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Chapter Two

Mikaela arrived home.

Her sister had let her go by herself. The last decision she will make as a grown-up woman or as a free one. At least for a while. The entire time during the drive home she could just hear the words of her sister echoing in her mind. I want you to be my baby. Diapers, onesies, baths, and everything.

Why? How? Elizabeth has never done anything without planning it for months, even weeks. She was calculative and manipulative, and the most dominant bitch she’s ever met. Even the way she moved made Mikaela’s legs shake.

But nothing of what she thought about her sister mattered.

Her problem was real. Either she accepted her sister’s offer or she would spend the next ten years in prison, and that was if she had a really good lawyer, which she didn’t.

Mikaela looked around.

Her apartment was beautiful. Her clothes, her car, latest iPhone, even her gigantic TV. She didn’t want to lose any of it. Would Elizabeth force her to get rid off of her adult possessions?

That was ludicrous. She couldn’t really think about accepting.

Yet, she sat there.

In the middle of all the frivolities that had led to her downfall. Had she been more responsible and loyal she would not be in this situation. It was not like she stole a lot of money, at least not by her sister’s standards. She could see her parents’ face already. They never forgave her for her divorce, or her college dropout, or her failing school multiple times, or the drug abuse.

She always had Elizabeth. Her sister might be a bitch, but she always had her back. And now, Mikaela had betrayed her trust. Maybe she did deserved to go to jail.

Mikaela sighed as she poured herself a glass of wine.

“Might as well enjoy my last day of freedom,” she whispered to her lonely apartment.

Elizabeth sat in her office.

She had been looking forward to confront Mikaela about the money. She had known since it first happened, but she let it continue until she was ready of what she wanted. Unlike Mikaela, Elizabeth craved responsibilities. That had led her to become a very successful woman, but had also deprived her from finding happiness at an age when most women would already be mothers. She had, however, recently found a man that was everything she wanted, but the little girl of her dreams had eluded her. That was until she stumble into the world of Adult Babies.

She knew about a woman, a mother, actually, the had been reduced to nothing but a baby by a strict nanny that had taken control of the woman’s life. Her diaries where available online, detailing everything that had happened to her since demoted to her new lifestyle.

Elizabeth was repulsed by it at first.

But that changed soon after.

It was her best chance to finally be the mother she knew she could be. It was her chance to be nurturing and strict. To be loving and protective and responsible for someone that depended on her entirely. It was the chance to finally reached that next stage in her life, and she knew about the perfect candidate.

Her older sister. A mess of a woman. A chaos of a human-being. Mikaela would make the perfect baby. She was already behaving like one.

Elizabeth knew her sister would choose to be her baby instead of going to prison. She only needed to wait one more night.

Mikaela woke up with the most horrible hangover.

Wine was not her friend. It wasn’t when she was thirteen, and it was definitely not now that she was thirty-eight. What was worst, she had peed herself again. It happened every time she drank more than she could handle. Luckily, the few times it had happened, she had been alone.

Though, that only made it sadder.

It took her a while to get herself up from the floor where she had passed out that night before.

And it took her even longer to remember what had pushed her to drink that much. I want you to be my baby. Diapers, onesies, baths, and everything. Those were her sister’s words and they had come back, flooding her mind again.

“Oh, fuck!” she shouted, finally realizing that it was inevitable.

The phone rang.

She answered.

“Hello, dear,” she heard the soft voice of her mother say, “How are you?”

“Mom? That’s a first. I don’t think you’ve called since my divorce.”

There was a short moment of silence.

“You blame me? You are the one that let go of that good man.”

Mikaela didn’t answer.

“Well, it’s not like you have a large collection of successes. Failures, on the other hand…”

“If you’ve called to put me down, save it. I have no time for it.”

She was about to hang up, but then her mother said something that shook her.

“Have you thought about Elizabeth’s offer?”

“How do you know about it?”

“She tells me everything.”

“I guess you expect me to choose jail. What better way to finally send me off the family than locking me away for a decade?”

“Oh, dear. You are always to resentful and angry. But no. I don’t want you in jail. It would put out name in the spotlight, and not in the positive way.”

“Right, we cannot have that.”

“No. No with your father’s career. Not with your sister’s career.”

“She could just let it go. I won’t steal again, or anything. You can convince her, right? You could tell her to just fire me or something.”

Her mother chuckled.

“I told her not to hire you in the first place, but she didn’t listened,” said her mother, pausing for a long time before continuing, “You only have one choice. And I know you’ll pick it. The humiliation of it might help you grow up better this time.”

“I’m not giving up my adulthood.”

“Then you’ll be giving up your life.”

There was a short moment of silence.

“It doesn’t matter. Do as you please. But you are right. If you go to jail, you are out of the family for good. No more bailouts. No more charity. Nothing.”

Her mother hanged up.

Mikaela grabbed her phone and smashed against the wall. It broke in so many pieces, she didn’t even know where to start picking it up. Maybe she wouldn’t. It’s not like she’ll need it anymore.

She sighed again.

Her mother was right. She was not going to jail.

She looked down at her wet pants. Perhaps I might just get used to it already.

That morning, Mikaela parked outside her sister’s company.

Everyone stared at her as she made her way into Elizabeth’s office. Eyes she knew, and eyes she didn’t. And every step of the way just got harder and harder, as if her legs knew where she was going, and they were working against her.

She finally reached the elevator.

She sighed.

First Floor. Second Floor. Third Floor.

What if she wasn’t ready to give up on everything?

Fourth Floor. Fifth Floor.

What did she meant by baby? Diapers. Onesies. Baths, everything. What she meant by everything?

Sixth Floor. Seventh Floor. Eighth Floor. Ninth Floor. Tenth Floor.

Could she pretend to be a baby to save her life? And what did it involved? Diapers. Onesies. Baths, everything. Would she have to use the diapers? Would she be allowed to use the toilet again?

Eleventh Floor. Twelfth Floor. Thirteenth Floor. Fourteenth Floor. Fifteenth Floor. Sixteenth Floor.

Twentieth Floor.

Thirstiest Floor.

And then, the elevator stopped, and so did Mikaela’s heart.

The elevator opened and her legs were shaking. Cold shivers. Cold Sweat. And a little bit of pee escaping into her panties.

She breathed deeply and walked in.

Her sister was already waiting. Her sister’s lawyer was right next to her. But then something, someone else, Edward. Her ex-husband was there. He was looking as handsome as ever, and she couldn’t prevent tears from falling.

“What is he doing here?” Asked Mikaela.

“He’s my fiancé,” said Elizabeth.

And Mikaela felt like fainting. Elizabeth, however, stood up immediately and grabbed her older sister, leading her into the empty chair in front of them.

“He’s here because he will be your Daddy if you choose to be my baby. And as your Daddy…”

“I wanted to be a part of such an important day for my little girl. That is, if you came her to accept our offer.”

Mikaela couldn’t answer.

She could live with jail. She could. There was no way she was going to let her sister cuckold her. No. That was her breaking point. She was going to stand up and send them to hell, and wait for her new life in jail to begin.

“Did you come her to accept our offer?” Asked Elizabeth.


What the fuck. She didn’t want to. She was not going to do it. But her brain wasn’t helping anymore. The part of her that wanted to avoid jail at all cost was stronger.

“I’m ready to be your baby,” she heard herself say and she started crying.


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