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Scott felt nervous as he reached the diaper aisle in the local store.

What if someone he knew found out? How could they know, though? No one would think the diapers were for him. No one would think that a mature and professional man like him was looking to buy diapers to please one of his students.

He had decided to do it. There was no going back, but what brand or size should he pick?

Baby diapers would be too small for him, and pull-ups seemed a bit uncomfortable. There was only one option, adult diapers, but then again, there were so many brands right in front of him. He decided for a size M, because bigger would be more noticeable. But that left one more thing to do, pay for it.

The girl at the counter was a pretty girl in her early twenties. She scanned the diapers, gave him a judgy look and said nothing. Just like that, Scott was soon back in his apartment, scanning the package of diapers he just got. He was so anxious about wearing them to school that he barely slept that night until finally, it was time for work.

That morning he ate some cereal, showered, and began getting ready. It was time for the diaper, which he opened and tried his best to fit it. It was still a bit bulky, and the soft feeling against his almost-hairless crotch felt like wearing a pillow instead of underwear.

He looked at himself in the mirror. Looking back at him was a pretty man with an awkward smile wearing nothing but a white thick diaper. He checked himself from different angles only to determine that he looked ridiculous. There was nothing he could do, he was committed to wearing them for Dylan, so he just put on some pants, a shirt, shoes, and went to school.

“Good morning,” said the principal, who scanned Scott’s body, “Is everything okay?”

Scott nodded, “Just excited for today’s class.”

“Good. We should meet later to discuss that team’s progress. Shall we?”

Scott nodded again. What did she mean by later? But before he could overthink, his students started to arrive. One by one the classroom was filled with older teens waiting for the class to start. Scott sat on his desk, not wanting to be in front of his students more than necessary. He was sure the diapers weren’t noticeable, but the crinkle would if he moved too much. No, better to have a slow class than risking his reputation.

The class went on as expected. He captivated his classroom even when sitting, but he knew it wasn’t something he could be able to get away with every day. Was Dylan planning to keep him in diapers for a long time? But then it hit him. His bladder was full, and he needed release. He had not gone to the bathroom in over three hours, and that wasn’t even his biggest problem. His tummy was rumbling, and that full-grain cereal he ate was moving towards his anus faster and faster.

Still, there was another twenty minutes of class before the next recess.

He would hold it. He was a grown man, after all. There was no way he was going to mess himself in front of his students. He could just go to the bathroom and pretend he didn’t use his diaper the entire day. Though, maybe he would pee on it to keep Dylan pleased.

Another ten minutes passed.

He was beginning to sweat. That type of sweat that indicates your body is about to give up. Just another ten minutes, he kept thinking, just another ten minutes and I could run to the bathroom.

He made it.

The bell rang, and he was the first one gone. He didn’t care if his students could hear the crinkle of his diaper, or see his bigger-than-usual butt. He rushed towards the bathroom just to find Dylan standing right by it.

“Hello, little one,” he said, smirking, “Where are you going?”

“I…I,” Scott tried to say something but the pressure in his tummy was too much, “Please, I need to…”

“I forgot to mention that you aren’t allowed to. But, I guess I thought you were smart enough to understand it when I commanded you to wear diapers to school.”

Scott farted, and he was glad there was only Dylan around because it was a loud wet fart.

“I see,” said Dylan, pushing Scott against the wall and towering over him, “Go on. Do it.”


“I’m waiting. And every second I wait for you to do it, will be one minute you’ll spend in that mess.”

Scott felt shivers across his body.

“It’s ten seconds so far. So ten minutes.”

Scott wasn’t holding it any longer, but his body was numb. He couldn’t just mess himself on purpose. Not standing up.

“Twenty seconds…”

Scott squated right in front of Dylan, which sent him straight in front of the student’s crotch.

“Thirty seconds…”

He pushed. But nothing happened.

He pushed again. But nothing more than farts.

“One minute so far. I would get on with it, little one. Someone’s bound to come in any second now.”

Scott, with tears in his eyes, pushed again.

It worked.

It began as long solid poo trying to break against his diaper. But what came after was loud, messy, and sticky. He didn’t stop, though. Scott kept pushing, and pushing, and sobbing as he did. He felt the poo spreading around his crotch. It was warm, and it was sticky, and it just felt so good and so bad at the same time.

Then, it was over.

Scott looked up.

“Two minutes and a half,” said Dylan, smiling and helping Scott stand up, “That means you’ll be in that messy diaper until the end of the next period.”

He kissed Scott on the forehead, patted his diapered butt, and left.

Scott was alone in the bathroom, tears in his eyes, dreading what was to come


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