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Hi guys! 

For those of you who don't know, I live in Peru. At the moment there's this massive social unrest produced by a failed coup. It's a very complicated subject, I can tell you more if you'd like, but because of it, my wife and I have decided to move to Australia. She is Australian, so that's the reason of the decision. 

However, that means passing through a strict control to get the partner's visa. This week has been full of medical examinations, biometric appointments, interviews, and more. Which is why I had been absent. 

The process finished today and now there's only the waiting time. Sorry for the slow week, but I'll make it up to you with a big announcement for tomorrow!

Thanks again for your incredible support! 



Good luck. I'm envious you fet to move yo the land of the Austin's. If you're open, and safe, I'm very interested.


Also, if you need any help. I'm more than willing. I am a journalist and writer with years of editing experience.