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Elaine looked happy, happier than she had looked in a while.

At least, that’s what her best friend and neighbor, Helen, thought as she entered the room. There, on the bed, her friend was smiling as she had never smiled before. Ever since Elaine’s husband’s death, Helen had not seen her friend happy. She knew Elaine’s boy was moving back home with her newlywed wife, but she was truly shocked by what she saw.

“What did you do to her?”

“Nothing she didn’t want, right baby?” said Hazel, giving Elaine a kiss.

Helen felt disgusted at the sight of her former best friend. She was wearing a diaper, one that had been obviously used recently. That wouldn’t be a problem, but for the fact that Elaine was almost fifty-years-old.

“W-what about Billy?” asked Helen.

“He’s in his crib.”


Hazel nodded.

“Yeah, mother and son have been sharing the same crib so far. I was going to get them a new one, but they seem just so happy.”


Hazel chuckled, “Why? Because they were suffering, and I love my babies. Don’t I?”

Helen said nothing.

“Oh, I guess you want to know how it happened.”

Helen nodded.

“Well. What kind I say?” said Hazel, sitting by Elaine’s side, “Billy had had many problems since his father’s passing. Always drinking, getting into fights, getting fired from his job.”

Helen knew it was one reason Elaine had accepted them back into her house. But Billy was always such a macho man. The thought of him sleeping in a crib with his mother, who was wearing a diaper.

Well, it was something she couldn’t picture at all.

The shocks continued, though. Helen witnessed something unthinkable as her mind rushed to make sense of it all. Hazel removed her blouse, revealing her massive, perky breasts. Without thinking it twice and with no shame, Elaine rushed to Hazel’s breasts and began sucking.

Hazel just smiled as it happened.

“She loves it.”

“I can tell.”

“Where was I? Oh, yeah. Billy. Well, he was just a pain in the ass. And when he lost his job, I just decided I needed to step up. I mean, I was his wife. So, I started with him. In no time, I had him wearing diapers, sucking my breasts, wearing pretty dresses, and crying like a baby whenever I spanked him.”

Hazel helped Elaine move from one breast to another.

“Anyway. When we had to move with Elaine, things got a bit tricky.”

“No shit.”

“Well, she was a very strong and independent woman. Or, at least, that’s what she told herself.”

“What did you do to her?”

“It began with some bedwetting, actually.”

Helen knew about Elaine’s bedwetting. It had started after her husband’s death, but she had assured Helen that it was under control. She had been seeing a doctor. They had used hypnosis or something like that.

“I know you know about the doctor she was seeing.”

Helen nodded.

“Well, that doctor’s a friend of mine.”

“You didn’t.”

“Hypnotize her to be a baby?”

Helen nodded.

“No. Nothing like that. We just helped little Elaine here to acknowledge the fact that she wasn’t really a strong, independent woman.”


But a loud fart echoed through the room at that moment. Then, another one. And then, the unmistakable sound of the baby filling her diaper with mushy poo. Though, it wasn’t a baby, but an almost fifty-year-old woman.

“It always happens during mealtime,” said Hazel.

Then, a loud and desperate cry could be heard through the baby monitor.

“You’d think they come with clocks in their minds or something,” said Hazel, with a smile, though it was obvious she was tired, “Do you think you can help me with Elaine?”

“Help you?”

“Yeah,” said Hazel, standing up, “Billy needs a change, and I think you and Elaine are friends, right? It shouldn’t be too much of a problem changing her diapers.”

Helen was disgusted by the idea. But she accepted. She wanted to know more about what had happened to her friend. Mostly, though, she wanted the gossip. Everyone would know about it by this time tomorrow; she would make sure of it.

“Thanks,” said Hazel, rushing to the other room.

Then, it was Helen and her friend.

“Well, let’s do this.”

Inside her own mind, Elaine was screaming for help. She wanted to tell Helen all about Hazel’s plan. That Billy and her were just the beginning. Hazel wanted Helen to be her baby too. But words didn’t come out of her mouth. Instead, she just managed to say goo-goo-gaga as she sucked her thumb.




I hope there is part 2 😜