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Chapter Eight

Caroline didn’t know what to do.

She had had an accident during the day for the first time in her life since she left diapers back when she was a toddler. She couldn’t believe it, but the stinky mess in her underwear was difficult to ignore. So, what did the proud mother do?

She cried.

It was a sort of cry she didn’t know she had in her. The type of cry that was more like desperation than pain, and it was true. She was desperate for help. She was desperate to keep her pride and to avoid anyone’s prying eyes. But that was not going to happen because as soon as she turn her sight to the area where her family was, she noticed her sister walking towards her, carrying the baby that was formerly known as her own eighteen-year-old daughter.

Caroline stood up quickly. She could still play it cool and avoid the shame. No one knew what she had done, and no one needed to know. She rubbed her eyes, trying to look as normal as possible.

“Sorry, couldn’t find the keys.”

“It’s okay,” said Caroline.

“Are you okay? Your eyes are red,” said Samantha as she opened the door.

“I’m okay. Something got into my eyes.”

“What’s that smell?”

Elena began laughing.

“What’s so funny?” asked Caroline, mortified, trying to impose her authority over her own daughter.

“You pooped yourself,” said Elena.

Caroline blushed and was left speechless.

“That’s not possible,” said Samantha, reaching her free hand to her sister’s dress, lifting it before Caroline could even react.

There was a moment of silence as Samantha and Elena inspected Caroline’s completely messed up underwear. It was such a mess that the poo was starting to run down her legs and into her bare feet.

“Come,” said Samatha, grabbing Caroline’s wrist and dragging her into the house.

Caroline didn’t know how to react, and even if she did, her sister had grabbed her so tight and so strongly, she could barely keep up with her pace. It was surprising how strong Samantha was, carrying Elena on one arm and dragging her with the other hand. She moved through the house as if it was nothing but a little walk. Until she finally stopped just by her bathroom door.

“I can’t believe you punished your daughter because she peed herself, and yet you just peed your bed and pooped yourself within the same day,” said Samantha, opening the door to her huge bathroom.

Caroline had regained her senses and was now aware of what was happening, and the words of her sister just hurt. She started sobbing while her diapered daughter just chuckled at her predicament. For Elena, seeing her mother humiliated was something that made her feel so many things, and a need to start rubbing her own messy diaper start surging in her mind. But she contained herself. She just savored the moment as her aunt began telling off her mother and treating her like a kid who had just had an accident because of her own irresponsability.

“I’m sorry,” said Caroline, still sobbing.

“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to your daughter, who is clearly suffering from your lack of responsibility.”

Caroline turned to see her daughter.

“I’m sorry,” she said, breaking into another desperate cry.

Elena smiled devilishly.

“And don’t you get too happy, misses,” said Samantha to Elena, “Now that I have to help your mom clean, your diaper, change will have to wait.”

Elena didn’t mind, she was ready to wait if that meant her mother would soon join her in a thick white prison of her own.

In the room, Samantha helped her sister into the shower. She removed her sister’s dress, revealing the complete mess of the estate of her underwear and legs. Her long legs were covered in streaks of poo that had already made their way into her feet and toes. Not in control of herself yet, Caroline began peeing herself as soon as Samatha removed her dress, making her sister chuckle.

“It’s okay,” said Samantha, reassuringly, “Accidents happen. But I think we need to consider some methods to protect your dignity, and my furniture.”

Caroline was confused as her sister began removing her completely destroyed underwear.

“Diapers, honey.”

“No,” said Caroline, steeping her feet.



“Can you tell me what’s in my hand?”

Caroline shook her head.

“Tell me, now.”

Caroline tried to speak in between sobs, “My underwear.”

“And why am I holding your underwear?”

“Because I had an accident.”

“Accident? Can you be more specific?”

It took Caroline a moment to speak the words, “I poop myself,” and she began crying in desperation again.

Samantha didn’t care about the state of her sister’s butt and legs. She knew if her plan was to work, Caroline needed to agree willingly to be reduced to nothing but a baby. And so, she embraced her sister, holding her so tight that she could feel her sister’s tears on her neck.

“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. Only I will know. Okay?”

Caroline didn’t answer.

“What if I put one on you, and if you keep it clean for the rest of our time outside, we target about it?”

Caroline just nodded as she stopped crying.

“Don’t worry, sis. I will take care of you. You just relax for the next few days. Do we have a deal?”

Caroline nodded again.

“Good. Now, let’s clean you up good so that we can continue to enjoy the day.”

Samantha cleaned her sister as if it was nothing but a little girl that had had an accident. She paid special attention to Caroline’s body, removing every remain of poop from her asshole to her shaved crotch. Until after almost twenty minutes, she was happy with the results and helped her sister off the shower.

Outside, on the floor, Elena sat, rubbing the front of her diaper with such a passion she was sure she could start a fire with it. But instead of fire, it was just the deepest and most satisfying climax she had ever had. Nothing had turned her on as much as seeing her own mother humiliated but combined with the state of her own diaper, it was too much to bear.

Her aunt and mother emerged from the bathroom.

“Let’s get you clean so that mommy and auntie can have a private talk, okay baby girl?”

“Private?” asked Elena.

She wanted to see what was to happen. She’s been looking forward to it, and she needed to see it. She needed to know.

“Play along,” muttered her aunt in her ears.

And Elena did.

She let her aunt place her in bed, removing her diaper to reveal the mess she had made. Elena said nothing during the entire time, just scanning her mother’s completely naked body sitting beside her. Her aunt cleaned her up, spreading a little baby powder over her crotch and taping her into a brand-new diaper. Once her diaper was changed, Samantha helped her out of the room and placed her in an old playpen they still had in the home.

“Remember, we need to play it cool.”

Elena nodded.

Back in the room, Caroline was still in shock from everything that had happened. To the point that she was unable to see her daughter or sister in the eyes. She kept looking down, like a little girl that knew she had done something wrong. When Samantha left the room with the newly diapered Elena, she just stayed there, naked and ashamed. Still hoping Samantha had been joking about the diapers.

But when her sister came back, her hopes faded.


Caroline wanted to say no, but she knew better than to try and complain. Her sister wouldn’t hurt her. She wasn’t scared of her, but she had a way of making her feel like she actually needed those diapers. And perhaps, she was right. So she laid in bed, completely naked and exposed, and let her sister do her job. First, Samantha placed the diaper underneath her, lifting her legs as if they weighed nothing. Then, she spread some baby powder around her crotch and butt.

“I might have to shave you down there, sis. It will make it more comfortable for you.”

Caroline shook her head. Samantha only smiled and closed the diaper using the tabs.

It was a surreal feeling to be diapered again for the first time since she was a baby. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was her looking back, a mother, a grown-up. But something was wrong. She was wearing a diaper and nothing else, and she actually felt good about it, which made her blush.

“Okay. Time to go back with the family. Let’s get you some clothes.”

Caroline didn’t want to leave the room. She didn’t want to be around anyone while wearing the diaper. But she had no choice. Now, she only needed to make it a couple of hours without an accident.

It shouldn’t be a problem, should it?


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