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Caroline explained what had happened, blushing the entire time.

“I see,” said Samantha, holding her sister, “Well. An accident can happen to anyone.”

Caroline smiled when she listened to her words.

“Why don’t you go take a shower and I deal with your other problem?”


Samantha nodded, “She needs a change.”

Caroline nodded.

Samantha stood up and kissed her sister’s forehead, “Go on. I’ll deal with all of this.”

She was about to leave the room when she felt something stopping her. Samantha turned to see her sister, looking rather pathetic, but at the same time cute.

“Thanks, sis,” said Caroline.

“You’re welcome.”

In her own room and with her diaper in an unspeakable state, Elena sat over her bed. Her messy diaper was making it even more uncomfortable to sit. But it didn’t matter anymore. She felt betrayed and angry. That’s when her aunt entered her room again.

“Are you okay?”

Elena didn’t answer.

“I see. Look,” said Samantha, sitting beside Elena, “I think we need to talk.”

“You think.”

“I want to help you get some payback. But, it has to be done smartly. You cannot just push your mother to wear diapers the way she did with you.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’s a grown up. She is a mother. She is responsible for more than just herself. If you do it too fast, she’ll fight back.”


Samantha easily picked up Elena, placing her nieve over her lap.

“I want her to want it. To understand how difficult it is to be a mother and a grown up. When we finish with her, she will willingly ask for us to keep her in diapers twenty, four, seven.”

Elena felt a rush traveling through her entire body as her aun started patting her head.

“Do you think we can do that?” She asked.

Samantha nodded, “I know so. So, what do you say?”

Elena nodded.

“Good,” said Samantha, smiling, “Now, why don’t we take care of that stinky bum of yours?”

Elena chuckled and nodded.

Samantha did it carefully and motherly. She removed Elena’s diaper to witness the mess she had made. Her crotch was completely covered with poo and the smell would’ve made anyone flee. But it didn’t bother Samantha, she was a mother and dirty diapers had been part of her life before. As she cleaned her niece, she thought that soon she would have to do the same for her older sister. The possibility of having two babies to take care of was exciting, especially because she has long longed for her motherhood days. Her sons were now too big to want to be babied by her, and that has left a whole in her life.

“How do I help you turn my mom into a baby?” Asked Elena, laying there patiently with her private parts now clean and in full display as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Samantha grabbed another diaper and placed it on her niece.

“Well, I think the best way you can help me is by showing your mother that being the family’s new baby is something you enjoy.”


“We want her to want it. Right?”

Elena nodded.

“What better way to do so than by showing her the possibility of a life with no responsibilities. It wouldn’t be a big imposition on you. You are already wearing diapers and using them. Why not step it up a little?”

“Step it up?”

Samantha nodded.

“What do you mean?”

“You can play with your sister’s dolls, cry when you need things, have even more potty accidents, use baby bottles. You know. The full deal.”

“But I don’t want to.”

“I know that, but it will only be until we have your mom back in diapers too. Then I will let you go back to your normal life. You will have to babysit her, though.”

The thought of babysitting her mother and humiliating her the way she had been humiliated was too tempting to ignore. But, was she really willing to let her baby treatment go even further? She didn’t mind the diaper changes, and she had to admit that diapers had not been as bad to her as she had thought.

She sighed.


Elena nodded.

“Good. Let’s take you downstairs then.”

She taped Elena’s diaper in place and put a PJ shirt on her. Then, as if her niece was nothing but a baby, she picked her up again and took her to the living room. The family was already waiting there for them. Claire, her uncle, her cousins, and her mother, who seemed shocked at the state of her daughter.

“Good morning, everyone,” said Samantha, placing Elena on one of the chairs, “Sis, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Caroline nodded.

The rest of the family said nothing. Samatha’s sons knew better than to taunt her cousin in front of their parents. Furthermore, they knew better than to taunt her at all if they didn’t want to end up in the same situation.

“Why is Elena still in diapers?”

“Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Go on.”

“I think she’s actually enjoying it.”

There was a short period of silence. Caroline couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but she turned to see her eldest, and she was sucking her thumb like a bug dumb baby.

“You are saying she wants to be a baby.”

Samantha nodded.


“I don’t know. There’s no responsibility. Everyone does everything for you. No more worrying about pleasing others.”

“That does sound tempting.”

“Right?” Said Samantha, thinking about how to play the next step of her plan, “Why don’t we play along with it?”

“Baby her?”

Samantha nodded.


“So she can understand that there’s nothing nice about being treated like a toddler.”

“Like a punishment?”

“No. We will treat her like a two-year-old. She’ll eat baby food, she will be bathed by us, and so on.”

“I don’t know. Taking care of an oversized baby wasn’t my idea of relaxing for the weekend.”

“I bet neither was it to pee the bed. But we have to play the cards we are given.”

Caroline blushed immediately.

“Sorry, sis. That was out of line.”

“It’s okay. I did pee on the bed.”

Samantha embraced her older sister, holding her close.

“Tell you what. Leave her to me. I will do the baby treatment and you can just relax. Okay?”

“You’d do that for me?”

Samantha nodded.

“Thanks, sis. You are the best,” said Caroline, hugging her sister.

She left back to the living room with the rest of the family.

Samantha stayed there, thinking about the next step of her plan. She needed Caroline’s accidents to be more constant and more public. And she had just the way to make it happen.

She smiled deviously, looking at her niece and sister.

“Let’s start the next part of the plan,” she said to herself.


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