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Trapped in the playpen, Henry couldn't really tell how much time had passed. Time, by now, was more like a concept. Though he could clearly remember a time when he wasn't forced to wear a diaper in front of everyone who walked by. He could cry. Get Juliette's attention. It's not like he had any pride left. That ship had sailed with his adulthood. And yet, something inside kept telling him not to degrade himself even more. 

He needed a change, though. 

Then a soft movement next to him took his mind away from his predicament. Little Joseph was still sleeping. Hopefully, he would have an accident. That way, Henry wouldn't be the only baby that needed a change. 

Do it for the money, he kept telling himself. But would there be any Henry left by the time the six months were done?

Chapter One

It was an unbelievable opportunity. That's for sure, but the price.

Oh, the price, perhaps, was too much for Henry to pay. At first, he couldn't believe it. When the lawyers said those words, Henry thought there must've been a mistake. In order to get the money and state, he would have to spend the next six months as a baby.

"That's a joke, right?"

"I'm afraid not. And that clause is imperative. If you don't agree, the inheritance passes to the next person and so on," said the lawyer, a rather short and chubby man yet well-dressed.

"But why? And what does it mean? How can a thirty-year-old become a baby for six months?"

"Well," the lawyer had said, "I'm not allowed to share that until you accept."

Then there was silence, and Henry thought about it for what seemed like hours, though it couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes.

"Ten million dollars, you say?"

The lawyer nodded, "Plus all of his assets. However, only if…"

"I accept," he said with watery eyes.

His uncle's state was in the North, deep into the countryside. An enormous mansion for what he'd heard, though he'd never been there. Try as hard as he could; there was no mention of an uncle from his father or mother. And now that they were gone, he couldn't really ask anyone else. He had no more family, nor friends, nor wife, or anything. In fact, he didn't really have a job or any sort of income, and ten million dollars sounded like a miracle. So what if he had to be treated like a baby boy for a few months? He would have everything he needed and wanted right after that. That sounded like the best deal of his life.

And then the car stopped.

He saw the mansion, and he saw the staff waiting for him, and his legs shook and his hands shook. For a second, Henry thought about leaving. He thought about his dignity and his adulthood and the fact he didn't want to wear diapers or eat baby food for six months. But a voice in his head kept telling him about the money.

"We're here, Sir," said the driver, a very tall and masculine man of barely twenty.

Henry nodded, "Right. Sure. Uhm. One second, please."

"As you command."

Henry took a deep breath and left the limousine he had been traveling in for the last three hours. And when he did, he saw them. All of the staff was there, by the entrance, waiting for him. All of them were younger than him. He wouldn't be surprised to find out that all were twenty-five or under. Most of them were girls, but there were some men too. And every and each one was tall and handsome and looking rather strong.

"Welcome to the Manor, Sir," said a pretty brunette, who couldn't be older than twenty-five herself, as she got closer to the limousine with two of the tallest and strongest fellas.

"Hi, thanks. I was going to get my things and…"

But the two men had taken care of it, rushing to get his three suitcases, which encompassed everything he owned in the world.

"There's no need to worry about that. Mr. Heck is waiting in the studio, Sir," said the young girl.

Now that she was closer, Henry could notice that her maid uniform did nothing to hide her curvy body and thick, long legs. Her long, brunette hair fell almost to her waist. And her eyes were deep blue and loud, looking more like an Anime character than a real person, and yet she was right there; he could smell her and sense her presence.

"My name is Henry."

"We know, Master Henry. My name's Juliette. You can call me Julie or Juls."

Henry blushed.

"If you follow me now, Sir."

He nodded and followed, and the rest of the staff followed behind them.

The manor was as outstanding on the inside as it was on the outside, and Henry fell, his knees shaking again. In front of him was a collection of massive staircases, beautifully designed doors, corridors, passages, stained glass windows, and so much more. But he wasn't there to be given a tour, not yet, and Juliette grabbed his wrist gently, pulling him towards one of the main rooms in the manor.

"Mr. Rogers. Good. I see you are ready for your new life," said the lawyer.

Henry hesitated but nodded.

"Very well, you can sign here, and we'll start right away. There's lot to get through before I can depart and leave you in the capable hands of the staff."

"Right away? Can't I get like a day or two to get used to the manor and the lifestyle?"

"I think you misunderstood me last time we talked. You have to pass the, let's say, test before you enjoy any of Mr. Rogers' state and money. There's no manor or money before you; well, you already know what it takes."

Henry sighed, "So, I sign, and then you tell me what all of this is about?"

"Pretty much. Miss Nichols, here, will obtain full guardianship of your life for the next six months. And then the rest of the staff will look after…."

"She's obtaining full what?"

"I mean, you'll be a baby for six months, right?" Asked Juliette, "You cannot expect a baby to take care of himself."

Henry blushed.

"It feels a bit far-fetched. Like, too extra," said Henry, "Don't you think?"

"Well, that's how it is. Six months of it, and you'll be rich. So, can you handle it or not? If you can't, I'll find the next one on the list, and so on."

Henry nodded, though still blushing. Thirty years old, and he was about to sign off his adulthood for money. At least it was a lot of money. But still, six months of being taken care of by a beautiful girl and an entire staff. How bad could that be, right? If only Henry knew what he was about to agree to.


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