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Hi guys!

I'm going to redo Regressing the Older Sister, as I think I got the last few chapters wrong. Don't worry. Miss Helena's Ballet Academy and a Mother's Mistake will be a priority. Until then, this is the first part of the rewritten story. Hope you enjoy reading it again. It has some minor changes, especially dramatically.


I saw the contract. Flawless, like everything her younger sister ever did. There wasn’t much to interpret, and just looking at it made me feel like my life, as I knew it, was coming to an end.

I, Mikaela Cooper, 38 years old, agree to the following guidelines stipulated by this contract:

  • I renounce all of my possessions and any trace of adulthood. This includes, but is not limited to: Clothes, cars, apartments, social media presence, and phones. All of it will be given to charity in the name of my sister, Elizabeth Cooper.
  • From now on, I will refer to my younger sister, Elizabeth Cooper, 29 years old, as Mommy. I will give her complete power over my life, from what I wear and what I eat to whether or not I will be potty trained. If I fail to live up to her rules, she’ll have complete control over the punishment I will receive.
  • Edward Stossel, my ex-husband, will become my new Daddy. I will refer to him as Daddy or Dada, and will submit to anything he says. No matter how humiliating his rules are, I will comply and obey him because he is my new Daddy.

There was a lot more going on in there. Every little detail explained as to why I was not allowed to take care of myself anymore. Diapers, onesies, baths, babysitters, it was all there. And I had no choice in the matter but for accepting it or spend the rest of my life homeless or in jail.

I turned to see them.

My ex-husband and my younger sister holding hands and waiting patiently for me to sign the contract. Would I do it? Would I really let go of my adulthood this easily?

I sighed. What choice do I have?

Chapter One

Mikaela arrived at the office that morning.

Working with a hangover wasn’t new for her. In fact, at this point in her life, it was more of a norm rather than an exception. Of course, no one said anything about it. She was the older sister of the company’s CEO, and the power of nepotism was in her favor. Some of her colleagues claimed she had no skills or talent, but who needed that when your sister owned the building?

“Good morning, Miss Cooper,” said Kailey, her assistant, “Your sister is looking for you.”

Kailey was a rather bland-looking girl. Pretty, but not too pretty. Mikaela hired her because of that specific reason. At thirty-eight, she didn’t want to be competing with someone much younger than her. It wasn’t like she needed the help. She was doing quite fine with aging. Her breasts were still firm and big, and her butt was defined enough. It was all because of her need to keep herself in shape through every possible method. Getting older was her biggest fear, which translated to multiple skincare routines, constant laser depilation appointments, and a gym membership she used daily. Yes, she was almost forty, but she didn’t look the part, and that made her feel better.

“Tell her that I’m not in the mood,” said Mikaela, entering her office with all the arrogance only she could muster.


“Shhh,” she kept going in the most condescending way, “I’m not in the mood for you either. Got get me a coffee and then piss off. Understood?”

“I’m sorry, Miss Cooper. But your sister insisted,” Kailey grabbed her by the wrist.

“What the fuck are you doing, you cunt?”

Everyone turned to see the spectacle. She thought about fighting, but Kailey’s grip was too strong, even if Mikaela was taller and thicker than her. Something about her assistant’s demeanor made Mikaela feel smaller for the first time in her life.

“You can’t do this to me!”

“I’m sorry, Miss Cooper, but it’s an order from your sister,” said the assistant as she dragged her through the halls of the office and into the lift, “She’s waiting for you.”

On the lift, she let Mikaela go. It was now just the two of them, and the oldest felt like crying due to the public display of humiliation. How dare her sister treat her like that? How dare she shame her in front of her subordinates? But then, a chill traveled through her spine, leaving her with nothing but fear.

Shaking, she turned to her assistant, “She knows?”

“I don’t know. She just ordered me to bring you to her office.”

The lift stopped.

It was her sister’s office. An entire floor just for herself. As if no one could see her face in every newsletter and her name on the company’s website. No, Elizabeth loved letting everyone know she was in charge without saying a word. But that wasn’t the reason Mikaela was trembling as they left the lift. No. She had done something awful, and her conscious blasted her with guilt.

“Thanks, Kailey,” said the familiar voice of her younger sister, “You can leave us now.”

“Okay, ma’am.”

Before she could ask or say anything, Kailey was gone in the same lift that had brought them there.

“I believe you are wondering why I brought you here,” said her sister.

She was a tall woman. Perfectly tanned and with youth still in her face. But if being beautiful wasn’t enough, she was also a cunning and smart asshole. At least, that’s how Mikaela always described her to others. Elizabeth was everything Mikaela wasn’t. And the older sister resented her for it.

“I do,” said Mikaela, feeling like a little kid about to be called off by her mother, “Dragging me here was unnecessary.”

“Sit,” commanded her sister.

“I’d rather….”


She did.

Not just because her sister commanded her to but because she felt her knees weakening. Elizabeth had that effect on her. Ever since she started talking, she was bossy, and what was worst is that Elizabeth ended up being better than Mikaela at everything, from sports to dating life to career and more.

“Now. I’ll just say it once. Your one chance,” she said, almost breathing into Mikaela’s neck, “What happened to the money?”

Mikaela was shaking.

“What money?”

She knew what money Elizabeth meant. It started as something small and fun. A couple bucks now and then taken from the yearly budget. Then, she wanted a trip to Aruba. She wanted a new car. She wanted a new apartment, and that went on and on. What started as something small soon turned into thousands of dollars, and she feared anyone would discover it.

“The money you stole,” said Elizabeth stoically.

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Don’t you? You think I was not gonna find out?”

Mikaela fought back the tears but to no avail.

“Are you crying?”

She nodded.

“What did you think was going to happen?”

“I’m sorry, sis. I swear I won’t do it again.”

“You stole eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars, Sis. It’s not something you can just apologize for.”

“What do you mean?” She asked in between sobs.

“I have to report it. Someone has to go to jail for it, sis. It won’t be me. It won’t be your assistant, and it won’t be our accountant.”

Mikaela was now crying desperately.

“Please, please. Don’t”

Elizabeth smiled but didn’t say anything. She let Mikaela apologize and beg for forgiveness. And then, the proposal came. The one that would change Mikaela’s life forever.

“Unless,” said Elizabeth, placing her hand softly over her sister’s shoulders, “Unless we find another way for you to pay for what you did.”

Elizabeth stopped crying, “I’ll do anything.”


She nodded.

“I want you to be my baby.”

There was a short moment of silence. Mikaela didn’t know how to answer that. What did she mean by wanting her to be her baby? That was ludicrous.


“I want you to be my baby. That means diapers, pacifiers, baths, onesies, cute little clothes, and mommy’s milk.”

“You are nuts. I’m not a baby. I’m your older sister. What the fuck are you talking about?” said Miakela, standing up.

She was not going to take it. Not anymore. She was the older sister. She had all the right to disagree with Elizabeth and do whatever the fuck she wanted. And her sister has clearly lost her mind. No. It was Mikaela who was on the right. It was only a few thousand dollars. Elizabeth wasn’t going to send her to jail. And she was the older sister. She deserved it. She deserved the money, the respect, and everything else.

“Or you can go to jail.”

“You won’t send me to jail. I’m your sister. I’m your older sister.”

Elizabeth towered over Mikaela, forcing the older sister to sit back in her seat.

“You are indeed my older sister. True. But do you act the part?”

Mikaela said nothing, looking at her younger sister defiantly.

“You were broke. Divorced. In Debt with every single person you knew. I had to rescue you from that. And how do you repay me? By stealing money from the company, I worked so hard to build. No. You are not an older sister, and it’s time for you to stop lying to yourself.”


“But nothing. I’m giving you a way out. I can’t have kids. And you are definitely not an adult. This is a win-win situation. What’s there to argue?”

Mikaela was shaking.

“So, what do you say?”

“I….I….I don’t know,” she answered, sobbing again.

Elizabeth smiled, holding her sister in her arms.

“Look. Why don’t you go home? Think about it. I want you to say yes, but that’s the last decision you’ll ever make. If you do, come back tomorrow. And there will be no more argument. You’ll do as I say.”

“What if I choose not to?”

Elizabeth kissed her on the forehead.

“Oh, sis. You won’t want to know.”

Chapter Two

Mikaela arrived home.

Her sister had let her go by herself. The last decision she will make as a grown-up woman or as a free one, at least for a while. The entire time during the drive home, she could just hear the words of her sister echoing in her mind. I want you to be my baby. Diapers, onesies, baths, and everything. Why? How? Elizabeth has never done anything without planning it for months, even weeks. She was calculative and manipulative and the most dominant bitch she's ever met. Even the way she moved made Mikaela's legs shake.

But nothing of what she thought about her sister mattered. Her problem was real. Either she accepted her sister's offer, or she would spend the next ten years in prison, and that was if she had a really good lawyer, which she didn't.

Mikaela looked around.

Her apartment was beautiful. Her clothes, her car, her latest iPhone, even her gigantic TV. She didn't want to lose any of it. Would Elizabeth force her to get rid of her adult possessions? That was ludicrous. She couldn't really be thinking about accepting. I want you to be my baby. Diapers, onesies, baths, and everything. Could she accept? What would it mean?

She sat in the middle of all the frivolities that had led to her downfall. She would not be in this situation if she had been more responsible and loyal. It was not like she stole a lot of money, at least not by her sister's standards. She could see her parents' faces already. They never forgave her for her divorce, or her college dropout, or her failing school multiple times, or the drug abuse, or the alcohol abuse.

She always had Elizabeth. Her sister might be a bitch, but she always had her back. And now, she had betrayed her trust. Maybe she did deserve to go to jail. Why was she so self-centered? Why was she such an asshole? Perhaps being a baby could mean starting over.

Mikaela sighed as she poured herself a glass of wine.

"Might as well enjoy my last day of freedom," she whispered to her lonely apartment.

Elizabeth sat in her office.

She had been looking forward to confront Mikaela about the money. She had known about it since it first happened but let it continue until she was ready and sure of what she wanted. Unlike Mikaela, Elizabeth craved responsibilities. That had led her to become a very successful woman but had also deprived her of finding happiness at an age when most women would already be mothers. She had, however, recently found a man that was everything she wanted, but the little girl of her dreams had eluded her. She couldn't get pregnant. She couldn't have a baby. That was until she stumbled into the world of Adult Babies.

She knew about a woman, a mother. Actually, she had been reduced to nothing but a baby by a strict nanny that had taken control of her life. Her diaries were available online, detailing everything that had happened to her since she was demoted to her new lifestyle. And, somehow, the woman liked it. She had accepted her new position in life. Diapered, breastfed, bossed around. It sounded ridiculous at first, but it made more sense as Elizabeth kept reading.

It was her chance.

It was her best chance to finally be the mother she knew she could be. It was her chance to be nurturing and strict. To be loving, protective, and responsible for someone who depended entirely on her. It was the chance to finally reach that next stage in her life, and she knew about the perfect candidate.

Her older sister. A mess of a woman. A chaos of a human being. Mikaela would make the perfect baby. She was already behaving like one.

Elizabeth knew her sister would choose to be her baby instead of going to prison. She only needed to wait one more night.

Mikaela woke up with the most horrible hangover.

Wine was not her friend. It wasn't when she was thirteen, and it was definitely not now that she was thirty-eight, a few years away from turning forty. What was worst, she had peed herself again. It happened every time she drank more than she could handle. Luckily, the few times it had happened, she had been alone. Though one time, it happened at a party. It was almost over already, and she played it cool. No one noticed.

It took her a while to get herself up from the floor where she had passed out that night before.

And it took her even longer to remember what had pushed her to drink that much. I want you to be my baby. Diapers, onesies, baths, and everything. Those were her sister's words, and they had come back, flooding her mind again. Maybe diapers were really her future.

"Oh, fuck!" she shouted, finally realizing that it was inevitable.

The phone rang.

She answered.

"Hello, dear," she heard her mother's soft voice say, "How are you?"

"Mom? That's a first. I don't think you've called since my divorce."

There was a short moment of silence.

"You blame me? You are the one that let go of that good man."

Mikaela didn’t answer.

"Well, it's not like you have a large collection of successes. Failures, on the other hand…"

"If you've called to put me down, save it. I have no time for it."

She was about to hang up, but then her mother said something that shook her.

"Have you thought about Elizabeth's offer?"

"How do you know about it?"

"She tells me everything."

"I guess you expect me to choose jail. What better way to finally cut me off than locking me away for a decade?"

"Oh, dear. You are always so resentful and angry. But no. I don't want you in jail. It would put our name in the spotlight, and not in a positive way."

"Right, we cannot have that."

"No. No, with your father's career. Not with your sister's career."

"She could just let it go. I won't steal again or anything. You can convince her, right? You could tell her to just fire me or something."

Her mother chuckled.

"I told her not to hire you in the first place, but she didn't listen," said her mother, pausing for a long time before continuing, "Your entire life you've lived of everyone that showed you any type of kindness and care. You became a parasite for this family. I'm sorry I'm being harsh, but you know it to be true."

Tears appeared in Mikaela's eyes, and the cold, wet clothes she wore made her feel even smaller.

"You only have one choice. And I know you'll pick it. The humiliation of it might help you grow up better this time. Maybe, just maybe, your sister might be a better mother to you than I was. She's good at everything. She might help you grow into a fine young lady. That is if she thinks you deserve to grow back at all."

"I'm not giving up my adulthood!"

"Then you'll be giving up your life."

There was a short moment of silence.

"It doesn't matter. Do as you please. But you are right. If you go to jail, you are out of the family for good. No more bailouts. No more charity. Nothing."

Her mother hung up.

Mikaela grabbed her phone and smashed it against the wall. It broke in so many pieces she didn't even know where to start picking it up. Maybe she wouldn't. It's not like she'll need it anymore.

She sighed again.

Her mother was right. She was not going to jail.

She looked down at her wet pants. Perhaps she was already used to peeing herself. What would be the difference between doing it in a diaper?

That morning, Mikaela parked outside her sister's company building.

Everyone stared at her as she made her way into Elizabeth's office. Eyes she knew, and eyes she didn't. And every step of the way just got harder and harder, as if her legs knew where she was going and they were working against her. Did everyone know what was about to happen? Did they know she was about to give up her adulthood? Would it happen right there? Would Elizabeth take her to her house?

She finally reached the elevator, sighing; she entered to meet her fate.

First Floor. Second Floor. Third Floor.

What if she wasn't ready to give up on everything?

Fourth Floor. Fifth Floor.

What did she mean by baby? Diapers. Onesies. Baths, everything. What did she mean by everything?

Sixth Floor. Seventh Floor. Eighth Floor. Ninth Floor. Tenth Floor.

Could she pretend to be a baby to save her life? And what did it involve? Diapers. Onesies. Baths, everything. Would she have to use the diapers? Would she be allowed to use the toilet again? Would she be giving up sex? Would she have to stop drinking alcohol? Mommy's Milk? What was that about?

Eleventh Floor. Twelfth Floor. Thirteenth Floor. Fourteenth Floor. Fifteenth Floor. Sixteenth Floor.

Twentieth Floor.

Thirstiest Floor.

And then, the elevator stopped, and so did Mikaela's heart. The elevator opened, and her legs were shaking. Cold shivers. Cold Sweat. And a little bit of pee escaping into her panties.

Breathing deeply, she walks out of the elevator and into her sister's office.

Elizabeth was already waiting. Fashionable and sexy as always. Her sister's lawyer was right next to her. A man that had been clearly handsome when he was younger, though he maintained some raw masculinity. But then something, someone else, Edward. Her ex-husband was there. He was looking as handsome as ever, and she couldn't prevent tears from falling.

"What is he doing here?!" Asked Mikaela.

"He's my fiancé," said Elizabeth, as if that revelation meant nothing, "Have you come to accept?"

And Mikaela felt like fainting. Elizabeth, however, stood up immediately and grabbed her older sister, leading her into the empty chair in front of them.

"He's here because he will be your Daddy if you choose to be my baby. And as your Daddy…"

"I wanted to be a part of such an important day for my little girl. That is if you came here to accept our offer."

Mikaela couldn’t answer.

She could live in jail. She could. There was no way she was going to let her sister cuckold her. No. That was her breaking point. She was going to stand up and send them to hell and wait for her new life in jail to begin.

"Did you come here to accept our offer?" Asked Elizabeth.

She didn't want to. She was not going to do it. But her brain wasn't helping anymore. The part of her that wanted to avoid jail at all costs was stronger. Her mouth spoked faster than her brain could think, "Yes," she said, and tears fell down her eyes.

"I'm ready to be your baby," she heard herself say in between sobs.

Chapter Three

The lawyer gave Mikaela a document. It was a long list of words she couldn't understand, from confidentiality agreements to more specific sentences about her new position in life. But it didn't matter if she understood them because Mikaela couldn't make a deal. She wasn't there to understand. She was there to sign. The offer was simple, she could either be her sister's baby or spend the next ten years in jail or probably more, given her luck.

The last part of the contract caught her attention. "I, Mikaela Cooper, 38 years old, agree to the following guidelines stipulated by this contract:

  • I renounce all of my possessions and any trace of adulthood. This includes, but is not limited to: Clothes, cars, apartments, social media presence, and phones. All of it will be given to charity in the name of my sister, Elizabeth Cooper.
  • From now on, I will refer to my younger sister, Elizabeth Cooper, 29 years old, as Mommy. I will give her complete power over my life, from what I wear and what I eat to whether or not I will be potty trained. If I fail to live up to her rules, she'll have complete control over the punishment I will receive.
  • Edward Stossel, my ex-husband, will become my new Daddy. I will refer to him as Daddy or Dada and will submit to anything he says. No matter how humiliating his rules are, I will comply and obey him because he is my new Daddy.

There was a lot more going on in there. Every detail explained why she was not allowed to care for herself anymore. Diapers, onesies, baths, babysitters, it was all there. Her sister and ex-husband would be her sole guardians. They would be basically her parents, and her real parents would become her grandparents. She would be enlisted in daycare. She would stop using the toilet. And she was most definitely not allowed to engage in any adult behavior. No more drinking. No more dating. No more sex.

She turned to see Elizabeth.

Her ex-husband and younger sister are holding hands and waiting patiently for her to sign the contract. They looked so perfect together. They looked better together than she had ever felt when she and Edward were a couple. He was as handsome as ever, and for a moment, she thought about saying no. She thought about the times they had sex and how much of a man he was. She thoughts about him plowing her against the wall the way he had done so many times, and rage invaded her because she knew that her sister was now receiving that treatment. She knew there was nothing she could ever offer to make him come back to her and leave Elizabeth.

She signed.

And then it was over. Mikaela had given away her life as the contract was taken away from her. Without hesitation, Elizabeth grabbed Mikaela and stripped her naked right in the middle of her office, with her doors fully opened. Mikaela's body was already showing the passage of time. Her skin had lost some of its elasticity, especially around her neck and breasts. Yet, her toned, muscled, and curvy appearance made her look slightly younger than almost forty.

"What the fuck?!" Asked Mikaela.

"Don't speak. You cannot anymore," said her sister.

But there was no answer.

She was forced to stand there, naked and cold, as her ex-husband and younger sister scanned her like a horse they were buying. The lawyer seemed unbothered by it, organizing all the documents they had just signed minutes before.

"What do you think? Laser hair removal will be needed, or we might have a hard time during changes," said Edward.

"Agreed. She's a bit chubby, but that's good. Babies need that baby fat," said Elizabeth.

Mikaela blushed, wanting to interject. Defend herself against their judgment, but Elizabeth was right. In the document she had just signed, there was a clause that specified she couldn't speak unless asked to by a grown-up. If she did. Well, she didn't want to think about that.

"Should we start then?" Asked Edward.

Elizabeth nodded as they kept scanning Mikaela.

"You can speak now."

"Please. What's going on? What's going to happen to me? What are you going to do?"

"You're right," said Elizabeth, "We are getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we?"

Mikaela nodded.

"I agreed to be your baby, but I'm not an object. I just, I just," Mikaela just realized how ridiculous she sounded.

She had accepted to be their baby. She had agreed to allow them to do whatever they wanted with her, but babies weren't supposed to be treated like cattle. Mikaela felt alone. She felt scared. She felt like she needed a hug. And standing there naked in front of her younger and much hotter sister and her new fiancé, who was also Mikaela's ex-husband, was too much.

"I just, I don't know what's happening," she said, fighting back tears.

Elizabeth hugged her right away. She didn't say anything to her older sister. She just held Mikaela's naked body against hers. For Mikaela, it was too much. She broke into tears again. But she didn't feel scared anymore. She also didn't feel alone. She just felt overwhelmed by the situation. Just minutes before, she had given up her adulthood in favor of a new life. And now, she felt lost. But her sister's warmth and her calm heartbeat helped her understand that she didn't have to worry. Not anymore.

"Let's start again, OK?" Asked Elizabeth.

Mikaela nodded.

"Edward and I are new to this, but I promise we will make it easy for you. You will enjoy being our baby. You will be loved. You will be taken care of. You won't have to worry about anything ever again."

"You are ours now," said Edward.

Elizabeth's office was practically an entire floor. Mikaela had only seen one part, so she was surprised when Edward opened one of the doors to reveal a penthouse on the other side. It was big enough for a couple to live in. It had its own bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and living room. A massive thing Mikaela didn't know was there.

"I do a lot of late nights," said Elizabeth, guiding the naked woman inside, "Here's where I stay when that happens. Don't worry. It's not where you will live. You'll have your own room."

"Alright," said Edward, "I'll get the things. You can get her ready."

And he left the room, closing the door, leaving the two sisters alone for the first time since Mikaela accepted the deal.

"Let's get you ready."


Elizabeth forced her in front of a mirror.

"Right now, I see a woman. A woman with pubic hair, ruined makeup, and a fancy salon haircut. I see someone in her forties."

"Thirties," said Mikaela.

Elizabeth chuckled.

"Fair enough. But you are not one anymore. You are not a woman. You are, for all intents and purposes, a little girl. My little girl. My baby girl. And I will turn you into one. But first, I want you to say it."

"Say what?"

"Say you are my baby girl."

Mikaela looked at herself in the mirror and at her sister. Elizabeth was taller and radiant and classier, and everything she wasn't. She sighed, "I'm your baby girl."

"Good. Now, let Mommy take care of it," said Elizabeth, leading her older sister to the bathroom.

Elizabeth did it carefully, removing every last bit of Mikaela's body hair. After what felt like hours, though it had been barely minutes, Mikaela was left as smooth as a baby. But it didn't end up there. Elizabeth removed Mikaela's makeup and turned on the shower.

"Time to get you clean, baby."

Elizabeth helped her older sister into the shower and stripped herself naked. Mikaela was in shock. The entire morning had consisted of her zoning out while Elizabeth did what she wanted with her. But seeing her younger sister's naked body just made her feel more inadequate. She was tall and fit and had two massive breasts that would make any man go crazy. Any man, and apparently, Mikaela herself. She realized she had never seen another woman as hot as her sister.

Mikaela blushed and tried to cover her crotch.

"No need to be modest, honey."


Elizabeth cleaned her sister thoroughly, from feet to head, paying extra attention to Mikaela's private parts. Though that only made Mikaela blush even redder as she felt her lips getting wetter, and it wasn't just the water. She tried to look away. But Elizabeth forced her back to her, forcing her massive breasts against Mikaela's face.

Elizabeth chuckled.

"It's OK. You will get them later."

"Get them…later?"

"What kind of a mommy would I be if I didn't feed my baby?"

"Mommy's milk?"

Elizabeth nodded as she started massaging Mikaela's breasts.

"How?" Asked Mikaela, blushing.

"There's no need for you to worry about it. You just need to enjoy it."

Elizabeth helped Mikaela's sister off the shower and dried her like a mother would a baby. Carefully and lovingly and with such intimacy that Mikaela's heart felt like it was going to explode. The smell of Elizabeth's pussy was intoxicating, like a little bit of heaven. Yet, knowing it was her younger sister. Knowing it was her new Mommy, she couldn't do anything about it.

Back in the room, they were met with the most over-the-top baby attires, but designed to fit a woman Mikaela's size. Diapers, onesies, bonnets, mittens, it was all there.

"Good, Daddy must have come in while we were showering," said Elizabeth, inspecting the different outfits and accessories, "Let's get you ready so that we can introduce you to everyone."


"Yes! Mommy and Daddy have a surprise for you downstairs. Everyone in the office is dying to meet baby Mika."

"No. Please, no. I, I can take being your baby. But not in public, please."

Elizabeth chuckled, "Oh, honey. Thinking you have a say in the matter is so cute. But you don't, and don't fight it, or you will lose the talking privileges."

Mikaela noted, knowing her younger sister would pay no attention to her pleas. Elizabeth laid Mikaela on the bed after drying her completely, "Who's ready to finally become mommy's baby girl?"

Mikaela looked away, a lonely tear falling down her cheek.

Then, she felt the flour-like feeling of baby powder over her most private parts. Elizabeth spread it all over her crotch, paying extra attention to her inner tights and crack. She went as far as her butthole, which made Mikaela shiver and blush. Though she couldn't deny how erotic that moment had been, and that only made her blush even more.

Finally, the diaper time came, and she was sealed in a thick white prison. So thick, actually, she couldn't really close her legs.

"Almost ready, baby," said Elizabeth, blowing raspberries on her sister's tummy.

Mikaela fought the laughs, but she lost that fight. And another fight she didn't know she had been fighting. A little bit of pee escaped her body, landing in her diaper, and spreading warmly around her crotch.

Elizabeth smiled, "I see you're getting used to your diaper."

Mikaela looked away, blushing, feeling so humiliated she didn't know what else to do.

Elizabeth proceeded to help Mikaela sit over the edge of the bed. It was quite a sight. A grown-up woman, almost reaching her forties, wearing nothing but a diaper with the most babyish prints on it. And, for that matter, a wet one. She was covering her large breasts with her arms.

"Let's get you dress, alright?"

Mikaela wants it to end already. Was this really better than going to jail? Yeah, she answered herself. Most probably, she would've ended up some awful's woman bitch. At least here, she thought, she had some care and love and warmth.

It didn't matter, though. Anything she thought about it mattered as little as nothing. Elizabeth picked her up, placing her in a standing position as she fitted the frilliest, cutest baby dress over her. The dress served nothing to hide the fact she was wearing a big, slightly wet diaper underneath.

And, in her mind, Mikaela hoped it was just a dream. A nightmare of sorts. However, that hope vanished when Elizabeth forced her right in front of a mirror. There she was. Closer to forty than to thirty-five, and she was wearing a pink dress that would make any toddler jealous. Underneath the dress was a large and obvious diaper that spread her legs so far apart she could barely stay standing without help.

"Aren't you a delight?" Asked Elizabeth.

Mikaela's brain couldn't process the image in front.

She did what babies do when they can't understand something. She cried. And like any other mother, Elizabeth picked her and tried to comfort her. But her older sister would not stop sobbing.

Then a thought came to Elizabeth's mind. She went over to the bed, where she had just, minutes before, finished regressing her older sister.

"I think this will help."

Still naked, she sat Mikaela over her lap and pulled her closer to her breasts.

"No, please," said Mikaela in between sobs.

But Elizabeth was stronger, and Mikaela found her lips right against her sister's nipples. She couldn't. She didn't want to. No. It was not possible. She was a grown-up woman. Stylish. Sexy. Men wanted her. She wanted them. No. She was not a baby.

"Go on, baby."

"You bitch," said Mikaela, freeing herself for a minute, "I can't do this. I'm not a fucking baby. I'm your older sister. You owe me some fucking respect."

But Elizabeth didn't move. She just laughed.

"Stop. Don't laugh. I'm serious!"

"Serious? Have you seen yourself?"

Mikaela tried to stand up, but the dress and massive diaper didn't allow her to. So, she crawled away from her younger sister.

Elizabeth stood up, and her presence changed from motherly to terrifying. And that was everything Mikaela needed to finish soaking her diaper.

"I want out. I'm not a baby," said Mikaela, sobbing.

Elizabeth got closer.

She picked her older sister up, carrying her back to bed. However, this time, she lifted Mikaela's dress and removed her wet diaper with one movement.

"What are…"

Elizabeth forced Mikaela over her lap, and without warning, she began smacking her round butt cheeks.




Mikaela was now bawling like an infant, trying to free herself. But her sister's strength was too much for her. She couldn't move.




"Please! Elizabeth, stop!"




"Please," Mikaela pleaded, "Stop. Stop!"




"I'm sorry."




"Mommy, please."

The spanking stopped.

"What did you say?"

"Mommy, please," said Mikaela in between sobs, "I'll be good."

Elizabeth smiled. She gave her older sister a kiss on each butt cheek, which was now bright red to the point it almost looked purple.

"Are you going to behave?"

Mikaela nodded.

Elizabeth applied a cream over Mikaela's butt that made her burning skin feel cooler, "Let's try again, OK?"

She re-diapered her older sister, placing her again over her lap. But this time, with her face facing up. She pulled Mikaela closer to her giant breasts again and, once again, offered her her nipple. This time, however, Mikaela latched on to it as if her life depended on it.

"Good girl. We have to do it often," said Elizabeth, "The doctors assured me that you sucking on it plus the pills will make me produce milk for my baby in no time."

Mikaela began sucking, and as she sucked, her sister began patting her head while humming a calming tune. The pain, the humiliation, the failures. All of it just felt further and further as she kept on sucking. Nothing was coming out, but it wasn't the point. Her breasts. Her nipples. It was like connecting with her sister in a way she had never connected with anyone. Not even with her ex-husband.

"Shhh, it's OK, my sweet little girl. I'm here. You are going to be happy."

Mikaela stopped sobbing.

She felt calm. She felt protected. She felt good about her decision at last.


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