving birth.

In Elle’s mind, she was not living up to being a mother, and that was weighing on her and her personal life to the point that she had not slept with her husband for over a month already. He had moved to the guest bedroom and was disconnecting from her further and further every day. Afraid that it could end her marriage, she had turned to her most trusted friend, her younger sister, Lucile.

“It’s all about helplessness,” said Lucile while helping Elle babysit, “If you don’t understand what’s like to be helpless, then you cannot take care of a helpless being, can you?”

“That’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?”

“And yet, it works wonders. At least with my patients.”

“What would being helpless look like?”

“Well, it’s obvious. You need to be treated like a baby again, around the age of your daughter, of course. That’s how you can connect with her. You’ll play together. You’ll be bathed together. You’ll eat together. You’ll sleep together. Among other things.”

“How do you come up with this kind of stuff? And how do you get people agree to it?”

Lucile chuckled, “Well, because it works. That’s why they pay so much money. It just works.”

Elle turned her eyes to her baby girl, who was in the arms of her sister. Camille seemed happier with Lucile than she did with her, and that made her feel like the worst mother on earth. Perhaps her sister was right. Perhaps she could try to connect with her daughter through some role play, and if she could do so, maybe she could make life with her husband better. And she could finally have the happy family she’d always wanted.

“How do we do it?” asked Elle.

Lucile smiled.

“Next weekend, I know Steve is gonna be traveling for work. Why don’t I come and become Camille’s and your caregiver? I will treat you both the same way, and you’ll get in touch with your baby.”

“Like the same the same?”

Lucile nodded.

“You know, diapers and stuff. It’s important for you to feel it so you can understand what it’s like for your daughter.”

“You mean wearing or using?”

“Well, both.”

“I don’t know, sis. It sounds too wacky. Do your patients really do it?”

“Oh, yeah. So many of them, and some actually enjoy not having any care in the world for a couple of hours a week. Although the one that suffers it is me, changing an adult’s diaper is not the same as changing a baby’s.”

There was a short moment of silence.

“So, what say you?” asked Lucile.

Elle sighed, “Alright. But don’t tell anyone about it.”

“It’ll be our secret.”

Steve left Friday night as expected. He gave Elle a small kiss, but there were no goodbye words or anything. He did, however, tell Camille that he loved her and that he was going to miss her so much. Elle did her best not to take it personally, but it made her cry herself to sleep that night.

The next morning, Lucile knocked at her door quite early. She seemed eager to start the experiment as soon as possible.

“I have everything we need,” She said, carrying a couple of bags, “So you don’t have to worry about anything.”

Elle smiled thinly, trying to help her sister carry the bags. But Lucile stopped her immediately.

“Hey, you are a baby today, remember? You do nothing but what I tell you to do. Alright?”

Elle nodded.

“Where’s Camille?”

“She’s still sleeping.”

“Good. That gives us enough time to get you ready.”


“Yes. So come with me. We are going to give you a relaxing bath.”

“I can bathe myself.”

“Adult Elle can. But you are not adult Elle, right?”

“I guess so.”

Lucile took her sister’s hand and dragged her upstairs to the master bathroom. One of the perks of Steve’s job was that they did not have to care about spending, and their bathroom was a sign of it. It was beautiful and elegant, from the tiles to the glasses and everything in between.

“Alright. I’ll get the bath running. Why don’t you help me and get naked? Get into the shower, and I’ll be with you in a minute.”

“I don’t know, sis. It sounds weird to be naked in front of you.”

“Oh, honey. I’m going to see you naked more times than your husband had in a while. At least this weekend. There’s nothing to be awkward about. I’m a professional today, okay?”

Elle nodded again and did as told.

She really wanted to connect with her baby. She really wanted to connect with her husband again. And if she had to be a baby for a weekend, well, it was just a weekend. She could do it. It was all for a purpose. It’s not like she was going to enjoy any part of it. So she got naked and walked into the shower while her sister started the bath. She wasn’t sure why she needed to shower before her bath, but she supposed Lucile had something in mind, and she was the expert, after all.

“Alright, now let’s get your body ready,” said Lucile, also getting naked.

Lucile was just five years younger than her older sister, but her body seemed out of Elle’s league. She was tall and curvy, with long blonde hair and beautiful, massive breasts. Elle’s breasts were also big, though it was mostly because she still breastfed Camille. A bit shorter than her younger sister. She didn’t look thirty-two years old, but she also didn’t look twenty-two.

“Ready?” asked Lucile.

Elle nodded.

Her sister cleaned her carefully, paying extra attention to her most private parts. But it was not just the washing that caught Elle off-guard. Lucile also applied some sort of cream around her body. Once the cream was washed away, Elle saw her smooth skin lose every sign of body hair, including her pubes. Feeling even more naked than before, she rushed to cover herself.

“Is this really necessary?!”

Lucile just nodded, “It is. Believe me, you don’t want to use your diapers while having pubes. It’s a recipe for disaster.”

After the shower, Lucile helped her older sister into the already-filled bath. She gave her a rubber toy, as if she were a little girl, and left her there for a while. Five minutes passed, and Elle decided to play with the rubber toy as there was nothing else for her to do. During baths, she would usually read a book while drinking some wine, but that wasn’t really an option.

“Let’s get you out,” said Lucile, still naked, though completely dry by now.

Carefully, Lucile dried her older sister and then took her to the master bedroom. There, waiting for her, Elle could see why her younger sister had left her in the bath for so long. There was a pile of diapers of every color on top of the king-size bed, and they were not baby’s diapers. No, those were big enough to fit an adult, big enough to fit Elle herself.

Diapers weren’t the only thing in bed.

Baby powder, baby wipes, and colorful clothes that looked like they belonged in a toddler’s closet but were big enough for an adult, among other things one would find in a nursery.

“Sis, what’s this?”

“Alright. I will lay down the rules now. This weekend, I’m not your sister. This weekend, I’m your mommy. Understood?”

Elle chuckled.

“You think it’s funny? You’ll have a change of heart when I spank you until you are a sobbing mess.”

Elle said nothing, but a fast chill traveled through her spine, making her tingle a little. A few drops of pee rolled down her smooth and long legs. Lucile must have caught it because she smiled, getting closer to her younger sister and placing her hands right over her pussy, making Elle blush.

“What are you doing?”

“Did you just pee a little?”

Elle blushed.

“You did, right?”

“It-It’s a normal thing. A lot of women get slight incontinence after birth. You must know that.”

Lucile chuckled, “Well, diapers will come in handy, then.”

“Don’t laugh. It’s not funny.”

“No more talk,” said Lucile, towering over her sister, “The experiment won’t work unless you get into character. So, from now on, you either get this,” she paused, showing a pacifier, “Or your thumb on your mouth. If I ever see you without either, you’ll be spanked. Understood?”

Elle thought about complaining, but she thought it better. She had never been able to stand against her younger sister, and she felt sorry because Lucile was actually doing all of this to help her.

So she nodded.

“Bathroom is off limits,” said Lucile, grabbing Elle by the hand and placing her carefully over the bed, “So it’s diapers for you until the end of the weekend.”

Elle looked away as her sister diapered her. She had worn them before after giving birth, albeit none as childish as the one Lucile had just put her on. She blushed quite red when Lucile spread the baby powder over her private parts and then again when she taped the diaper, trapping her crotch in the fluffy prison. Finally, Elle was dressed in a onesie that resembled something her daughter would wear.

“Last rule. What mommy says,” said Lucile, helping Elle stand up, “What mommy says goes. No complaints. If not, well, you know.”

Elle nodded.

There was a short moment of silence as Lucile scanned her older sister. She must have been pleased with herself because she smiled as she had done whenever she won something. Without hesitation and with an overpowering grip, Lucile took Elle in front of a mirror and forced her to see her own reflection.

What Elle saw in the reflection wasn’t her. It couldn’t be. Staring right back at her wasn’t an adult. It wasn’t a mother. It was a little girl, a rather tall one. Her pink onesie did nothing to hide her diaper. And compared to her younger sister, who was still naked and standing next to her, Elle felt like such a small being. Pathetic. Childish.

And that made Elle start to sob.

“It’s okay. Mommy’s here.”

Elle hugged her younger sister the way a little girl would hug her mother when they cried. Lucile wasn’t expecting it, but she didn’t say anything. She embraced her diapered older sister, holding her tight, which only made her feel warm inside. A sort of warmth she had not felt before.

“Shall we start the weekend?” asked Lucile, cleaning her sister’s face from tears.

Elle nodded, feeling better now. However, she was unsure of what her younger sister meant by starting the weekend. It couldn’t be worse than this, could it?

Chapter Two

Before leaving the room, Lucile took it upon herself to make the most of Elle’s current state and place a pair of knitted baby slippers on her sister’s perfect feet. The thick diaper, the onesie, the pacifier in her mouth, there was no way she could ever see Elle as her older sister ever again, and that’s what she wanted.

She grabbed Elle’s hands and led her off the room and into the hallway. It could’ve been the thick diaper, slippers, or both, but Elle fell to the ground after a few steps.

“Are you okay?”

But she wasn’t.

As far as Elle’s bladder was concerned, that little fall was enough to release a torrential flow of urine right into her fresh diaper. She didn’t stop; she couldn’t. She just stayed on the ground, on all fours, avoiding her younger sister’s eye contact. Shaming herself, hoping it was all a nightmare, Elle did her best to remain dignified.

It wasn’t enough.

“Did you just peed yourself?”

Elle didn’t answer.

The warmth of her own pee spread around the thick padding between her crotch. To her surprise, it wasn’t the most unpleasant feeling, far from it. In a weird, twisted way, it awoke in her a feeling of arousal, though it was obviously not something she could tell her sister, so she just blushed as she kept disgracing herself.

“Here, let me help you.”

Lucile helped Elle back to her feet, though it was more than obvious that walking wasn’t an option for the diapered mother. So, with very little effort and no hesitation, Lucile grabbed her older sister’s diapered bum and carried it like a mother would a little girl.

“Let’s get you something to eat before your big sister wakes up.”

“Big sista?” asked Elle, still with the pacifier in her mouth.

But Lucile didn’t answer.

She took Elle to the living room, pressing against her diapered crotch with one hand, though unknown to her, her older sister was fighting back the need to moan with every step. Perhaps it was the excitement of something new or the fact her own husband had not touched her in so long, but there was no doubt that when the weekend was over, she would try it again. She could maybe get Steve to get involved. Reignite the fire and be bold, yes.

Maybe it wouldn’t be a waste of time, she thought, enjoying her sister’s hands pressing against her diapered crotch around her wet diaper.

“While Camille is sleeping, we might as well try some of this,” said Lucile, sitting on one of the couches in the living room, “Ready for mommy’s milk?”

That sentence was confusing to Elle in so many ways, who had just sat on top of her younger sister’s lap. Before she could protest, Lucile removed her pacifier and began pushing Elle’s head against her nipple. There was a bit of resistance, but there was no escape.

It had been a morning of many first times, and it wasn’t over. For the first time since she was a baby, she felt the sweet nectar of a woman’s breast milk invading her mouth and running down her throat. Elle tried to fight back; she wanted to push away her sister and demand a full stop to their agreement. She had taken things too far.

But she didn’t.

No, she just sucked. Tears ran down her cheeks because it wasn’t just the fact her sister was humiliating her. No. Elle was crying because she was enjoying it. The wet diaper, the breastfeeding, the clothes, all of it. Now, her crotch was moving rhythmically as she sucked, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Lucile. However, she had bigger plans, and her sister’s enjoyment of her treatment, though welcomed, was never a priority. No, no, no. Little Elle knew very little about her sister, but she was going to find out soon.

“That’s it. Good girl,” Lucile kept saying as she caressed her sister’s hair, “Drink it all, my dear. It’s all yours.”

Elle’s tears began fading. At the same time, her eyelids got heavier and heavier.

It was a bright sunny day in the country club. All the rich and powerful gathered there every weekend, men with their golf and women with their gossip. It was in the latter group that Elle found herself daydreaming. She wasn’t sure how she got there, but she was sure that whatever Mindy, a young and ambitious new arrival in society, was saying, had perhaps been a bit too boring for her.

Her eyes gazed upon a butterfly that flew around the terrace and stopped at her table.

“Elle,” she heard Mindy saying.

She turned to face Mindy.


“Do I have your attention?”

Elle hesitated, “Yes.”

“Good, so you can stand up and elaborate on it,” said Mindy, smiling devilishly.

Elle stood up.

She didn’t know what they were talking about, probably something awful. But all eyes were on her now, and she couldn’t come up with an answer. They were judging her. They were judging how she was dressed. Her clothes seemed picked for a five-year-old and not an adult woman with a daughter.

They whispered horrible accusations and mocks.

And Elle’s eyes began getting watery; she was now fighting back the tears. Her heartbeat was running fast. And her legs were shaking. There was a warm sensation around her crotch and running down her legs.

Elle looked down at the big puddle of urine that had formed around her feet. And now she couldn’t fight back the tears. Just like a toddler, she cried. She couldn’t understand why everyone was so mean. She was just a little baby, and babies weren’t supposed to make it to the bathroom. But babies wear diapers. Where were her diapers? Why wasn’t she wearing one? Where were her Mommy and Daddy, and older sister?

Everyone burst into sadistic laughter.

Elle tried to run away, and then…

“Wake up, sleepyhead. Waky waky.”

She opened her eyes and saw the familiar face of her younger sister.

“Are you okay?” asked Lucile.

Elle nodded.

“You’ve been sleeping for almost an hour.”

“Have I?”

Lucile nodded, “You’ve soaked your diaper full; I better change you now before it starts leaking.”

“What?” asked Elle, still disoriented.

Lucile gave Elle no notice before she undressed her right in the middle of the living room. Windows wide open so that anyone passing by could see inside. Elle tried to cover herself, but Lucile wouldn’t allow it.

“Please, not here. There are people on the streets.”

“Nonsense. No one is looking inside, and if they do, there’s nothing more natural than a mother changing her baby.”

Lucile removed the soaked diaper, cleaned Elle’s private parts, and placed a new diaper on her.

“No poopy messes yet. No worries. It will happen soon enough. Maybe even sooner, considering all the yummy-yummy milk my baby had.”

“Poopy messes?” asked Elle, but Lucile was gone before she could inquire further.

A few minutes passed. Elle’s tummy gave her a signal, growling in an all-too-familiar way. She had not made her morning's poop yet. A ritual she performed every single morning right after having her breakfast. She shook it off. She had peed herself already. There was no way she was going to humiliate herself further that day. But she began sweating cold, her tummy grumbling even louder now.

It was a small, wet fart at first. Something imperceptible. Perhaps she was reacting to her sister's milk.

Her body was definitely not happy with what she had done. She let out another fart. And another one, and another one. And then she felt a semi-liquid mess escape her butthole. Something warm spread all over her diaper, reaching her crotch and private parts. It happened so fast she couldn't really control herself, and when she felt it reach her vagina, she couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

"Are you okay?" asked Lucile, who was standing a few feet away from her sister.

Elle shook her head.

The mess was still pouring from her hole, and she didn't know what to do or how to stop it. So she did the thing every baby does when they have an accident. She began crying desperately and shamefully.

And then the mess stopped, but her cries didn't.

"Did you have an accident?"

But Elle didn't answer.

"It's okay, I'll get you clean," said Lucile, but right before she could get to her sister, another round of cries coming from the second floor echoed through the house, "I think the other baby's up. I think she might need a change too. Might as well do you both now."

"No. Please, I don't want her to see me like this."

"Well, that's not up to you."


"One more but, and I swear you'll spend the rest of the day in that messy diaper of yours. Understood?"

Elle nodded, tears falling from her eyes.

"Good, now let me bring your sister here so that I can get you both clean," said Lucile, sniffing the air in the living room, "Might have to start with you, you little stinker."

And she was gone, leaving Elle sitting on the couch. Her mess spread all over her crotch, tears falling down her eyes, and that pleasant feeling growing in her most private parts, making her blush. Was her sister really going to change her messy diaper right next to her daughter? Was this going to be the most humiliating moment of the weekend? Or had her sister planned something even more terrible?

Minutes passed, and nothing.

Elle just sat there in her own mess, feeling the warm semi-liquid poop against her crotch and every inch of her diapered skin. She couldn't believe the diaper was able to hold so much; had it been slightly smaller, it would've already been overflown, and her mess would be everywhere.

And then she heard it.

Steps came from the stairs, and a voice came from upstairs. A soft, gentle voice looking for her. The sound of her daughter ready to be fed, changed, and loved and the motherly urge to stop pretending to be a baby forced her on her feet. She couldn't keep doing it. She was a mother, and she had a responsibility. It didn't matter what her sister said. There was no way she could be overpowered. She would not let Lucile spank her back into babyhood. She was an adult and a mother, and she had had enough. She would rush to the bathroom, clean herself, and go back to her life.

With determination in her eyes, she started walking. If it had been difficult before, it was almost impossible now. The diaper was bigger and heavier, and every step felt unsteady and hard, so she had to walk close to the walls to prevent falling on her ass again.

That's when she saw them.

Her sister was standing right at the bottom of the stairs with Camille in her arms. They both were looking at her like it was some sort of bizarre spectacle. Which, Elle thought, was understandable. Where else had they seen a woman her age wearing nothing but a diaper? A wet and messy one, so full it spread her legs apart, preventing her from walking like a normal adult.

"I don't recall giving you permission to leave the couch."

"It's over, Lu," she said, trying to believe her own words, "I can't do this. I'm her mother, and I'm your big sister, and this needs to stop. I'll find a better way to connect with Camille."

"Why's Mommy in a diapy?" asked her daughter, amused by the situation, "Is Mommy baby like me?"

"No, sweety. It's just a little prank," said Elle, "Right, Sis?"

"Camille, remember I told you I had a surprise for you?" asked Lucile.

Camille nodded.

"Well, this weekend, Mommy will actually be your little sister. And she'll play with you and be your friend."


"No! That's not true, my love. Your aunt is not feeling well, and she needs to leave now!"

Lucile giggled, "You see, just like you pretend to be a grown-up sometimes, your Mommy is pretending too. But we must help her."

"How?" asked Camille, excited.

"By treating her the way she deserves to be treated. Like a little baby girl. Even more little than you."

Camille giggled, "Can I bes Mommy's Mommy?"

"No, I will be your Mommy. But you can be her big sister."

Camille nodded.

Elle was frozen in her place. How dare Lucile shame her like that in front of her daughter? How dare she try to force her into doing something she didn't want? And something came over her. A rage and anger she had never felt before. She needed to confront her sister and reclaim her motherhood. She needed to reclaim her adulthood. She needed to do something before it was gone.

And so she rushed to her sister, failing to be menacing while being stuck in a messy diaper.

Lucile chuckled, "What are you doing?"

Elle didn't answer; she rushed to get her daughter from her sister's arms. But Lucile was faster, and with one simple and gentle push, Elle was back on the floor. Her own mess spread even further around her crotch. The arousal and discomfort were too much for the once proud mother.

All the emotions. All the shame and humiliation. The discomfort of sitting in her own mess while her daughter watched as if it was a TV show. She couldn't cope with it. And she cried desperately. She had lost count of how many times she’d cried that morning. It didn’t matter anymore. She let it all out.

"Oh, don't cry, baby," said Lucile, "Not yet. I'm about to give you something to cry about."

And Elle let out another stream of urine, hoping her diaper would hold it all, and she kept crying.

Chapter Three

Elle cried her heart out, her thumb on her mouth. Sucking her own thumb gave her a little bit of comfort. Though she didn't know how it had gotten there. Most of the last few minutes were a blur. She remembered her daughter laughing at her. She remembered her younger sister giggling at her shame. And then nothing. One thing was for sure. Her diaper was full, and it needed to be changed.

"Come with us, Camille," said Lucile, picking up Elle in her arms, "You need to see what's about to happen."

"What's gonna appen?" asked Elle between sobs.

"I'm gonna spank adulthood out of you. Just like I promised."

"No, pwease!"

"Mommy's gonna get spanked!" said Camille, giggling still.

Elle couldn't free herself from her sister's grip. Lucile seemed to not think about what it could mean for Camille to see her mother being spanked in a messy diapered. She might as well lobotomize her. There was no way Camille would ever see Elle as her mother again. She didn't sign up for this. It wasn't what they agreed upon. What would Steve say if he saw her like this? Would he even want her as a wife ever again?

"Ready, sis?" asked Lucile, whispering in her ears, "I hope you'll learn your lesson so that we can enjoy the rest of the weekend."


Lucile sat on the couch again with Elle on her lap, "This will hurt me more than it'll hurt you."

Elle froze.

Those were her mom's words whenever she disciplined Elle or Lucile. However, it was usually the older sister who got that treatment. For a second, Elle saw her mother in Lucile's eyes, making her shiver. Their mother was a severe woman with an unusual lack of love for her kids. But Elle had always had Lucile. Her younger sister had been more emotionally stronger than she ever was.


The first hit against her messy diaper just pressed every inch of poop even further against her crotch. It was a horrible feeling of discomfort and humiliation. And Elle didn't know what to do but avoid her daughter's gaze. So she closed her eyes.


Tears began falling down her eyes, but it wasn't because of the pain. No. It was because her daughter was sitting right in front of her, giggling as if seeing her own mother being spanked was the most entertaining thing in the world. This wasn't for pain. No.


"Pwease stopped!"


Elle was a sobbing mess now. Her mind couldn't cope with the idea of being an adult, a mother, and being spanked while in a messy diaper. It was like something breaking inside of her.


"Mommy, pwease. I'm sowy!"

And then it stopped.

"Did you call me Mommy?" asked Lucile.

Elle nodded.

Lucile smiled devilishly.

"Very well, I think you've learned your lesson."

Elle had her thumb in her mouth and was sobbing like a little girl.

"I think it's time to change my two little girls. Because one of you is very stinky right now," said Lucile, helping Elle into a changing mat in the middle of the living room.

"Mommy's stinky. I'm not!" said Camille.

"That's correct."

Elle just stayed there, hoping this was all a bad dream.

But if it was a bad dream, it just wasn't over yet. Lucile placed a changing mat in the middle of the living room and brought every supply needed to change a baby's diaper. Thought the diapers themselves were huge, even thicker than the messy one Elle was wearing already.

"Camille, you come first. I've been told you wanna start potty training like a big girl, right?"

Camille nodded.

"Then I think we can start using pull-ups during the day. What do you think?"

Camille nodded even more enthusiastically.

"Are you ready to be a big girl?"


"Good," said Lucile, helping her niece into a pull-up after cleaning her, "Now it's time for the new baby of the house."

Elle didn't move. Didn't say anything. She sat there, waiting, sucking her pacifier, terrified of her own younger sister. Ashamed about what had happened in front of her own daughter. She was still sobbing, and the more she sobbed, the more she sucked on her thumb.

"Why don't you watch some TV while I deal with your baby sister?" Asked Lucile to her niece.

Camille protested; she wanted to stay. But Lucille ordered her to do so, and the younger in the room obeyed. After all, Lucille was convincing. She explained that big girls obeyed their mommies. And if Camille wanted to be a big girl, she needed to obey and set an example for her younger baby sister. Lucille helped Camille into the entertainment room, playing a movie she loved, Sing.

"Now that we are alone," said Lucille, returning to the living room, "Are you ready to start the weekend?"

Elle didn't say anything, but her body answered for her. A loud, wet fart and more poop found its way into the already full diaper.

"I guess that's one way to answer."

The change was quick and methodical. There was more poop inside the diaper than Elle had ever seen. And the smell alone was terrible. Something Lucille didn't miss, and Elle earned herself the nickname of Little Stinker. Once the diaper was removed and Elle's private parts were clean again, her younger sister sealed her back into another diaper. This one was wider and thicker, making it impossible for Elle to move around freely.

"Relax, Little Stinker," said Lucille, smiling.

But Elle couldn't relax.

"I know what to do with you."

It happened quickly. Lucille lifted Elle's onesie, revealing her slightly chubby tummy, and without hesitation, she blew raspberries on it. She couldn't control herself, so she giggled like her daughter when Elle had blown them on her. It didn't stop. Lucille kept blowing raspberry after raspberry until Elle was crying and giggling simultaneously. For a second, she forgot why she was so sad and enjoyed the attention. But once it was over, shame invaded her again.

"Let's go get your big sister, and the three of us can watch a movie."

It wasn't a question. It was an imposition, and Elle had no say in the matter, so Lucille just picked her up and carried her to the entertainment room, where Camille was watching and signing to a kid's movie. Gently and carefully, the younger sister placed her older sister on the floor right next to her niece. The contrast between them both almost made Lucille chuckle. But she fought it back. After all, here, there was a mother wearing a thick, quite-visible diaper, sucking her thumb, blushing, and behaving just like a little girl. Next to her was a real little girl, her daughter. And she wasn't wearing diapers anymore. She was acting tougher. More mature.

This is going to be fun, thought Camille.

Elle couldn't look at her daughter. Not after what had happened. The mother sat there, sucking her thumb, hoping this weekend would be over now. She didn't notice how or when. Perhaps it was just because the movie was fun and colorful, but she got lost in it. So lost that she didn't notice she had peed her diaper a couple of times while she giggled at the cute old lizard and the nice koala. When the movie was over, like a big girl, Camille asked for the potty. It's such a big accomplishment. At least, that's what Lucille said. Elle, on the other hand, realized she had peed herself. Seeing her daughter master potty training while her control over her bladder and bowels deteriorated just served to push the older woman in the house to a tantrum.

"Calm down," said Camille while changing her younger sister's soaked diaper, "It's okay. Babies use their diapers. That's what they are made for."

"I'm not a baby. I don't need diapers!"

"Don't you? Then why did you pee yourself? And not for the first time, mind you."

"It's your fault. You did this to me."

"You're cranky. You've already eaten. Your diaper is clean now. Then that means only one thing."

Elle was confused at her sister's words. They had nothing to do with what they were talking about, but it became clearer when Lucille took her to Camille's nursery. A little girl's heaven. Pink and bright, with stuffed animals everywhere and Disney princesses decorating the walls.

“You need a nap.”

"I don't need a nap!"

"Do you want another spanking?"

Elle froze.

"Nuh," she said, with her thumb back in her mouth, "No, pwease."

Lucille laughed as she turned off the light and closed the door, leaving Elle alone with her thoughts. The mother didn't want to go to sleep. She wasn't tired. She couldn't take it anymore. But if she truly disliked her new position, why was she still sucking her thumb? It was comforting, she argued to herself. She needed some comfort. Why did you get aroused by your dirty diaper? I haven't had sex in a while, she said to herself, blushing. Minutes passed, and thoughts became distant. Her sucking became rhythmical. And her heavy eyelids closed.