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Caroline’s tummy had been feeling weird all morning since breakfast. It wasn’t odd, as at her age, having a gassy tummy was more than normal. But she felt it differently this time, as if her tummy was brewing something.

She ignored, however, as the entire family was getting ready for a day out by the lake. She didn’t want to admit it. But she was jealous of her sister for having such an amazing house with a lake view. It was private and spacious, and that was lucky as she didn’t want anyone else finding out about her daughter’s diapers. When she punished her put them on her, she wasn’t expecting Elena to like it. Now, she had another kid in diapers and acting out even more.

Caroline sighed.

“Let’s go, sis,” said Samantha, carrying Elena as if she was a baby, “We need to get the grill ready.”


Samantha placed her niece right by the lake and gave her some blocks to play with while the adults got the BBQ ready. The other kids avoided Elena as none of them wanted anything to do with her dirty diapers. Though Claire was curious about her sister’s new role in the family.

An hour passed and Caroline’s tummy pressure began increasing. She now knew she needed to get to the toilet, and soon.

She stood up, left what she was doing immediately, and rush to the house with her hands on her butt. She hoped none saw her shame, but she couldn’t care less. Messing herself was definitely a step further than wetting the bed.

So she rushed, and rushed, until she got to the house’s door. But it was locked.

She tried to breathe. She just needed her sister to unlock the door. that shouldn’t be a problem. She was a grown up woman for fuck’s sake. She didn’t wet the bed. she didn’t poo herself. She breathed again, slowly, and began marching back to where her family congregated.

Her moments were slower, and she began panicking as the cramps and cold sweats started. Her tummy grumbled with every step, and the pressure was beginning to turn into torture. She needed relieve, and she needed it soon. Finally, she got to her sister, who was making some baby noises for Elena as she played with her blocks.

“Sam,” said Caroline with an obvious awkwardness in her voice, “I need your help.”

“Sis, sure. What do you need?”

But Samantha knew quite well what her sister needed. She was the one that locked the house’ door to ensure this very moment happened. She was the one that put a small but relatively powerful laxative in her breakfast. And she had already decided Caroline’s fate, even if the older sister was unaware of it.

“Can you unlock the door to the house? I need to use the toilet.”

“Sure sis, I was actually about to do so. Stinker here needs a change,” she said, picking up Elena, “What say you? Do you want a change?”

Elena just chuckled like a dumb baby, knowing that her aunt was putting her plan in motion. She couldn’t wait to have her mom feel the shame she felt when she was forced to parade in front of strangers, wearing nothing but a diaper. She had, however, taken a liking to them, and even sitting in her own mess wasn’t as bad anymore. She wouldn’t admit it to her aunt, much less to her mother, but she wouldn’t mind wearing diapers again from time to time once her aunt’s plan was finished.

As they got closer to the house, Caroline began feeling that she would lose the fight. Her tummy’s pressure was growing to the point of desperation. She was too afraid to fart to let out some of the pressure. She knew if she did, it would be over.

“Just let me find the keys, sis,” said Samantha, looking through her pockets with one hand while carrying Elena on the other arm, “Oops. I think I left the keys in my purse.”

“What?” asked Caroline.

“Sorry, sis. Can you go get them? Carrying this one takes a lot of energy.”

Caroline felt a cold shiver traveling through her spine.


She could only nod. She needed the bathroom, and for the bathroom, she needed the keys.

“My purse is next to the BBQ. Be a dear and bring it for me. Okay?”

Caroline began her walk back to the BBQ area. Ten minutes to walk there, and then ten minutes to come back. That was twenty minutes. Not to mention the time it would take to open the door and get to the bathroom. She could run, but her body was in too much despair to do it.

She could only walk, slowly, as the contents in her bowels began getting closer and closer to her butthole.

A thought came to her mind. She could easily find a tree or some hedges to do her business there. It would make her feel like an animal, but it was better than messing herself in front of her family. But that idea couldn’t be, for as far as her body was concerned, the fight was over.

She felt a powerful cramp that forced her to stop. She rushed her hands to her butt, hoping it would help, but it didn’t. First it was a fart, a very powerful and smelly one. Then, she felt the mushy poo press against her underwear. It was warm and sticky, and releasing it was like heaven. It went on for a couple of minutes straight. Just pouring off her butthole, and Caroline, who had not had a potty accident in almost forty years, could do nothing but squat right there and sob.

“I think it’s time to go see your mom,” said Samantha to her niece.

“But I need a change.”

“Something tells me, she’s in need of one too,” she said, smiling and thinking of all the humiliating things she had prepared for her older sister.


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