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Rebecca woke up.

She was in her room, wearing nothing but her diaper, which was wet as expected. Her lips felt sore, and she remembered why. She must have sucked on Nelly’s breasts for a long time before passing out.

Then, a feeling of shame invaded her.

The memories of just hours before came rushing in, and she felt small and pathetic. She reached for her diaper, full as it was, and the feeling of need that her private parts were sent to her. She remembered being in Nelly’s arms, and Nelly, completely naked, nursing her like a mother would a child. Though she blushed, a mother wouldn’t have done what Nelly did.

Rebecca didn’t want to admit it, but her body knew it. She enjoyed it.

The door to her room opened, and Nelly came in, carrying Amy in her arms.

“Good, you are awake,” said Nelly, smiling and kissing Amy on the cheeks, “You’ve been out for a few hours. This other baby, on the other hand, needs her nap.”

Rebecca said nothing.

“Come on,” said Nelly, lending her hand to Rebecca, “You come with us and watch as I put your sister to sleep.”

“I don’t want…”

“I didn’t ask. I’m ordering you.”

Rebecca obeyed.

Nelly led her all the way to the nursery, where she sat on one chair with Amy still in her arms. She ordered Rebecca to sit and play while she put Amy to sleep, which Rebecca did, not wanting to be punished. Not again. In reality, though, Rebecca just wanted to see Nelly’s huge breasts again.

She sat there and grabbed some of the toys scattered around the floor.

Nelly removed her shirt and bra, showing her huge breasts to the babies. Amy was ready, she loved breastfeeding before bed. So it wasn’t a surprise when she started drooling as she got closer to them. However, Nelly was surprised to see Rebecca stare and drool in the same way as her daughter.

Nelly smiled.

“I’ll change you once Amy is sleeping. Ok?”

Rebecca nodded.

She had been thinking about Rebecca for the last few hours. She had been thinking about her mouth in her nipples and how good it felt. Above all else, she was thinking about repeating that experience sometime soon. To be honest with herself, she could think of little else.

So she sat there, with the wrong baby sucking on her breasts, while she watched the grown-up woman play with some dolls that belonged to her daughter. It didn’t take long for Amy to finish. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing slower. She was asleep, and now it was only Nelly and the mother that sat on the floor with her wet diaper, playing with toys.

Nelly placed Amy in her crib, admiring how the little one slept. She put on her bra again and then her shirt.

If she played her cards right, soon there would be two babies sleeping in this very nursery.

She then turned to face Rebecca.

“Well, I promised you a diaper change. Didn’t I?”

Rebecca nodded.

“I want you to say: Yes, mommy.”

“Yes, mommy.”

“Good, raise your arms,” said Nelly, lifting Rebecca as if she weighed nothing, “I think you and I need a bit of time to set things straight. Don’t you think?”

“I don’t understand.”

“You will. But first, let’s get you clean. Ok?”

Rebecca nodded again.

Nelly took Rebecca back to her room, where she laid her on the bed. She masterfully removed the mother’s diaper to reveal the completely soaked inside and Rebecca’s private parts. She cleaned her carefully and gently. Until the older woman’s crotch smelled of nothing but her sex and baby wipes. Then, she kissed, lonely and gently.

Rebecca felt it all over her body.

She wanted more. She wanted Nelly’s tongue inside of her. But it didn’t happen because the nanny immediately began to spread baby powder all over her just to lock her back into another diaper.

“What would your husband say if he knew what’s going through your mind?”

Rebecca blushed.

“The only thing I’m thinking is just how much I’ll enjoy seeing him sending you to jail for what you did.”

“And what exactly did I do?”

“You turned me into,” she paused, breathing heavily, “You did this to me.”

“What exactly?”

“Put me in diapers. Make me a baby for your amusement. You are insane,” she tried to say, but she couldn’t believe herself anymore. She wanted Nelly. She wanted her mommy. Rebecca was finally accepting, subconsciously at least, that she was nothing but a big baby.

Nelly chuckled.

“Let me get this straight. Are you prepared to tell your husband, and probably the police, that a girl in university turned this successful woman into a dumb baby? That I somehow made you mess yourself, wet yourself, nap while sucking on my breasts?”

There was a short moment of silence.

“Good luck with that.”

Rebecca didn’t know what else to say.

“If you finish with your empty words and threats,” said Nelly, removing her shirt again to show her massive breasts, “Would you like some of this?”

Rebecca couldn’t look away. Nelly’s breasts were more than just big, they were beautiful. From the nipples’ tips, she could see the warm white liquid she had enjoyed that very same morning. She tried to reach them, but Nelly stepped back.

“I want you to ask for it.”

“I…I want them.”

Nelly chuckled.

“I want you to ask for them and for everything I will do to you. I want you to ask to be my baby.”

Rebecca couldn’t even swallow. It was as if two parts of her brain were fighting for control. One part just wanted Nelly’s breasts and how they made her feel, and the other wanted her womanhood back. The other part wanted to be the successful woman she knew she was.

“What do you say?”

There was a short silence.

“What do you…”




I think this is my favorite story you’re writing. Hopefully she’s just excited and wanting mommy to touch her in her poopy diapers 😈