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Chapter Six

He could hear the laughs of his coworkers as Elena paraded him through the office's halls. The estate of his pants was too obvious to ignore, and Elena's holding his hand as he sobbed wasn't helping. Although it was just a couple of minutes walking from her office to the elevator and then to the parking lot, to Steve, it felt like an eternity.

"It's okay. We'll get you clean soon. I hope your wife won't mind that I take you to my home before dropping you off with her."

Steve didn't answer. He just let her place him inside the car, sitting him on the backseat over a plastic bag to prevent him from staining her car. Then, she opened every window and sat in the driver's seat.

"Don't worry. It's okay."

He didn't want to look her in the eyes. All Steve could think was how shitty his situation was, and Elena trying to be nice to him made it even worse. He wasn't a little boy or a baby, but she treated him as if he was a four-year-old who had an accident at kindergarten. Still, he couldn't deny that Elena's sudden change of heart felt a thousand times better than her usual treatment of him.

"Has it happened before?" she asked.

He shook.

"That's a surprise," she said, holding his hand, "It's okay. We'll get you clean soon. Alright?"

He nodded, still sobbing. However, her comforting touch and voice made him feel less awkward.

They said not a single word. They didn't need to. She held his hand the entire time until she stopped the car. Steve had stopped sobbing long ago, thinking that maybe pooping his pants might have been the best thing ever happening to his work life. His boss seemed happy with it. Or at least not angry at him anymore, which was a big step up from what it was just hours ago.

"Let's go, stinker. We need to get you clean before dropping you off at home."

He nodded as she led him out the door and into her house.

Kate knew that the laxatives should've done their job already. Anytime soon, she would hear the door open and see her husband completely broken and ready to accept his new life as her baby boy.

She sat there, drinking a bit of wine and thinking of all the cute little rompers and onesies she had bought for this occasion. The big diapers she would put him in that had the most babyish prints and designs. The nursery is waiting for him in the spare room. Though, no crib for him. Mommy wanted him with her twenty-four-seven, even at night.

She kept thinking about every plan she had for her husband, not realizing that she had begun rubbing herself. It was slow at first, but thinking about the look he would have when pooping himself in front of everyone in his office, that did it for her. She rubbed and moaned in ways she hadn't done before.

Until she climaxed.

In her house, Elena led Steve inside the bathroom.

She didn't mind the smell. It was just an accident. Little boys had accidents all the time, though she knew nothing about it as she had never had kids of her own. She wasn't married, and at her age and with her power, those chances were becoming even more distant. Now, with Steve right in front of her, red cheeks from all the crying and needing a bath, she felt truly useful for the first time in years.

'Okay, Stevie. Let's get you clean."

"I…I can do it myself."

She towered over him, fulminating him with her eyes, and Steve knew it wasn't an option.

"Now, I'm going to clean you, and you will say nothing. Okay?"

He nodded, fearfully and embarrassed.

She removed his pants first, revealing the dirty underwear that tried its best to contain his accident, but failed. There was poop everywhere down his pants and around his crotch.

"What a big mess you've made," she chuckled, using a towel to remove the underwear, "If I were your wife, you wouldn't be allowed to get out of the house without some protection."


She nodded, "Diapers, Stevie. You should be in diapers."

"No. I'm not a baby," Steve said furiously. How dare she compare his accident to that of a dumb baby. It was an accident. It wasn't his fault, and neither were his other accidents. Elena and Kate were wrong. He didn't need diapers.

"You are not a baby? Then what am I cleaning right now?"

Steve didn't answer.

"You will answer me."

He didn't answer.

"Steve. Don't make me put you over my lap. I will."

He did his best not to sob again, but he lost that fight.

"What am I cleaning, Stevie?"

"My accident," he said in between sobs.

She held him close to her, placing his sobbing self against her breast, "It's okay. Accidents happen, but we need to prevent the damage. Don't we?"

He said nothing.

"Let's not worry about it right now."

She finished undressing and started the shower. Once the water was ready, she helped Steve inside and began undressing. Steve didn't notice it at first, but once she removed her bra, he could see Elena's massive breasts and just how beautiful her body was.

"Don't act as if you've never seen a woman before."

"I'm… I'm married."

She chuckled.

"Oh, Stevie. I know. This is not me making a move on you. It's just easier to clean your stinky bum bums if I'm also inside the shower."

He said nothing as Elena joined him.

She cleaned him up quickly and caringly, removing every bit of mess from his body and applying as much soap as needed until his butthole was smelling like roses instead of poo. She then cleaned his face, kissing him on the cheeks as she finished. But it wasn't a kiss that a lover would give, it felt motherly, and even if Steve didn't want to admit it, it made him feel a lot better about the situation. So much so that he didn't want to leave the shower when she finished. He held onto her like a kid to his mommy, and she held him back, feeling complete and happy for the first time in her life.

"It's okay. Baby boy. This can be our little secret. Would you like that?"

He nodded, closing his eyes as Elena picked him up and out of the shower.


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