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Henry perused through the contract as fast as he could, thinking that perhaps if he read too much into it, he would back down and lose the money. It was a leap of faith, for sure. After all, many clauses mentioned punishment, diapering, pampering, and breastfeeding, which was a weird one. And all of it was to be administrated by any staff member available, though the main responsibility of taking care of him was to be Juliette's. That was a relief; she seemed like a really nice person.

"Excellent! We are finished," said the lawyer, "Now, I think Miss Nichols can take it from here."

"I sure can, but I think the baby needs proper attire before we can start."

"I leave that up to you."

And the lawyer was gone, and it was only Henry and Juliette in the studio.

There was a moment of silence in which Henry stood there, looking at the head of maids right in the eyes. Something in her expression seemed kind, yet cruel. And before Henry could ask, move, or say anything for that matter, she approached him with a fake smile.

"Well, let's start."

Henry nodded, "Do we have to do it right away?"

"You have no say in the matter. And we'll go through the rules once I finish getting you ready."

"Getting me ready? What does that mean?"

And then the door to the studio opened.

The young men from before, the tall and handsome ones, entered, marching like soldiers. They said nothing. They just stood behind Henry, breathing so loudly down his neck it gave him the chills.

"Take him to the nursery, guys."


Within seconds, the two strong and tall men had grabbed Henry, forcing him away from the studio and through the corridors and passages of the massive manor. Henry couldn't fight back. He just wasn't strong nor tall enough to face one, let alone two of his captors. He knew what he had signed up for but was still a shock. Their strong grasp against his wrists and neck was painful. But that wasn't the worst part. Such a shock had caused something inside. It had set something in movement that couldn't be prevented. His bladder, which had not been emptied for a while already, chose the worst moment to betray him. It just let go while they pulled him into a huge pink room.

"What the…" one of the men said as Henry's accident started to leak down his trousers and onto the floor.

"Did he just…"

"Fuck sakes. You are a thirty-year-old, mate. I know we have to treat you like a baby, but my goodness. What a loser. I bet you really want this."

Henry couldn't answer. He felt the warmth of his urine against his skin and began crying.

"What's this?" Asked Juliette, cashing up with them.

"The loser just wet himself."

"Nolan! He's not a loser. He's our baby. Remember?"

"We haven't even started yet."

"Doesn't matter. He's under our charge. And think about all the money we'll make. So stop complaining and clean this up while I get the baby ready for his new life."

"New life?" Asked Henry in between his sobs.

But none of them pays him any attention. Nolan and the other man rushed away from the room, obeying Juliette as if she were their boss, which she probably was, given that Henry was in no position to command the house.

"Okay, sweetie. Let's get you clean, shall we?" Asked Juliette with a smile on her face.

Henry only nodded, feeling slightly comforted by Juliette's shift in personality. Before, she had been cold and demanding and controlling and, plainly, a bitch. Now, however, she touched him with the gentleness of a mother. A soft touch that pulled him slowly deeper into the pink room. With his eyes now focused on his surroundings, Henry could appreciate where he was standing. A large room with a theme of Disney princesses and stuffed animals. There was a crib big enough to fit Henry on one corner, and hanging right over it, a mobile with unicorns. Right next to it, what seemed like an adult-size changing table and hundreds, if not more, diapers of every color and design possible.

But Juliette didn't pull him to the table. Instead, she took him towards a door opposite the crib.

"Let's see what we have to work with."

On the other side of the door, there was a bathroom. There was nothing special about it except the beautiful bathtub in the middle, which was surprisingly filled with hot water already.

"I'll need your help with this."

Henry nodded, and she lifted his arms and removed his shirt. Then his wet pants, and finally, his wet undies. He wasn't a stud. He knew that. But he wasn't prepared for Juliette's giggle once he stood there naked.

"That's good. I see there's no real need for shaving. That will make things easier," she said, clearly containing her laugh, "You are already such a baby."

Henry blushed, knowing she was referring to his smaller-than-average penis and tiny balls.

"Let me help you in, sweetie."

And she placed Henry right on the water. It was warm, not too warm, just perfect. Part of him thought about enjoying it. He thought about letting himself be cared for. That would've been a big change from his previous life. After all, wetting himself had been enough to break any fight inside him. Yet, being treated like a baby was far from his ideal situation.

"Let's get you clean, okay?"

Henry nodded.

She paid extra attention to his crotch and asshole, ignoring Henry's demands for privacy. It was just her job, and she was going to do it properly. Only after fifteen minutes of soap, shampoo, and rinsing she felt Henry was ready to be let out. Carefully, she helped him off the shower, guiding him to a towel.

"Ready for your new life, baby boy?" Juliette said, guiding him off the bathroom and into his new nursery.

Henry shook his head but knew he had no say in the matter anymore. He had signed, and either he went through with it, or he would lose all the money. A few tears ran down his cheek as Juliette placed him over the changing table, and even more tears came when she spread baby powder through his crotch and butt crack. Sobbing, he accepted his future as she placed a diaper on him, locking him in the prison he would wear for the next six months.

"There's nothing to cry about, baby boy. As long as you obey me, nothing will ever happen to you. I promise."

Juliette's words were comforting, but there was something about her tone that made Henry shiver.

"Ready," she said, after placing a onesie on Henry, "Do you wanna see?"

Henry shook his head, but Juliette didn't care. She forced him off the changing table and in front of a mirror, only for Henry to witness what she had done to him. Looking right back at him wasn't an adult man. It wasn't the Henry that had arrived early to the manor. No. What gazed at him in the mirror was the biggest baby he had ever seen. Complete with diapers, a onesie, and tears in his eyes. The soft sobbing became a cry of despair, one that was fitting of an infant.

"Welcome to your new life!" said Juliette with a devilish smile.


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