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Marissa was in shock.

First, Miss Helena and her horrible assistant had spanked Brett until she was crying like a little girl. That wasn’t the shocking part. That came next, when the two of them put the annoying short woman into a diaper right in front of Marissa and Candace, and then came the same clothes that Stella was wearing. Brett did nothing as the locked her in that frilly prison.

“Candace, you’re next,” said Miss Helena.

“Me?” Asked the elegant mother.

Mis Helena nodded, and before Candace could protest, she was being dragged in front of the teacher by the rough-looking assistant.

Marissa could do nothing as they stripped Candace right there, in front of her. She had to admit the, unlike Brett, the dark-skinned woman had a beautiful body that could put even Stella’s to shame. Her vulva was already naked, so they didn’t have to shave her the way they did with the previous mother. Though, the baby powder against her skin did stood up much more, and before Candace could do anything but cry and plead, she was sealed inside a thick diaper just like the rest of them.

“You look so cute, don’t she, Greta?”

“Cute,” said the rough-looking assistant as she placed Candace in the same tutu as the other two mothers.

And then came Marissa’s time.

She wanted to protest. She wanted to tell Helena that she was going to sue her ass into oblivion. But then she thought about her own ass. She thought about the spanking that just minutes before had turned Brett into a sobbing mess.

“Come,” said Helena.

And Marissa did.

As they stripped her naked, she couldn’t think about anything but her own mother doing that to her at nights when she was twelve and she had started wetting the bed again. It only lasted for a month after her father abandoned them, but it was enough to bring her to shame. She had never told anyone about it. Not even her husband. And now, her she was, being diapered by a woman younger than her. And what was worst, it was happening in front of others. Her biggest nightmare growing up was coming to reality.

Tears ran down her cheeks while Helena and Greta forced her down, shaving her vulva, leaving her crotch hairless.

Then came the diaper, and when her skin touched the thick padding, a rush of excitement travel from her toes to her head.

She blushed, hoping they didn’t noticed.

“My, my. I think someone’s enjoying it,” said Helena.

That made Marissa blush even redder as she tried to hide herself with her hands.

She thought the others would laugh. She expected them to say something, but when she heard nothing but the sound of her own diaper crinkling as she stood up, she felt relived.

“Good, now that you are all in your brand-new uniforms. There’s something you need to hear,” said Helena, helping Marissa walk towards the other three mothers, “It’s going to be hard to hear, but it will make everything easier for you.”

No one said anything. The four women just sat on the floor in their ridiculous attires, avoiding eye contact with one another and with the women that had forced them back into diapers.

“Greta and I had a short conversation with your husbands, or, well, spouses. Your daughters must be now on their way home with their fathers, and mother.”

Brett was still sobbing from her earlier spanking.

“They also know you four had jeopardized your daughters’ possibilities in my Academy. But, they were given choice, they could pick up their daughters and you. Or they could pick up their daughters and not you. They chose the second option and you are now in my charge for some…reeducation.”

“Reeducation?” Asked Marissa.

“Reeducation,” repeated Helena, “I’ll teach you how to behave like proper adults.”

“But, why the diapers? Adults don’t wear diapers in this country,” said Candace.

The dark-skinned mother look ridiculous trying to be defiant when her legs were spreader apart because of the thickness of her diaper.

“Well. I believe you cannot be proper adult, or mother, if you were not proper child. So, the next few weeks, I will teach you how to be proper toddlers.”

“Weeks?” Asked Brett, still sobbing.

“What do you mean by weeks?” Asked Marissa, “I have to work.”

“I’m not staying for weeks,” said Stella.

“I’ll sue your ass,” said Candace.

The two women laughed.

“You should look at yourself. There’s no leaving this place without my permission, and when I finish with you, you’ll become Miss Helena’s perfect little girls.”

The four mother complained in unison.

“Not one single of you have anyone that will care about you missing a week or two, or more.”

“More?” Asked Brett.

“I have work to do. I can’t,” Marissa tried to say, but Miss Helena shushed her immediately.

“Yes. Yes. You were a hard one to work out. But your husband ensured us that he was doing talking with your employee. No one will come looking for you.”

“You are crazy,” said Marissa, holding back the tears of fear as she felt the urgent need to pee, “Please, let us go.”

“I think the babies are cranky. Perhaps some food will cheer them up.”

“What?” Asked Candace, “Food? We want to be let go.”

But before she could protest any further, their two captors were gone.



I'm guessing after her time being diapered and humiliated by her mother for her bedwetting, someone might have a secret diaper humiliation kink/fetish that maybe she herself didn't realize, at least till now when she was so publicly diapered. I love how it was pointed out. I bet in private the other girls will tease her about it. I also bet her new teachers will point it out every time and might even make comments about her keeping her hands out of her dirty diaper lol. I wonder how long before she is so horny she can't stop herself and gets caught. I can't wait to see what happens