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Chapter One

When Mathew and Diana met, they didn’t think they would end up being the parents of three boys. They were teens and in love, and one thing led to the other, and before they could realize it, they had Jake. Four years later, Michael was born. Then, four years later, Robb came.

They never got the time to be a proper couple. So when Jake turned eighteen, their other kids were old enough to stay home alone. They decided it was time to enjoy their lives better. A bottle of champagne later and some money saved, they got themselves a ticket for a one-month cruise.

“So, you’ll be in charge,” said Diana to Jake.

“No kidding. I don’t really want to babysit.”

“Or we can call grandma, and she’ll be in charge.”

“Alright, I’ll do it.”

She smiled.

Jake was her favorite son. She never admitted it to anyone, but she knew it. He was strong, popular, and handsome. He was so stylish, and that’s something that girls loved about him. His long hair and long eyelashes were his pride, but he was also extremely smart and dedicated. In other words, everything a parent would want from her kids, unlike Michael, who was a bit of a letdown. Her middle kid wasn’t ugly or stupid. He was smart but machiavellian. He never did anything for anyone else but himself. Though, she also would never admit it to anyone.

“We’ll be leaving you with enough money for the entire month and for emergencies. Just ensure your brothers eat and get safe to and from school,” said Matthew, preparing his suitcase with everything he would need for the month-long honeymoon.

“No parties,” said Diana.

“No parties,” said Matthew.

“I know. I know.”

After breaking the news to her other kids, Diana and Matthew were ready to light up the spark of their marriage again. They’d long longed for some alone time that they could barely sleep that night. However, someone else in the house couldn’t sleep that night.

Michael lay in bed, thinking about what her mother had said. One month without them. One month after being ordered by Jake. He was not going to take it. He needed to be the one in charge. After all, Jake was a pussy and a coward who hid under mommy whenever life got hard. There was a plan. One he had been thinking about for so long but couldn’t really put into action because his mother would know. She would suspect, and that would make it difficult to fulfill. However, now that they were going away, he would finally be able to get his older brother right where he belonged.

“Well, Jaky. I’ll start tomorrow,” he said to himself and then closed his eyes.

The next morning, Diana and Matthew were more than ready to leave their boring lives for at least one month. So, as soon as it was time to make it to the airport, they said their goodbyes to their three sons and were on their way.

The door closed, and the kids were finally alone.

“Alright,” said Jake, sitting in dad’s favorite chair, “You heard mom, I’m in charge for an entire month.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t let it get to your head,” said Michael.

“Can we have breakfast ice cream?” asked Robb.

Jake nodded.

“Yay,” said Robb, rushing to the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” asked Jake as Michael walked in the opposite direction towards the front door.

“Have some stuff to do. I’ll be back soon.”

“Well, don’t be late.”

Michael nodded and left the house.

If his plan was to work, he needed some supplies. Diapers were not gonna be cheap, but they were necessary, and so were the baby wipes, powder, pacifiers, and bottles. He even went as far as ordering some childish clothes in his brother’s size, plus some pink and baby blue onesies. Demoting his brother into a baby wouldn’t be easy, but it shouldn’t be impossible. He knew Jake, and he knew his older brother was always stressed. The prospect of no responsibilities would be enticing for him.

Later that day, the three brothers were eating dinner.

“Can we go to the movies on the weekend?” asked Robb.

“To see what?” asked Michael.


Michael chuckled, “No way. The first one sucked.”

“It didn’t.”

“It did.”

“Enough,” said Jake, “Yes we can. But only if you start washing the dishes. You need to start having some responsibilities in the house.”


“Do you want to go see Avatar?”

Robb nodded.

“Then finish eating and wash the dishes.”

“Then I wanna see it in IMAX.”


Jake stood up, and left for his room.

It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy being in charge. But with everything going on with college, and his friends, and his girlfriend, he had little to no time for himself. He needed to do at least three essays that week, and then he had his one-year anniversary with Monica. Not to mention the party his friends were trying to throw as they were all accepted by their first-choice colleges.

He sighed and went straight to work.

Next door, in his room, Michael had everything ready to put his plan into action. The supplies were one thing, but it all depended on getting his brother to listen to the recording he made. Two years it took him to create the perfect mix of relaxing music and subliminal messages to turn someone into a baby. He had already tried it, and it had worked so well that he was sure it would be the same for his older brother.

It would all start that night.


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