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The lawyer gave Mikaela the document. It was a long list of items she had no idea about, from confidentiality agreements to something more specific. But it didn’t matter because Mikaela couldn’t deal with them. The offer was simple, she could either be her sister’s baby or spend the next ten years in jail or probably more, given her luck.

The last part of the contract sought her attention.

“I, Mikaela Cooper, 38 years old, agree to the following guidelines stipulated by this contract:

  • I renounce all of my possessions and any trace of adulthood. This includes, but is not limited to: Clothes, cars, apartments, social media presence, and phones.
  • From now on, I will refer to my sister, Elizabeth Cooper, 29, as mommy. And I will give her complete power over my life, from what I wear and what I eat to whether or not I will be potty trained.
  • Edward Stossel, my ex-husband, will become my new daddy. I will refer to him as daddy or dada and will submit to anything he says.”

There was a lot more going on in there. Every detail explained why she was not allowed to care for herself anymore. Diapers, onesies, baths, babysitters, it was all there. Her sister and ex-husband would be her sole guardians. They would be basically her parents, and her real parents would become her grandparents. She would be enlisted in daycare. She would stop using the toilet. And she was most definitely not allowed to engage in any adult behavior. No more drinking. No more dating. No more sex.

She turned to see Elizabeth.

Her ex-husband and younger sister, holding hands and waiting patiently for her to sign the contract. They looked so perfect together. They looked better together than she had ever felt when she and Edward were a couple. He was as handsome as ever, and for a moment, she thought about saying no. She thought about the times they had sex and how much of a man he was. She thoughts about him plowing her against the wall the way he had done so many times, and rage invaded her because she knew that her sister was now receiving that treatment. She knew there was nothing she could ever offer to make him come back to her and leave Elizabeth.

She signed.

And then it was over. Mikaela had given away her life as the contract was taken away from her. Without hesitation, Elizabeth grabbed Mikaela and stripped her naked right in the middle of her office, with her doors fully opened.

“What the fuck?” Asked Mikaela.

But there was no answer.

She was forced to stand there, naked and cold, as her ex-husband and younger sister scanned her like a horse they were buying. The lawyer seemed unbothered by it, organizing all the documents they had just signed minutes before.

“What do you think? Laser hair removal will be needed, or we might have a hard time during changes,” said Edward.

“Agreed. She’s a bit chubby, but that’s good. Babies need that baby fat,” said Elizabeth.

“What’s going on? Laser hair removal? What changes?” Asked Mikaela.

But once again, she was ignored.

“Should we start then?” Asked Edward.

Elizabeth nodded as they kept scanning Mikaela.

“Stop it!” She said.

They did.

“Please. What’s going on? What’s going to happen to me now?”

“You’re right,” said Elizabeth, “We are getting ahead of ourselves, aren’t we?”

Mikaela nodded.

“I agreed to be your baby, but I’m not an object. I just, I just,” Mikaela just realized how ridiculous she sounded.

She had accepted to be their baby. She had agreed to allow them to do whatever they wanted with her, but babies weren’t supposed to be treated like cattle. Mikaela felt alone. She felt scared. She felt like she needed a hug. And standing there naked in front of her younger and much hotter sister and her new fiancé, who was also Mikaela’s ex-husband, was too much.

“I just, I don’t know what’s happening.”

Elizabeth embraced her.

She didn’t say anything to her older sister. She just held Mikaela’s naked body against hers.

For Mikaela, it was too much. She broke into tears again. But she didn’t feel scared anymore. She also didn’t feel alone. She just felt overwhelmed by the situation. Just minutes before, she had given up her adulthood in favor of a new life. And now, she felt lost. But her sister’s warmth and her calm heartbeat helped her understand that she didn’t have to worry.

“Let’s start again, OK?” Asked Elizabeth.

Mikaela nodded.

“Edward and I are new to this, but I promise we will make it easy for you. You will enjoy being our baby. You will be loved. You will be taken care of. You won’t have to worry about anything ever again.”

“You are ours now,” said Edward.

Elizabeth’s office was practically an entire floor. Mikaela had only seen one part, so she was surprised when Edward opened one of the doors to reveal a small suite on the other side. It was big enough for a couple to live in. It had its own bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and living room.

“I do a lot of late nights,” said Elizabeth, guiding the naked woman inside.

“Alright,” said Edward, “I’ll get the things. You can get her ready.”

And he left the room, closing the door, leaving the two sisters alone for the first time since Mikaela accepted the deal.

“Let’s get you ready.”


Elizabeth forced her in front of a mirror.

“Right now, I see a woman. A woman with pubic hair, ruined makeup, and a fancy salon haircut. I see someone in her forties.”

“Thirties,” said Mikaela.

Elizabeth chuckled.

“Fair enough. But you are not one anymore. You are not a woman. You are, for all intents and purposes, a little girl. My little girl. And I will turn you into one.”


“Let mommy take care of it,” said Elizabeth, leading her older sister to the bathroom.

Elizabeth did it carefully, removing every last bit of Mikaela’s body hair. After what felt like hours, Mikaela was left as smooth as a baby. But it didn’t end up there. Elizabeth removed Mikaela’s makeup and turned on the shower.

“Time to get you clean, baby.”

Elizabeth helped her older sister into the shower and stripped herself naked. Mikaela was in shock. The entire morning had consisted of her zoning out while Elizabeth did what she wanted with her. But seeing her younger sister’s naked body just made her feel more inadequate. She was tall and fit and had two massive breasts that would make any man go crazy. Any man, and apparently, Mikaela herself. She realized she had never seen another woman as hot as her sister.

Mikaela blushed and tried to cover her crotch.

“No need to be modest, honey.”


Elizabeth cleaned her sister thoroughly, from feet to head, paying extra attention to Mikaela’s private parts. Though that only made Mikaela blush even redder as she felt her lips getting wetter, and it wasn’t just the water. She tried to look away. But it only made Elizabeth get closer, forcing her massive breasts against Mikaela’s face.

Elizabeth chuckled.

“It’s OK. You will get them later.”

“Get them…later?”

“What kind of a mommy would I be if I didn’t feed my baby?”

“Breast milk?”

Elizabeth nodded as she started massaging Mikaela’s breasts.

“How?” Asked Mikaela, blushing.

“There’s no need for you to worry about it. You just need to enjoy it.”

Though it wasn’t her plan, having her older sister completely naked and under her control made Elizabeth feel more aroused than she had ever been. Not even with Edward had she felt that wet.

She helped her sister with the shower and dried her like a mother would a baby.

The smell of Mikaela’s pussy was intoxicating, like a little bit of heaven. Yet, knowing it was her older sister. Knowing it was her baby, she did nothing. She only led her to the bed, where all sorts of baby attires and accessories were already waiting for them.

“Good, Daddy must have come in while we were showering,” said Elizabeth, inspecting the different outfits and accessories, “Let’s get you ready so that we can introduce you to everyone.”


“Yes! Mommy and Daddy have a surprise for you downstairs. Everyone is dying to meet baby Mika.”

“No. Please, no. I, I can take being your baby. But not in public, please.”

Elizabeth chuckled, “Oh, honey. Thinking you have a say in the matter is so cute.”


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