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Chapter Nine

The family was outside, enjoying the day.

For many outsiders, there would be nothing wrong with the picture from afar. But as soon as they get closer, they would notice everything odd with it. For instance, the eighteen year old, wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking her thumb; and everyone acting as if it was something normal. Then, there was the mother that sat far away from everyone because hse had a secret of her own. She was also wearing a diaper, and what was worst, she had been put in it by her younger sister. Luckily, so far no one else knew about it. Just her and her sister, Samantha.

“Who is ready for some burgers?”

Everyone cheered the idea.

They ate. Well, most of them but Elena, who had been given a bottle of milk. Caroline didn’t know where her sister had gotten all the baby items to treat Elena like the baby she was playing to be. In a way, she envied her eldest daughter, she seemed rather happy, enjoying her new treatment. Why would anyone submit themselves to being treated like a baby in front of everyone? Yet, it was undeniable. Elena was happy with it. And then a thought crossed her mind. What if her sister did the same to her? Would she had to endure the same treatment if she was to have an accident again?

“Here you have, hun,” said Samantha, offering more wine to her older sister.

Caroline accepted gladly.

Babies couldn’t drink, and she loved wine way too much to endure a life without it. But drinking as much as she did was, perhaps, a mistake. By the fourth glass, she was feeling rather tipsy and with a full bladder. Not to mention her tummy hadn’t yet recovered from the laxative, though she didn’t know that.

She stood up and went to her sister.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” she whispered in Samantha’s ear.

“Do you need the potty, sis?” Samantha asked, almost shouting.

Caroline shushed her, blushing.

Samantha laughed a little.

“Don’t worry, everyone’s having fun. They aren’t paying attention to your potty needs, sis.”

“Please, I need to be out of this diaper. And you have to open the door to the house.”

Samantha chuckled, “Alright, fine. Let’s go fast then.”

Her sister took her by the hand and rushed to the house. She said nothing about it; just hearing the crinkle of the diaper and how it felt against the skin in her thighs was enough to keep her as submissive as a little girl being dragged by her parents. It was a rather odd feeling, but what was stranger was that she didn’t mind it. In fact, something about it made her feel comfortable and cared for.

“I think we have a problem, sis.”

“Did you forget the key again?” asked Caroline, closing her legs as hard as she could to prevent another accident. But alas, the pressure was becoming too much and was coming from the front and back now.

“No, but I think I’m rather tipsy to do this myself.”

“Give them to me,” said Caroline, grabbing the keys, “I’ll do it.”

But she couldn’t. She could barely keep her hands from shaking. Every time she tried to get the key in, she would just miss the keyhole. She tried and tried and tried until she start sobbing out of impotence and frustration. Caroline couldn’t hold it anymore. She couldn’t hold it at all, and that’s when the dam broke.

“Are you okay, sis?”

It was a small stream at first, but it grew bigger. She could feel the warmth of her own urine spreading around the diaper and around her crotch. The sensation, though reassuring and rather comfy, made her sobbing turn into a desperate cry. The cry intensified when she started feeling the pressure in her backside and the pain of holding it back. In for a penny, in for a pound, and so she pushed. It began with a small log coming from her rear and pushing against her diaper, but the small log soon turned into something messier, and she could feel the wet, soft poo against her own skin. Unlike the pee, the poop was uncomfortable against her skin, and it was worst when it reach her private parts.

“Oh,” said Samantha, getting closer to her sister.

She held her close as Caroline kept crying. She didn’t have to ask what happened. The smell was enough to be sure.

“It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.”

“I don’t know what’s going on,” said Caroline, still crying in her sister’s shoulder, “I just keep having accidents, and…”

“It wasn’t an accident, hun. Are your clothes ruined?”

She shook her head.

“Then nothing but happened. That’s what diapers are for, after all. They are meant to be filled with, well, you know. So you did nothing wrong.”

“I, I, …”

“You did nothing wrong, sis. But I think it’s time you admit that maybe Elena is not the only one that belongs in diapers in this house.”

“But I can’t…”

“I think you should. At least while you are here. I don’t want you having accidents in the furniture or in bed.”

She helped Caroline stand up.

“Come on. Let’s go back with the others.”

“But I need a change. I’m…”

“It’s okay. I’ve got some supplies out for changing Elena, I can change you there, too. Besides, I doubt we can even get the keys in right now.”

“They will see. Everyone will see.”

“I know. But I think you shouldn’t matter.”

Caroline wanted to protest, but she didn’t. How could she? She has had so many accidents recently that her sister’s words made sense. Diapers were at least helping her not ruin her clothes or embarrass herself in front of everyone. But now they were going to know either way. She was so conflicted she didn’t notice they were already back with the rest of the family, and Samantha was grabbing the changing supplies.

“Come on, sweety.”


“It’s time for your change,” said Samantha, and everyone went silent.

It was about to happen. She was going to be changed in front of everyone.


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