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Elle drove around the neighborhood. 

She had not seen her best friend in over a week. Hannah was supposed to go out for a weekend to babysit for her sister. But there had been no contact since. She called Hannah's family, and they were extremely vague about her best friend's condition. She's sick. She won't go back to university. And something about needing to take care of her. 

As if! 

Hannah was a strong-willed woman with a career ahead of her. She was at the top of the class alongside Elle. They were going to rule the world together. Be rich and famous and get everything they want. Hannah needed no one to take care of her. 

Finally, Elle parked outside a house in the suburbs. Nothing fancy about it, but she knew Hannah's sister didn't have much money. After all, she chose to be a mother. And with her husband's death, she now needed to work in anything she could get, which is how Hannah ended up helping by babysitting her kids. 

Elle knocked at the door and waited. 

The door opened. It was Hannah, with light brown hair, a pretty face, and taller than average. No, this woman was slightly older. Probably a couple of years or so older than Hannah was. It was her sister, Lena. 

"Hello," said Lena, "Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm looking for Hannah."

"And who are you?"

"I'm her friend, Elle."

"Oh, Elle. Hannah mentioned you."

Elle smiled awkwardly, "Is she here?"

Lena nodded. 

"Can I see her?"

"Well, she's up from her nap. But she might need a change."

A change? Up from her nap? What was this woman talking about? But Elle didn't have time to question her. Lena moved, allowing Elle to come in. There was something odd about Lena. She seemed excited as if expecting something to happen. Elle didn't need to wait long to find out why. 


Hannah looked at her.

Right there, sitting on the floor, was her friend. An adult woman sitting on the floor might be odd, but not weird. The problem was what Hannah wore. A regular T-shirt, nothing out of the ordinary. But she had no pants, and she wasn't wearing underwear. And yet, her crotch wasn't exposed. No. A thick, white diaper covered it. To complete the picture, Hannah was surrounded by toys and an empty baby bottle. 

"What happened to you?" asked Elle, turning to face Lena, "What happened to her?"

"Why don't we get some coffee? I'll tell you what happened if you want."



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