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Chapter One

When Mathew and Diana met, they didn’t think they would end up being the parents of three boys. They were teens and in love, and one thing led to the other, and before they could realize it, they had Jake. Four years later, Michael was born. Then, seven years later, Robb came.

They never got the time to be a proper couple. So when Jake turned eighteen, their other kids were old enough to stay home alone. They decided it was time to enjoy their lives better. A bottle of champagne later and some money saved, they got themselves a ticket for a one-month cruise.

“So, you’ll be in charge,” said Diana to Jake.

“No kidding. I don’t really want to babysit.”

“Or we can call grandma, and she’ll be in charge.”

“Alright, I’ll do it.”

She smiled.

Jake was her favorite son. She never admitted it to anyone, but she knew it. He was strong, popular, and handsome. He was so stylish, and that’s something that girls loved about him. His long hair and long eyelashes were his pride, but he was also extremely smart and dedicated. In other words, everything a parent would want from her kids, unlike Michael, who was a bit of a letdown. Her middle kid wasn’t ugly or stupid. He was smart but machiavellian. He never did anything for anyone else but himself. Though, she also would never admit it to anyone.

“We’ll be leaving you with enough money for the entire month and for emergencies. Just ensure your brothers eat and get safe to and from school,” said Matthew, preparing his suitcase with everything he would need for the month-long honeymoon.

“No parties,” said Diana.

“No parties,” said Matthew.

“I know. I know.”

After breaking the news to her other kids, Diana and Matthew were ready to light up the spark of their marriage again. They’d long longed for some alone time that they could barely sleep that night. However, someone else in the house couldn’t sleep that night.

Michael lay in bed, thinking about what her mother had said. One month without them. One month after being ordered by Jake. He was not going to take it. He needed to be the one in charge. After all, Jake was a pussy and a coward who hid under mommy whenever life got hard. There was a plan. One he had been thinking about for so long but couldn’t really put into action because his mother would know. She would suspect, and that would make it difficult to fulfill. However, now that they were going away, he would finally be able to get his older brother right where he belonged.

“Well, Jaky. I’ll start tomorrow,” he said to himself and then closed his eyes.

The next morning, Diana and Matthew were more than ready to leave their boring lives for at least one month. So, as soon as it was time to make it to the airport, they said their goodbyes to their three sons and were on their way.

The door closed, and the kids were finally alone.

“Alright,” said Jake, sitting in dad’s favorite chair, “You heard mom, I’m in charge for an entire month.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t let it get to your head,” said Michael.

“Can we have breakfast ice cream?” asked Robb.

Jake nodded.

“Yay,” said Robb, rushing to the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” asked Jake as Michael walked in the opposite direction towards the front door.

“Have some stuff to do. I’ll be back soon.”

“Well, don’t be late.”

Michael nodded and left the house.

If his plan was to work, he needed some supplies. Diapers were not gonna be cheap, but they were necessary, and so were baby wipes, powder, pacifiers, and bottles. He even went as far as ordering some childish clothes in his brother’s size, plus some pink and baby blue onesies. Demoting his brother into a baby wouldn’t be easy, but it shouldn’t be impossible. He knew Jake, and he knew his older brother was always stressed. The prospect of no responsibilities would be enticing for him.

Later that day, the three brothers were eating dinner.

“Can we go to the movies on the weekend?” asked Robb.

“To see what?” asked Michael.


Michael chuckled, “No way. The first one sucked.”

“It didn’t.”

“It did.”

“Enough,” said Jake, “Yes, we can. But only if you start washing the dishes. You need to start having some responsibilities in the house.”


“Do you want to go see Avatar?”

Robb nodded.

“Then finish eating and wash the dishes.”

“Then I wanna see it in IMAX.”


Jake stood up and left for his room.

It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy being in charge. But with everything going on with college, his friends, and his girlfriend, he had little to no time for himself. He needed to do at least three essays that week, and then he had his one-year anniversary with Monica. Not to mention the party his friends were trying to throw as they were all accepted by their first-choice colleges.

He sighed and went straight to work.

Next door, in his room, Michael had everything ready to put his plan into action. The supplies were one thing, but it all depended on getting his brother to listen to the recording he made. Two years it took him to create the perfect mix of relaxing music and subliminal messages to turn someone into a baby. He had already tried it, and it had worked so well that he was sure it would be the same for his older brother.

It would all start that night.

Chapter Two

Jake had had these stressful dreams that made him wake up every night at around two in the morning. He would just go down to the kitchen, drink a bit of water, and try to go back to sleep. It would’ve never crossed his mind that his brother, Michael, knew about it. After all, he was the strong older brother, and nothing could break him. But the pressure in life was becoming unbearable, and he truly just wanted to relax and enjoy his youth. He couldn’t admit it to anyone. Not to his family; his mother idolized him, and so did his brothers. His father was distant and not very emotional. His best friends were just fun-loving people, and his girlfriend was superficial and unavailable.

It was okay, he could take it. He could take it and stay on his feet.

That night when he went down for some water, he was met with a surprise. It was Michael, sitting in Dad’s favorite chair.

“Everything okay?” asked Michael.

Jake nodded.

“What about you?”

Michael nodded, “Just couldn’t sleep.”


“I actually just started meditating.I think it’s helping.”

“It doesn’t look that way.”

“I literally just started tonight. You should try it. It’s a guided meditation.”

“Not a big yoga or vegan or soy fan.”

Michael chuckled, standing up “You kinda look like one. Hey, use it or not. I think it can help.”

He handed his phone to his brother.

“Just listen to it for a bit. If you don’t think it can help, okay.”

Jake thought about it. Michael was never one to do anything for anyone, but maybe he was finally ready to be a productive part of the family. No more resentment.

“Alright. I’ll try.”


Jake sat, put on the earbuds, and began listening to the guided meditation. He didn’t know how or when, but the next thing he remembered, he was waking up in the morning in his own bed. But something was odd. He was sucking his own thumb, and as soon as he realized it, he stopped.

The meditation seemed to have worked. He felt energetic, revitalized, and ready for anything. So, what if the side effect was sucking his thumb? It wasn’t the worst thing ever. Nobody needed to know.

“How was it?” asked Michael as Jake reached the dining room.

“Good. Surprisingly good.”

“That’s great, bro. Are you gonna try again?”

Jake nodded.

“Try what again?” asked Robb.

“Just some app,” said Jake.

“Can I try?”

“No. It’s not for kids,” said Michael.

“You are a kid,” said Robb.

They chuckled.

The rest of the week went by as usual, but for one little strange detail. Every time Jake found himself bored or unfocused, his mouth began looking for his thumb, and more often than not, it would find it

“Are you sucking your thumb?” asked Monica.

“What? No.”

She was one of those popular girls that were too smart and too pretty to be real. Blonde, big breasts, sexy lips, stunning would describe her better. A bit of a bully, but it didn’t bother him. She was mean and raw, but she was honest.

“Don’t be gross. you’ve been acting strange lately,” she said.

“It’s just stress.”


“Hey. It’s okay. I’ll deal with it. What are we doing next week?”

“I wanna go to the beach. The girls are going, and also Leonard and Diego.”

“They told me.”

“We are going. Don’t suck your thumb there, I don’t want to be embarrassed in front of my friends.”

He nodded, “Don’t worry.”

But he was worried. It happened so many times he was actually beginning to worry that the meditation had done something to fuck up with his brain. But it felt so nice to finally sleep properly after so long. Maybe he needed to try other meditations and not the one Michael had given him.

That night, he tried again with another guided meditation. This time, however, he couldn’t settle or sleep.

“You can keep trying with mine,” said Michael.

“Yeah, but. You know. The side effects.”

“What side effects?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.”

“I truly have no clue of what you are talking about.”

“Never mind. Do you have any other guided meditation that works?”

Michael smiled, “I have plenty. I’ll give you another tonight”


The next step of his plan was about to begin, and he was too excited to think about anything else. The next step was going to be a lot more fun. It would be the time to break his brother and remake him into the perfect dumb baby boy. His humiliation would just help to push that image further until he himself would be the one begging to be kept in diapers.

Chapter Three

The next morning, Jake woke up wet.

He had never wet the bed before, and it was something he needed to keep a secret. His brothers couldn’t know about it. So, he cleaned his sheets and mattress and pretended nothing happened. Until it happened again the night after, and the night after that, and the one after.

At that point, Jake didn’t know what to do.

“Are you crying?” asked Michael.

He shook his head, “Go away.”

“You are crying. What’s going on?”


“Should I call mom and dad?”


“Then tell me.”

There was a short moment of silence.

“I think I’m sick.”

“Sick? Sick, how?”

Another moment of silence.

“I’ve been…I’ve been wetting the bed.”

Michael laughed.

“Don’t be an asshole.”

“I’m sorry. Not every day your older brother tells you he’s been wetting the bed.”

“It’s not a joke. I don’t know what to do.”

“Have you thought about protection?”



Another moment of silence.

“No. Those are for babies. I’m not wearing diapers.”

Michael smiled. He knew Jake would not accept it. But he was expecting that, and he had planned something for it.

“Don’t be a baby, Jaky.”

And with those words out of his mouth, Jake felt the increasing pressure in his bladder. There was nothing he could do. The damp opened, and he could just stay there and cry as he wet himself in midday for the first time in years.

“What the fuck? Did you just piss yourself?”

Jake couldn’t answer.

“What’s going on?” asked Robb, who appeared from inside his room.

No one said anything at first. Both brothers just looked as the eldest of them fell on his knees on the ground and sucked his thumb with his pants completely soaked.

“Are you okay, Jake?”

He shook his head.

“Let’s go. We need to get you clean,” said Michael.

Jake couldn’t really fight it. He knew he didn’t want to be led by his younger brother, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He was led to the bathroom, where Michael removed his wet clothes and placed him in the shower. The younger brother washed him carefully, paying extra attention to his butthole and crotch, which just served to make Jake feel even more powerless about the whole situation.

“Not too big down there I see,” said Michael.

Jake was sobbing.

“Let’s get you some protection. We don’t want you pissing everywhere.”

Michael led his older brother by the hand to his room, where another surprise awaited. On top of his bed was a large, thick, white item he couldn’t recognize at first. That was until his brother pulled him closer, when he finally realized it was an oversized diaper, big enough to fit him. Then it hit him, Michael’s idea was to make him wear it.

“No, no, please,” said Jake, sobbing, “You can’t.”

Michael pushed him, and he fell on the bed. He quickly placed his older brother over the opened diaper, spreading baby powder around his butt and crotch. Then, carefully, he closed the tabs.

“Everyone will see what a pathetic dumb baby you are, Jaky. But that’s okay. I’ll take care of you.”

“I’m not a baby.”

“Didn’t you just peed yourself in front of Robb and me less than an hour ago? Didn’t you pee on your bed the last five nights? Aren’t you sucking your thumb at this very moment?”

Jake noticed he was sucking his thumb, wearing nothing but a diaper as he sobbed, and then his sobs turned into a desperate cry. The type of crying a baby would make to get their mommy’s attention. But there was no mommy around, no one to help him, and he was alone with his tormentor.

“It’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. But, in the meantime, I think you should take a nap. We can deal with your wetting problem later.”

“I’m no tire,” said Jake without removing his thumb from his mouth.

“This might help,” said Michael, procuring a baby bottle full of a white liquid.

“I no wants.”

But as soon as Michael placed the rubber nipple close to Jake’s lips, the older brother dished his thumb and began sucking in the warm milk as if it was the most delicious thing ever.

“Goodnight, Jake,” said Michael.

And Jake fell asleep.

An hour later, Jake woke up.

He was confused about where he was and why his gums felt sore. But then he realized that he was still sucking on the empty bottle.

“What the fu,” he spat out the bottle, throwing it across the room.

But the bottle wasn’t the only surprise.

He was wearing a diaper. He was wearing a diaper that was so full it was a miracle it hadn’t leaked yet.

“I see you are awake,” said Micahel, standing by the door.

He wasn’t alone. Robb was next to him, amazed at the sight of his older brother wearing a diaper.

“Why am I wearing a fucking diaper?” Jake shouted, trying to be intimidating, but it was difficult for his brothers to take him seriously as he waddled towards them.

Michale chuckled.

“You don’t remember? You had a mental breakdown just earlier.”


Michael nodded.

“You pissed your pants,” said Robb.

“No,” Jake paused, “That’s not possible.”

“It’s okay. We don’t judge,” said Michael with the biggest smile on his face, “Just don’t mess yourself.”

And just like that, with those words, Jake felt a familiar pressure in his tummy. It didn’t give him any warning, it just felt like a strong pain that made him flinch, and then he was rushing to the bathroom with both hands pressing on the backside of his diaper.

“I think he needs to make a poo,” said Robb.

Both Robb and Michale were laughing at the sight of a grown-up young man trying to run in nothing but a full diaper.

“You can make it, Jakey,” shouted Michael.

That was it.

Jake stopped immediately, squatting. He didn’t have to make a big push, he just had to stop fighting back for his sphincter to release its contents. It was a soft, warm mess that began spreading all over his already-full diaper. By the time he finished, there was not an inch of his crotch that wasn’t covered by his own mess.

“Are you okay?” asked Robb, catching up with his big brother.

Jake looked up to see his youngest brother. Robb seemed worried but with so much understanding in his eyes. He was looking at Jake the way someone sees a toddler that didn’t make it to the bathroom.

“I made a poo,” said Jake, instinctively putting his thumb in his mouth.

“It’s okay,” said Robb, grabbing Jake’s hand, “Let’s get you to the bathroom.”

Jake was sobbing, but his little brother’s words were calming. He accepted Robb’s offer and let himself be guided to the bathroom, where Michael was waiting.

“I see you didn’t make it.”

“Don’t be rude,” said Robb.

Michael chuckled.

Jake was standing behind Robb. His thumb was on his mouth. His diaper, was brown and leaking down his legs. His cheeks were red, and his eyes watery. Michael had never felt so good. The perfect son. The perfect brother. Jake was nothing but a bawling toddler. But it wasn’t over. He wanted to take things further. But it wasn’t the right time. If Jake was to be downgraded to the baby of the family, he needed to want it himself. No hypnosis, and that meant breaking the man his brother was and letting the baby run free.

“Fair enough,” said Michael, opening the door to the shower, “Let’s get him clean then.”

Robb nodded.

“Jake, get in the shower,” said Michael.

And Jake’s mind cleared.

“What’s going on?” asked Jake, confused.

“You don’t remember?” asked Robb.

Jake shook his head, but it didn’t take long for him to smell the mess.

“What’s that…”

Shivers all through his body.

“You had a potty accident.”

Jake looked down at his diaper. It was about to fall off, and there was liquid leaking from the sides and onto the floor. This time Michael didn’t need to send his brother’s mind away. Jake himself began crying and falling to the floor. He couldn’t understand what was happening.

“You okay?” asked Robb.

Jake didn’t know what to answer.

“I-I just. I gotta get off this thing,” said Jake, regaining his composure, “I just need a shower. Yes. I’ll be better after taking a shower.”

Robb nodded.

“Let’s go, Michael.”

Michael, “Are you sure you don’t need help?”

Jake thought about a smart reply, but he wasn’t in a state to be snarky. Instead, he just shook his head.

His two brothers left, and he was left alone to deal with his mess.

Jake removed the tapes of the diaper, and it fell to the ground, splashing around the mess he had made. The smell was horrid, but the worst was definitely the bits of poo that remained attached to his skin. He stepped right into the shower, and tried to clean himself as best as he could, but no matter how hard he tried and how much soap he used, the smell wouldn’t leave.

Defeated, he sat in the shower, sobbing again, thinking about the last few weeks. His parents were away. he was supposed to take advantage of it, but here he was, cleaning off his own poo from his crotch, crying in the shower, and sucking his own thumb.

Chapter Four

Michael sat in the living room, knowing that his older brother was upstairs, cleaning off his own accident.

“Should we call Mom and Dad?” asked Robb.

Michael shook his head, “Nah, we don’t want to embarrass Jake any further.”

If there was one thing that could ruin his plan, it was Robb. Although he was just a kid, Robb was extremely empathetic, and if Michael took it too far, he would try to help Jake grow up again. That was something Michael couldn’t have. He had worked too hard. Hypnotizing his parents to go on a long vacation for months and not worrying about their kids was not easy. It took time. But there is always a silver lining, and Robb could actually become an ally.

“You think he’s okay?”

“He’s just stressed,” said Michael, “Being an adult is not for everyone.”

“What do you mean?”

“Take Jake, for example, he’s obviously not ready to be one.”

“But he’s our older brother.”

Michael nodded, “And do older brothers have potty accidents?”

Robb shook his head.

“Do older brothers cry when they don’t make it to the bathroom”

“Older brothers make it to the bathroom.”

“Correct. That’s what older brothers do. They don’t wear diapers or suck their thumbs.”

“So Jake doesn’t want to be an older brother?”

Bingo. Robb might be quite aware of people’s feelings, but he was still a kid.

“Something tells me he doesn’t. And we, as his loving brothers, should maybe help him.”


“If he keeps having accidents and acting like a baby, it means he wants to be treated like one. And if he doesn’t want to be an older brother, then we should…”

“Be his older brothers?”

Michael nodded.

“Do you think he’ll let us?”

“Maybe this time, we might have to force it on him. He’s not ready to be an adult, but he has been taught to pretend, and he might fight back. But we love him, no matter what, right?”

Robb nodded.

“But let’s see if he keeps having accidents, OK?”

Robb nodded again, “And if he does, we will help him by treating him like a baby?”

“Yes, because that’s what he wants.”

Robb nodded again.

Twenty minutes later, a clean Jake appeared in the living room, where Michael and Robb were playing video games. He was wearing a normal T-shirt and some khaki pants. It was obvious he was about to go out, but he seemed worried.

“Are you feeling better?” asked Robb.

Jake nodded, “I think I’m just a bit sick. I’m meeting Monica. There’s money for pizza in my room.”

“Are you sure you are feeling good enough to go out?” asked Michael, smiling.

“That’s none of your business.”

“Hey, don’t be rude,” said Robb.

“Sorry. See you guys later.”

And without saying anything else, Jake was gone. He got into his car and began driving to see his girlfriend. He was already late, and they were supposed to meet their friends to go to the beach. He truly didn’t want to go. All he would be able to think about was whether or not he would have another accident, but Monica would break up with him if he bailed on her. Maybe that would be something good, but with everything going on in his life, he couldn’t deal with it. Not yet.

He just needed to keep his thumb-sucking in check. It shouldn’t be too hard. He was an adult, after all. He was eighteen, and he was about to go to college and start a new life.

The car stopped right outside Monica’s home.

Jake sighed. He opened the door and stepped out.

“You’re late,” said Monica, who was waiting outside.

“Had a problem with my brothers. Sorry.”

“I called.”

“Yeah, I know. But with my parents gone, I’m kinda in charge of them.”

Monica said nothing. She just went straight and sat on the co-pilot seat, “Beach day is off. Leonard got busted with pot by his little sister. he might be grounded all summer.”

“I’m not surprised. What now?”

“I wanna go to the movies. And you are gonna take me. It’s the least you could do for making me wait out here for so long.”

Jake nodded.


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