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Henry couldn’t believe how his first day as a baby had played out.

Sure, he was ready to be a baby. That was the entire point of signing away his life for six months so that he could claim his uncle’s inheritance. And yet, not in his wildest dreams could he have foreseen what happened. After being dressed by Juliette, Henry was paraded around the manor and introduced to every worker and employee, from the cooks and maintenance personnel to the maids and everything in between. To make matters worst, Henry was sobbing the entire time. How could he not cry? His humiliation was being displayed to everyone.

He cried even more when introduced to a handsome young man and his twin sister, who worked the gardens. Here he was, a thirty-year-old dressed in ridiculous baby attire and with a diaper fully on display, being introduced to people barely of age. The sister was beautiful, with blue eyes and golden hair, and the brother was more masculine than Henry would ever be. Henry actually cried when Eric, the brother, spanked his padded bottom in a playful way.

“We cannot have our baby crying all day,” said Juliette, forcing something onto Henry’s mouth, “Perhaps this can help!”

Henry fought it, but Juliette’s strength was greater than his. Submitting, he accepted what he recognized as an adult-sized pacifier. And for the final touch, she also offered him a teddy bear. Knowing he couldn’t fight it, Henry accepted it, hugging it closely as he sucked his pacifier.

“Should we name it?” Asked Eric.

“I think he should,” said Ericka, the twin sister.

“What should we name it, little Henry?” Asked Juliette.

The pressure mounted up on him. It was too much. He wasn’t a baby; he was just doing it for the money. The sobbing continued until he felt a different type of pressure. Something he had not thought about yet, something he had ignored. Was he supposed to use the diapers for everything? That couldn’t be. Who would want to clean him after that? He raised his hand and pulled Juliette’s sleeve.

The head of the maids got closer to him, “Yes? Did you pick a name?”

Henry shook his head.

“Then what do you want?”

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Excuse me?”

Henry paused and sighed, “I need to go potty.”

“Go ahead.”

Henry didn’t move.

“Where’s the potty?”

“You’re wearing it. You already wet yourself; at least this time, you will have a diaper to protect your clothes.”

“But—I—I need to get number two,” he said, forgetting to keep his voice low.

The twins laughed.

“Go ahead,” said Juliette, smiling devilishly again.

Henry blushed.

She couldn’t be serious. There was no way she was expecting him to just go in his diaper in front of the handsome young man and the beautiful young woman. No. He couldn’t. But it really wasn’t up to him. And his body wasn’t ready to hold for much longer. Uncomfortable pain spread around his tummy, pressure mounting up, and he began to sweat cold.

“Let me tell you what,” said Juliette, “For every second that passes from now until you poop your diaper, it will be one minute you will stay in that diaper. No changes.”

Henry’s jaw dropped, and so did his pacifier.

“But, I can’t, Not in front of them. Not here.”

“That’s ten seconds. So ten minutes.”

His teddy bear fell to the ground, and he followed with a squat.

“Fifteen seconds.”

Henry pushed, but now his body wasn’t listening.

“Twenty seconds.”

“Look at how he’s concentrating,” said Ericka.

“You can do it, little boy,” said Eric.

“Thirty seconds. You can make it. Go on.”

Henry pushed, and a fart came out.

More laughter as other maids and employees started gathering around him. All of them were younger and attractive and laughing at him as he squatted and farted, hoping he could fill his diaper faster. But besides wet farts, nothing was coming out.

“That’s one minute. Are you almost done?” Asked Juliette.

Henry struggled but kept pushing, knowing it would only end one way. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he felt his bowels let loose, and a giant mess found its way from his rectum to the surface of his diaper. It was solid at first, but it turned mushy after a few pushes. Then, it became almost liquid. And it spread all around his hairless crotch. Still squatting, feeling the warmth of his own mess, Henry couldn’t help but cry as he tried to avoid eye contact with everyone.

“Is it done?” Asked Juliette.

Henry nodded.

“That’s almost three minutes. I hope you’re ready to stay in your messy diaper for three hours.”

Henry didn’t want to stand up. Still squatting, he felt his bladder letting loose as he cried. Juliette helped him up, and her demeanor changed suddenly. Although before she had been harsh and cruel, she now felt like someone that wanted to keep him safe. Her devilish smile had turned into a kind gaze.

“It’s okay, time will fly,” she said, smiling and turning to her employees, “No more laughing now. He’s our baby.”

And everyone obeyed immediately.

She led Henry by the hand and back into the manor. Though it was a slow-paced walk, Henry couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable and disgusted about the state of his diaper. What had been a warm, mushy feeling against his testicles and penis had now turned into a cool touch of the most uncomfortable texture.

He kept his eyes down as they walked into the manor.

“It’s okay, baby. Here, I have a new one for you,” said Juliette, placing another pacifier in his mouth, “And here, hold him close. You can tell me his name later,” she said, hanging him his teddy bear again. This time, Henry grabbed the stuffed animal close as he sucked on his pacifier. Somehow, it made him feel better about what had happened. Although, it did nothing about the discomfort of walking in his own mess.

In the great room, Juliette placed Henry right inside a huge playpen. It was filled with toys, blankets, and everything a baby would’ve loved. But Henry wasn’t one, so when Juliette disappeared from the room and he has left alone, he had no clue what to do with himself. He was in shock to realize. However, he had been sucking his pacifier and holding his teddy bear close even when Juliette wasn’t there. So he pushed them aside and waited there, sitting on his own mess, waiting to be changed.

And so seconds became minutes, and he was sure an hour had passed.

But when another of the maids came into the room, she told him it had only been twenty-five minutes since his little display of babyhood in the garden. She was one of the cute maids, very feminine, and with piercing black eyes. Thick and with proper posture, Henry’s type, or at least, it was this type before.

“So you’re the new master. Or well, baby,” she said.

Henry didn’t answer.

“It’s okay. No judgment. If I could get millions by only pretending to be a baby for six months, I would’ve. Probably, it wouldn’t have been as easy for me as it had been for you, though.”

“It’s not easy for me!”

She chuckled, “Sure. Let’s pretend that’s true.”

Henry blushed.

“Oh, Carmen,” said Juliette coming into the room again, “There you are. I was looking for you. I see you’ve met little Henry.”

“Our new master.”

“New baby,” corrected Juliette, “He’s not the master yet.”

Henry sat there as the two women talked about him and his diaper state as if he wasn’t there. Juliette even went as far as saying he had no pubic hair, so there was no need for laser hair removal. But what got Henry to actually blush was finding out Carmen had a son herself.

“Why don’t you bring little Joseph tomorrow? He can be Henry’s playmate.”

“I guess, but I’m actually trying to potty-train him. Not sure if he’s going to like being around an actual baby like Henry.”

Juliette and Carmen chuckled.

The last two hours of his torment went by as slowly as possible. By the end, after being washed and put on a new diaper, Henry was reconsidering his current situation. It had only been one day, but he had already been humiliated in front of every one of his future employees. And now he was to be forced to play with a two-year-old. Could he actually make it all the way to six months?


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