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I wasn’t looking forward to Christmas last year. Not because I didn’t enjoy all the presents and delicious food, but because it meant going back home to deal with my family. Now I love them all; it’s just that they have a very specific rule I find to be distasteful at best.

No matter how old you are. No matter if you are a mother, an older sister, an aunt, or even a grandmother. If you are a woman, you aren’t allowed to use the restroom. How could someone live like that? Well, my dad has a solution: Diapers.

Yes. My mom wears them all the time. My aunts wear them whenever they visit. So do my sisters and nieces, whether older or younger than me. It’s a rule. This explains why no one really wants to visit us during the holidays. Oh, by the way, my name’s Alex, and I’m twenty-two. If you haven’t guessed yet, I’m a girl. And until last Christmas, I hated to spend time at my parents’ house. But, would you blame? It’s not like anyone enjoys being forced to wear diapers, right? Right?

Well, I was wrong.

It all started the week before Christmas. Alex was on her way to her parent’s house after a good semester in college. She wasn’t the most brilliant student, and her career wasn’t a sought-after one. Genetically speaking, she was far from ugly, though average would be the best description. She did have some curves in the right places, something she had inherited from her mother. However, there were more things she had inherited from her. Things she wasn’t happy about.

Right before arriving home, she had to do that thing she dreaded. Stopping in the middle of nowhere, she took the diaper bag that had sat on the copilot’s seat the entire trip. Bland, white and big enough to fit her big bottoms. She removed one of the diapers, spread some baby powder over it, and did what she had to do to place it comfortably around her crotch. It wasn’t a nice experience, but it would just be a couple of days. Christmas had been the only time she would come back home, and that’s just ‘cause she didn’t want her mother alone in diapers while everyone else enjoyed.

After another thirty minutes of driving, she reached her family’s ranch. A huge state far away from everything. It was her dad’s pride. She wasted no time, grabbing her backpack and diaper bag and rushing straight to the door wearing nothing but a shirt and diaper. It was okay, she kept telling herself. There was no way any stranger would see her. And she wouldn’t be the only one in that state.

She was right.

As soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by the most bizarre scene she could’ve ever imagined.

In the middle of the foyer, a collection of men of all ages. Uncles, cousins, brothers, nephews, and Alex’s dad. A stern and stoic man with broad shoulders and piercing blue eyes. That wasn’t the bizarre part, though. Deeper into the great room, laying over changing mats, every woman in her family over the age of eighteen. All of them were wearing nothing but a diaper. Each one of them sucked their thumbs while two women Alex had never seen inspected their diapers. Among the diapered women, Alex spotted her own mother. A woman in her early forties, a bit chubby but still sexy for her age. Her diaper was clearly messy, as a large brown mass had turned her white padding into a mixture of brown and yellow.

“What the fuck?” Alex asked, and everyone turned to see her.

“There you are, honey,” said her father.

Her uncles, nephews, cousins, and brothers turned to see her with kind smiles. But none of them talked, except for Alex’s father.

“I forgot to tell you, but it’s going to be a full Christmas this year. Your brothers’ brought their wives and girlfriends. Your uncles are here. Cousins, nieces, nephews, everyone. Even your older sisters.”

“This is nuts!” said Alex, turning away, but she was stopped by her younger brother.

At only eighteen, Michael was already tall and muscular. He looked a lot like their dad and was Alex’s favorite person in the entire world.

“Stay, sis. It’s a family holiday.”

“Can’t you see how crazy this is? Look at mom!”

One of the stranger women had already removed Alex’s mom’s diaper, revealing the mess she had made. No one seemed to be bothered by it. Not even her mother, who sucked her thumb even harder as the stranger woman began cleaning her crotch.

“She likes it, A,” said Michael.

“Stay, honey,” said her father.

At that moment, Alex’s bladder chose to betray her, and her white padding turned yellow right in front of everyone. Her lack of pants helped the prying eyes to notice she had just peed herself, and that just made her blush.

“It’s okay, Dad. Let me talk to her,” said Michael.

Their dad nodded.

Michael grabbed Alex by the wrist gently and led her off the room. They walked through corridors and hallways until they finally found a huge room on the other side of the immense house. Michael opened the door to reveal a complete nursery full of disposable diapers, stuffed animals, and colored walls with every Disney princess possible. There were twenty-two cribs inside. Most of them were empty but for three.

“What’s this? It wasn’t here before.”

“Dad got it for this Christmas. Apparently, everyone’s here.”

“What about the kids?”

“Dad’s got them in the other house. Real babies and kids aren’t supposed to come here, so they are being babysat.”

“Cat and Elena?”

“With them. Same rules as always, but they can change their own diapers in private. They are almost of age, so,” Michale stopped right by one of the cribs, “Wanted to introduce you guys.”

Alex looked down to see a girl. She was beautiful. Redhead, blue eyes, pale skin. A pacifier concealed a gorgeous smile.

“Who’s this?” asked Alex.

“My fiance. Morgan, sweetie, this is Alex, my sister. The one I told you about.”

Morgan removed her pacifier, “Hi, Alex.”

Alex was shocked. She didn’t know what to say. As far as she was concerned, her brother had always been against the whole diaper thing. He encouraged Alex to follow her dreams and even helped her with money from time to time. Being a women’s studies student wasn’t particularly attracting employment or success, but Michael was always there to help. And now…

“Is this what you want for me?” asked Alex, her voice breaking.


“Then why? Why won’t you let me leave?”

Michael sighed, “Dad’s aware I’ve been sending you money. He’s frozen my bank account. And won’t help Morgan and me until we’ve proven we are loyal to the family and its values.”

“Values? Demeaning women is not a value.”

“Is not demeaning.”

“You aren’t the one being forced to act like a dumb baby.”

“No one’s being forced,” said Morgan from her crib.

“What kind of pathetic freak are you that you enjoy this?”

“Is it hard to be all proud and mighty from up there with a diaper that’s clearly wet?” asked Morgan, sticking her tongue out.

“I’m leaving!” said Alex, stomping off the nursery with her backpack in hand and her wet diaper in between her crotch.

Michael followed her.

“What are you going to do?”

“Live my life!”

“How? You have no money, and you wouldn’t survive a day working a real job.”

“I can get a job!”

“Where? Who’s going to hire you? You are never on time. You have no experience. You cannot clean, wash, or keep anything in order. I love you, sis, but there’s no way you make it without me helping you, and I cannot help you until Dad agrees to unfreeze my accounts.”

“It’s not fair. He shouldn’t have to have all this power over us!”

“It’s his money, though.”

Alex stopped in the middle of a hallway, sighing, fighting back tears.

“What do I have to do?”

Michael placed his hand over her shoulder, smiling kindly, “First. Let’s get you and Morgan in a fresh diaper. Then, we can join the others. If you spend all Christmas on your best behavior. I can convince Dad to let you go back to college and pay for it.”


Although not the most humiliating experience of her life, being changed right next to her younger and prettier future sister-in-law wasn’t particularly a good time. Still, she allowed her brother to do his job. She said nothing, not even when he blew raspberries on Morgan’s tummy, making the redhead laugh like a mindless baby.

“Do you want some too?”

“Absolutely not!”

After being changed, Alex was left alone with Morgan while Michael disposed of the used diapers. It was Alex’s time to know more about her brother’s fiancé, and it wasn’t hard either. Morgan was more than happy to share everything with her. A good and devoted Christian, apparently. Just like her brother and her family. Submitting to her husband’s wishes was enough for her to be happy. The very concept of it was foreign to Alex, who had never even considered getting married. She wasn’t even sure she was that attracted to men, to begin with. Though, she had to admit her brother’s touch felt good. That made her blush and would be an excellent topic to discuss with her therapist after New Year’s. She also oddly found Morgan quite attractive, which didn’t help her situation.

“Alright, let’s get you back with the others,” said Michael.

With ease, he carried his fiancé, using his spare arm to lead Alex back to the great room. There they were met by Alex’s and Michael’s mom, doing a silly dance in just her diaper, letting her massive breast swing around. She was blushing, but everyone seemed to be enjoying the show, including the other women in the house, who were also diapered.

“Is everything okay with Alex?” Asked Alex’s father.

Michael nodded.

“Good. Get her and Morgan in the Play Pen and come enjoy the show.”

Michael obeyed, getting her sister and fiancé straight to the playpen that had been set up in one corner of the great room. In there, Alex saw her two aunts. Both of which were almost twenty years older than her. Though, they didn’t look the part. Unlike Alex’s mother, they were spared the humiliation of being naked in front of everyone, but their clothes weren’t precisely mature either. Baby-blue matching onesies did nothing to hide their thick diapers, which spread their legs apart like toddlers. Next to her aunts was Alex’s grandmother, a sixty-three-year-old receiving the same treatment as every other woman in the house. Her cousins, nieces, sisters. All of them were reduced to babbling babies, unable to do anything by themselves.

“Be good,” said Michael, placing his fiancé in her place and his sister next to her.

What followed was one hour of the men of the house talking business and politics as if none of the women had any insight worth listening to. Alex’s blood boiled with every comment they made about feminism and the feminization of America and how they were the only ones that kept women in their rightful place.

“Ain’t that so, little one?” Asked Alex’s father to Alex’s mother.

The woman wearing nothing but a diaper sat on his lap, sucking her thumb and nodding. He patted her head and kissed her forehead. Everyone laughed. Everyone but Alex. She was not having it anymore. She didn’t care if economic ruin would follow. Every piece of her feminist body forced her to say something.

She stood up. Her full diaper is in complete display.

“You’re a bunch of redneck losers. Imbeciles. You keep us down because you know we are better than you!”

Then silence as she continued, “I’m not going to allow it anymore. I’ve lived oppressed by you all my life, but not anymore!”

More silence and her dad slowly rose from his seat. His face was as stoic as always; there was something else. Something dark beneath those piercing blue eyes. That something made Alex feel small. Her dad walked towards her, and with every step he gave forwards, she felt smaller. Suddenly, an image from her childhood. She saw herself crying as her father spanked her. And the fear rushed through her body and into her bowels.

Her father stood right in front of her.

“I think it’s time to show them their rightful place,” said Alex’s father in his husky and commanding voice.

What followed was a parade of men and their wives or daughters, walking closely behind Alex and her father. He pulled her gently yet strongly. Neither said a word until they reached their destination.

“Please, Dad. No. I’ll be good.”

But her father was having none of it.

“Daddy, please.”

“Get them ready,” Alex’s father said, and everyone obeyed.

One by one, the women of the house were undressed and placed right next to each other with their backs to the men. Small, thick, with cellulite, smooth, every type of butt possible. Alex knew she could just escape. Leave to never come back, but her legs weren’t working anymore. Sobbing, she turned to see the woman next to her. All of them were sucking on their pacifiers, waiting for the punishment to begin. They resented Alex for what was about to happen to them.

And then it began. Ten minutes of unbearable pain and every inch of Alex’s defiance of her family’s rules were gone for good. Not long after, they were put back in their diapers and shoved in the cribs in the nursery. All of them were given a bottle of milk to help them sleep so that they could be ready for Christmas.

But Alex couldn’t sleep. The pressure in her bowels was too big. She needed to release herself. And she did. Sobbing, she pushed and pushed until her diaper was full of her own mess. And then she did what everyone else was doing. She sucked on her bottle and closed her eyes, knowing that she didn’t need to fight back anymore. She was just a woman, and in her family, that meant she was just a baby.



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