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Chapter Two

I pleaded and tried to free myself, but there was nothing I could do. The doll had decided I was a baby, and what was worse, that I was a baby in her care.

M3GAN dragged me to my room.

She undressed me in a matter of seconds. I was in shock, and couldn’t even move as she began wiping my ass with some baby wipes. Having this nine-year-old android clean the most intimate parts of my body was humiliating, but exciting. I didn’t want to, but I moaned so hard as she did it.

“Your heart is beating fast again.”

I nodded.

“Maybe we should take you to the hospital after getting you in a clean diaper.”

The thought of being outside, diapered and being dragged by an android meant to look like a nine-year-old made me blush. In that moment I understood one thing about me. I could’ve used the voice command to turn off my tormentor. I could’ve send it back to the manufacturers, maybe get my money back and get something more useful.

But I didn’t.

“Please, diaper me,” I said.

And she obeyed.

She got me in bed. Produced a thick white diaper I had no clue was in the house, and proceed to powder my most intimate area, making me moan the entire time. Until, after a couple of minutes, I was locked in the fluffy white prison for the first time since I was potty trained.

“That should help,” said M3GAN, helping me stand up, “If you have another accident, let me know and I will change you.”

I looked at myself in the mirror. Looking me back was not the same mature woman that was the mother of a daughter. No. Looking back at me was a woman wearing nothing but a big bulky diaper. I wasn’t a mother. I wasn’t an adult. In that moment I was just a little girl, and I was loving every minute of it.

I smiled.

But then a thought came to mind. I was a mother. I wasn’t a little girl. And M3GAN wasn’t my mommy. She was my android. The one that was meant to take of my daughter. And my daughter was about to come back from school. She couldn’t see me using a diaper, or wearing one for that matter.

I took the diaper off. It was a nice idea, sort of a dream. However, I was meant to be the responsible adult, and I was going to do my job.

But that thought lasted for a short time.

M3GAN appeared back in the room. There was no way she could show any emption. She was a doll, nothing more. But I could see it in her eyes. She was furious. Like a mother looking at a kid something naughty. I shivered. Wanted to defend myself and my choice, but her stern presence just made my knees feel week.

“Why are you not wearing your diapers?”

I said nothing.

She got closer.

“Mary. You are misbehaving. And you are not following the house’s rules.”

My legs began shaking.

She grabbed me, handling me as if I was nothing but a real toddler, and sat me on her lap.

“Are you going to obey?”

I pleaded, “Please. I don’t want Anna to see me like this.”

“Anna will understand. After all, she’s a big girl. Unlike you.”

Those words hurt. Here I was. A mature woman. A mother. Completely naked, and sitting on the lap of this nine-year-old little girl android. An android that just minutes before had diapered me and clean my wet crotch.

I began sobbing, knowing that I could do something about it, but I truly didnt want to. It had been the most exciting day of my life since my husband passed, and I didnt want it to end.

“I’m not a little girl,” I tried saying.

But she forced my own thumb into my mouth. Forced me down onto her lap, and began smacking my firm butt over and voer again. I was sobbing and sucking my thumb, and she just kept going.

“If you take your thumb out of your mouth, it will be worst.”

I cried and blushed at the same time, thinking about how ridiculous the whole scene should look.

“There. There,” said M3GAN after my spanking, and she caressed my butt cheeks that were now crimson red and stinging.

I kept crying.

She proceed to diaper me. This time, going as far as to produce a pair of mittens to lock my hands away. I couldn’t remove the diaper anymore, not even if I wanted to. And a part of me didn’t. She carried me to the living room, and sat me on her lap as she rock me to sleep.

But then, the doorbell rang.

Anna was home.



I just saw the movie and fear where this may go (not really)