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Chapter Four 

Michael sat in the living room, knowing his older brother was upstairs, cleaning off his accident. 

"Should we call Mom and Dad?" asked Robb. 

Michael shook his head, "Nah, we don't want to embarrass Jake any further."

If there was one thing that could ruin his plan, it was Robb. Although he was just a kid, Robb was extremely empathetic, and if Michael took it too far, he would try to help Jake grow up again. That was something Michael couldn't have. He had worked too hard. Hypnotizing his parents to go on a long vacation for months and not worrying about their kids was not easy. It took time. But there is always a silver lining, and Robb could actually become an ally. 

"You think he's okay?" 

"He's just stressed," said Michael, "Being an adult is not for everyone." 

"What do you mean?"

"Take Jake, for example; he's obviously not ready to be one."

"But he's our older brother." 

Michael nodded, "And do older brothers have potty accidents?" 

Robb shook his head.

"Do older brothers cry when they don't make it to the bathroom"

"Older brothers, make it to the bathroom."

"Correct. That's what older brothers do. They don't wear diapers or suck their thumbs."

"So Jake doesn't want to be an older brother?"

Bingo. Robb might be quite aware of people's feelings, but he was still a kid. 

"Something tells me he doesn't. And we, as his loving brothers, should maybe help him."


"If he keeps having accidents and acting like a baby, it means he wants to be treated like one. And if he doesn't want to be an older brother, then we should…."

"Be his older brothers?"

Michael nodded.

"Do you think he'll let us?"

"Maybe this time, we might have to force it on him. He's not ready to be an adult, but he has been taught to pretend, and he might fight back. But we love him, no matter what, right?"

Robb nodded.

"But let's see if he keeps having accidents, okay?"

Robb nodded again, "And if he does, we will help him by treating him like a baby?"

"Yes, because that's what he wants."

Robb nodded again. 

Twenty minutes later, a clean Jake appeared in the living room, where Michael and Robb were playing video games. He was wearing a normal T-shirt and some khaki pants. It was obvious he was about to go out, but he seemed worried. 

"Are you feeling better?" asked Robb.

Jake nodded, "I think I'm just a bit sick. I'm meeting Monica. There's money for pizza in my room."

"Are you sure you are feeling good enough to go out?" asked Michael, smiling.

"That's none of your business." 

"Hey, don't be rude," said Robb.

"Sorry. See you guys later." 

And without saying anything else, Jake was gone. He got into his car and began driving to see his girlfriend. He was already late; they were supposed to meet their friends at the beach. He truly didn't want to go. All he would be able to think about was whether or not he would have another accident, but Monica would break up with him if he bailed on her. Maybe that would be something good, but with everything going on in his life, he couldn't deal with it. Not yet. 

He just needed to keep his thumb-sucking in check. It shouldn't be too hard. He was an adult, after all. He was eighteen and about to go to college and start a new life. 

The car stopped right outside Monica's home.

Jake sighed. He opened the door and stepped out. 

"You're late," said Monica, who was waiting outside. 

"Had a problem with my brothers. Sorry."

"I called."

"Yeah, I know. But with my parents gone, I'm kinda in charge of them."

Monica said nothing. She just went straight and sat on the co-pilot seat, "Beach day is off."

"I'm sorry. But we can do something else. Just you and me. I'll pay."

"I wanna go to the movies. There's a horror movie I want to watch. I know you don't like them. But it's the least you could do for making me wait out here for so long."

Jake sighed and nodded. 

There was almost no one at the movie theater, so they bought the tickets and some popcorn, and within minutes, they were seated inside, waiting for the movie to start. 

Jake was proud. He had not sucked on his thumb so far. Maybe it was just stress manifesting in different ways. He's read about it. Stress could do a lot of damage to people if not managed properly. That should be it. He wasn't stressed at the moment. He was sitting with his beautiful girlfriend and no other responsibility in sight but enjoying one of those horror flicks she loved.

The movie started. 

It was okay. A priest was performing an exorcism. A funny priest. It wasn't scary at all. He was enjoying himself. Monica was enjoying the movie too. She wasn't angry at him for being late anymore. Things were going well. 

But then. 

The scary stuff began happening. He had never felt this way before watching a horror movie. He's never actually been scared about it. This time, though, he was shaking. 

"Can you stop that?" asked Monica.

He nodded, almost looking away from the screen. 

"Are you scared?" she asked, almost chuckling, "Don't be a sissy. It's not even that scary." 

But Jake's body thought otherwise. With every jumpscare and tense moment, his bladder was getting fuller and fuller. Some drops had already managed to find their way into his underwear. Nothing noticeable, but he knew he needed to find a bathroom soon, or he would embarrass himself again, and this time, in public. 

He tried to stand up.

"Where are you going, scary cat?" whispered Monica.

"To the bathroom."

"You are going to miss the best part," she said, grabbing his sleeve and pushing him back on his seat, "The movie is almost over."

"But I…"

"Shh, don't be too loud."

She grabbed him tight, preventing him from moving. Jake was panicking. There was no way he could make it until the movie's end. He thought about just leaving. He had the choice to do so. But a part of him didn't want to let Monica down. 

He sighed. 

One minute passed. 

Then another. 

Cold sweat and pressure in his bladder building up. 

Another minute. 

A grumble in his stomach. It wasn't just peeing anymore. The pressure inside him was building up to its breaking point. 

Two minutes passed. 

The movie was still going. 

He let out a fart, one he hoped the loud noises of the movie would hide. It was a wet one, the kind of fart that tells the tale of battle about to be lost. No matter what Monica said, he needed to leave and find a bathroom. 

Jake stood up, pushing away his girlfriend's hand and rushing to the nearest exit. 

"What the fu… Jake." 

But Jake was already gone. 

He rushed through the hallways of the movie theater, which were already crowding with people. He bumped into them, pushing them away, kids, women, and men. It didn't matter. The bathroom was just a minute away. 

"Hey," said a familiar voice, "Jake?"

Jake stopped. 

It was his friend. Leonard. He was slightly taller than Jake, handsome and rough. Besides him was Diego. Broader, with no facial hair whatsoever. 

"What's up, man?" asked Diego.

Jake couldn't stop to answer. He saw them, tears almost falling from his eyes, and rushed back into the bathroom. 

But Diego's hand held him back. 

"Everything okay?"

"Let me go."

"You seem like you are about to cry, man."

"I just, please. Let me go."

The pressure was building inside so much that he had to let another fart out. It was a loud one. And once it was out, all eyes around turned on him. Some of the kids were laughing. The mothers were concerned. 

"What the fuck man? Are you shitting yourself?" said Leonard, pushing him away. 

Jake fell on the floor. And that was about it as far as Jake's strength was concerned. His bladder let go, forming a puddle right where he fell. But that wasn't everything. His tummy began grumbling, and the wet mess soon found its way into his underwear. A symphony of sobbing and farts, and all eyes were still on him. 

His mind couldn't bare it any longer. He just began crying like a baby, and his thumb returned to his mouth. 


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