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The first month of Mikaela's babyhood served to prove to the former adult that there was no going back to her old life. Between being exposed and paraded around family members and old friends to have her diaper changed in public or right next to real babies, Mikaela couldn't really grasp how far she had gone into her new baby life. That would all change one morning when Daddy was away for work and wouldn't come back in weeks. 

"Really? I owe you my life!"

Mikaela heard her sister say while she sat in the middle of the playroom, watching Coco while flooding her diaper. With time, she had really come to enjoy the feeling, especially now that her bladder was so weak she could barely hold it anyway. In fact, she had planned to keep wearing diapers every now and then when she was finally free from her sister's control. 

"That's great. I think little Mika will love it."

Mikaela heard her name and turned; her Mommy was happy about something. 

"I'm not sure if she'll be okay with staying with the bigger kids. But you're the experts. It's just a shame you won't be there to greet her. But I trust your Carol can take care of my little girl."

Elizabeth hung up and turned to see her older sister lying on the ground with her wet diaper and her legs spread like a real toddler. Her thumb was in her mouth as it had been in the last few weeks whenever she had lost her pacifier. 

"Good news, baby. A friend of mine has agreed to have you in her nursery while Mommy works and Daddy's away."

"But what about Nana or…."

"Are you using grown-up words?" 

Mikaela blushed; she didn't want another spanking. 

"No, Mommy. I am baby, no gown up."

"Good," said Elizabeth, smiling, "Let's get you ready." 

Within a few minutes, Mikaela was placed in a fresh diaper, a purple romper that did nothing to hide the massive diaper, and a bow in her hair that complemented the entire babyish look. Not a second later, after Mikaela was ready, Elizabeth carried her all the way to the car, and they were on their way. As always, Mikaela was placed in the adults-sized baby seat on the back of the car as her Mommy drove through the suburbs. 

Twenty minutes and a wet accident later, they stopped by a small building that was clearly the nursery Elizabeth was talking about. 

"Ready to have fun?"

Mikaela pouted and said, "I no wants to, Mommy," blushing at her own babyish voice. 

But Elizabeth was having none of it that morning. She took Mikaela out of the car, carrying her like a toddler into the building, where they were received by the most motherly-looking woman they had ever seen. It was a slightly chubby woman with massive breasts. Her bra couldn't really hold back. She had a kind smile, a little bulge around her crotch, though that seemed to be some fat. Forty, maybe a bit older. 

"She's so cute. Is this baby Mika?" Asked the woman. 

"She is," said Elizabeth, "Say hi, sweetie."

"Hi," said Mikaela, blushing and avoiding eye contact as she sucked on her thumb. 

"You must be Carol," Elizabeth said, placing Mikaela on the floor, "Did Anna tell you we were coming?"

"She did. Everything is ready for little Mika inside. You can rest assured I'll take good care of all her needs." 

"Good. I guess I'll be on my way," said Elizabeth, kissing Mikaela right on the lips, "Behave, and you'll have some fun tonight, alright?" 

Mikaela nodded. 

Then it was Mikaela and Carol alone. 

"Let's get you with the other kids, okay, baby?" Said the motherly-looking woman. Though sitting on the ground, Mikaela couldn't see her face through her massive breasts. However, she was right at the perfect spot to look at her crotch, and that bulge she saw before was even more clear now. You'd have sworn it was a diaper underneath her pants if she didn't know better. 

Carol grabbed Mikaela by the hand with a strong yet soft grasp and led her deeper inside the nursery. The room she took her to was full of toddlers playing and running around. They were almost all of them between three and four and had so much energy it was difficult to move around. Though, they stopped right when Mikaela appeared. All eyes were on her again. There she was, in a room full of toddlers, wearing a wet diaper, with her tummy growling and her thumb in her mouth. 

"Kids," said Carol with a gentle voice, "This is Mika, and she's going to stay with us for a little."

"Why is the old lady dressed like a baby?" Asked one of the older kids. 

"She looks like my Mommy," said another.

The kids began chuckling, and Mikaela felt even more self-conscious of her state.

"Babies go in the other room!" Said another one of the kids, pointing at Mikaela and laughing, which did nothing to help her urgent need to release her bowel. 

"Stop it, or I'll send you all to the corner," said Carol, again with a gentle and soft voice, "Show little Mika how good you are. Play with her while I check on the babies." 

And with that, Carol was gone, and Mikaela was standing there, a lot taller than all of the kids, and yet, she felt like the smallest one there. She was definitely the only one wearing a diaper. Though, she could tell some of the kids were still in pull-ups. One of the biggest of the kids walked closer toward Mikaela, who was still sucking her thumb. 

"Why are you sucking your thumb?" She asked innocently. 

"Ish comforthing."

The rest of the kids giggled. 

"But you are not a baby," the kid said again innocently. 

Mikaela blushed, nodding, "I knows."

The kid smiled, "You wanna play?" 

Mikaela nodded. 

It seemed she was the biggest in the class because as soon as they began playing, no other kid mocked or questioned Mikaela's presence in the room. Other kids joined the fun of playing dress up with their dolls. And just like that, Mikaela forgot all about her self-consciousness and her wet diaper. And if it had been like that all day, it would've been perfect. But life decided it was time for Mikaela to finally accept her place, and she was just not ready for being a toddler. 

"Eww," said the girl Mikaela had been playing with, "Did someone fart?"

The kids giggled. 

"It must've been the baby!" One of them said. 

"No-uh," said Mikaela, defending herself, though unsure if it had been her.

Her tummy was growling and hurting a little, but she would've noticed. And then, she noticed. A louder and wetter fart echoed inside her diaper, and everyone turned to see her. It was more than obvious that she was the source of the horrid smell. And the kids, being kids, didn't hold back with the mocks. Not even the girls that had been kind to her before tried to stop them. Mikaela could just sit there as she kept farting until, finally, the mushy mess found its way out of her rear and into her wet diaper. It took almost a full five minutes for it to be over. And once it was over, Mikaela could do nothing but cry while she sucked her thumb. The shame was so much that she unconsciously began wetting herself again, and her diaper, which was already at the edge of leaking, leaked. 

Then the door opened, and Carol came in. 

"What's going on?" 

"The old lady poop herself!" Most of the kids said in unison. 

Carol turned to see Mikaela, and she knew that the kids were telling the truth. She rushed to the former adult, caring for her the way Elizabeth had carried her before and taking her off the room. She took her to a different part of the building. One with a baby nursery inside, but that wasn't anything like any nursery she'd seen outside the one Elizabeth had gotten for her. It had everything to fit an adult the size of Mikaela or Carol, for that matter.

"It's okay. I asked Mommy if I could change your diapers here to avoid the eyes of the kids."

"My Mommy?" Asked Mikaela in between sobs.

And Carol shook her head. 

"No. Not yours, mine," said the older and curvy woman, and just like that, she placed Mikaela at the changing table, "I'll show you a secret." 

Mikaela didn't know what to do or say, so she said nothing as she watched Carol remove her pants to show what was clearly a diaper. A full one. 

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" She said, blushing, "I'm in charge of you while you are here, but once the babies and kids are gone, I'm the baby here. And Mommy takes care of me." 

"Who is your mommy?" Mikaela asked, still in shock.

"You'll meet her soon." 

And the door opened. 



Ohhhh i need to know now how's the mommy 😲