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Chapter Five

Caroline sat on her bed.

It was her younger sister’s biggest guest bedroom. Her two daughters were sleeping in the room next door. The matriarch of her house could not think of anything but the day she just had. Her daughter, Elena, was turning more and more into an untamable brat, and she just didn’t know what to do about it.

She drank another sip of wine.

It was okay. This weekend was supposed to be about relaxing, and she was going to relax. Her sister would help her deal with the overgrown baby and her tantrums. The wine was starting to kick in, and she was feeling drowsy. She didn’t know how or when, but she closed her eyes, and she didn’t open them again.

The dream was intense, to say the least.

It started with Caroline waking up in her room, in her house. But there was something different. Her bed wasn't her bed. It was a crib. A massive crib that could fit her and her daughter, Elena, who was sleeping next to her, dressed like a grown-up toddler. Caroline looked down just to notice that she was dressing in the same way. A thick and obviously wet diaper, a baby blue onesie, and white socks with frills. She started to panic. She wanted out of it, but she couldn’t leave the crib. A small pressure in her bladder began growing, and before she could do anything, she peed herself. Her diaper got even bigger, until it was leaking. In her desperation, she just began crying, and that’s when the door to the room opened.

It was her younger sister.

Then she woke up.

Her head was spinning. It must’ve been the wine, but then her heart stopped for a second when she realized what had happened. She removed the sheets to uncover the fact that she had wet herself during the night. But it couldn’t be. It should still be a dream. She’s never wet her bed. Not a single time since she left diapers when she was two. Her mom was so proud of her, unlike her sister. No, it couldn’t be.

She closed her eyes again. But when she opened them, she was still in her sister’s guest room. Still soaking wet.

Caroline sighed.

She looked at her phone. It wasn’t that late, maybe they would still be sleeping. Maybe she could rush to the laundry room. Yeah, she definitely could. She stood up, and removed the bedding and her clothes as fast as she could, revealing her perfect figure. Something she was proud of for her age. She was tall, her breasts were big enough, and her butt was still round, even after two daughters.

Quickly, she put on some extra pants and went straight to her sister’s laundry room.

But, when she opened the door, she was surprised by someone waiting for her.

Caroline’s heart stopped for a second. Was she caught?

“Mommy,” said Claire, with her eyes barely open, “I’m hungry.”

Her heart started beating again.

“Let me do some washing, and I’ll get you something to eat. Okay, darling?”

Claire nodded, “Can I come?”

“To do the laundry?”

Claire nodded again.

“It’s a bit boring, hun. Tell you what. I'll finish this, and I’ll make you some pancakes.”

“Yay, pancakes. With honey?”

Caroline nodded, “Can you help me find the ingredients?”

Her youngest left, running to the kitchen.

Caroline rushed to the laundry room. She put her wet clothes and wet sheets on the washing machine and rushed back to her room. Now, she needed to do something about the smell and the obvious wet patch. She tried to clean it with some baby wipes she had in her bag, but it wasn’t working. Finally, she decided to just use some of her perfume for the smell, open the window to let it air, and flip the mattress.

She was almost over when the door opened.

It was her sister, looking as radiant as ever. She entered, dragging Elena by the hand.

“Sis, I think your big baby made another mess,” she said, making a funny face with her nose, “Do you think I should sho…”

There was a short moment of silence.

“What happened to the bed?”

“Nothing. Just thought about doing some cleaning. It helps clear my head,” said Caroline, sweating cold.

“Right. What’s that smell then?”

Her heart stopped.

“Well, actually. I dropped a bit of perfume on the bed. It's okay. I’m already washing the sheets.”

“You peed the bed,” said Elena, chuckling, “Mom, you peed the bed.”

Caroline’s heart began beating faster.

“That’s not true.”

“Mommy peed the…” but Elena couldn’t finish.

Samantha's, her aunt, sat quickly over the mattress and began spanking her niece. Elena first felt nothing because of her padded protection, but soon enough, the icky mess inside began spreading more and more. Then, her buttcheeks began stinging. She wanted it to stop. She tried to resist. She pleaded to her mom, but Caroline just stood there, not knowing what to do as her younger sister punished her oldest daughter. It happened so fast. And when it was over, Elena was silent and sobbing.

“Go to your room,” said Samantha, fulminating her niece with her eyes, “I’ll clean you later.”

Elena left, feeling betrayed.

Samantha turned to see her older sister. She was silent, not moving, breathing fast.

“Okay. Now, tell me what happened,” said Samantha.



The daughter must really enjoy going poopy in her diapers. I know I do lol I can’t wait to see what happens next