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Chapter Three

The next morning, Rebecca woke up wet. Though, she was not surprised. Her accidents were getting more and more frequent, but they were still small. Unnoticeable for everyone else but her.

Darren had left earlier that morning for a business trip. It wasn’t unusual. After all, she picked him because of how professional he was. Everything for Rebecca was about getting more and doing more and keeping doing it for as long as possible.

The bell rang.

Rebecca opened the door.

Nelly, tall and gorgeous, was standing right outside the door. They greeted each other and went to the living room.

“Where’s Amy?” Asked Nelly.

“Upstairs. She’s playing with some toys.”

“You leave your baby playing alone?” Asked Nelly.

How dared this kid judge her parenting skills? Rebecca was about to stand up and blast her off, but Nelly was already gone before she could say anything. She went straight upstairs, not even caring to ask for permission.

Rebecca followed her.

She found Nelly carrying the baby to the changing table. Rebecca had once again forgotten to change her that morning.

“I’m glad you hired me,” said Nelly, “This precious little girl needs someone to look after her.”

Rebecca thought about smart ways to answer, but she knew she was in the wrong.

“She’s developing a rush,” said Nelly, fulminating Rebecca with her eyes, “There’s something for it in my bag. Can you bring it for me?”

Rebecca didn’t answer. She did not hire a nanny to be told what to do. If she wanted something from her bag, she could go get it herself.

“Let me rephrase. Bring my bag, now.”

Rebecca felt a tingly sensation in her legs and a warm one in her crotch. Knowing what might have happened, she left immediately without answering back. But she didn’t go to bring Nelly’s bag. She went straight to her room to inspect the damage.

She pulled her pants down, revealing her almost soaked panties. This time it had been enough to leave a wet mark on her new jeans. She was about to remove them when the door to her room opened.

It was Nelly, carrying Amy in her arms.

Amy was laughing and playing with a toy, not at all concerned about the state of her mother’s pants. But, it wasn’t Amy who Rebecca was worried about.

“Are you going to explain why you didn’t do what I said?” Asked Nelly, “Or perhaps you will explain why you’ve peed yourself….”

Rebecca looked at her.

There was a long silent second, where she could only hear Amy’s chuckles as she played with her toy.

Nelly placed Amy carefully in the bed.

“When you interviewed me, I could tell you were not the sort of caring mother that would do anything for her kids. I was fine with that. Not everyone is. But, neglecting your daughter. That’s something I don’t like…And, I also don’t tolerate accidents, especially on big kids who should know better,” said Nelly, getting closer to Rebecca “I think I will have two babies to take care of. I wasn’t counting on it. But, I’m sure you can pay the extra fee, considering that now I’ll be taking care of you too.”

Rebecca pulled her wet pants up.

“How dare you speak to me like that in my own home. I pay for your services. You are here to obey me. Not the other….”

But she couldn’t continue.

Nelly grabbed her by the hand and placed her on her lap. Rebecca looked at her daughter, who seemed to be interested in what was going on.

“What are you….”

Nelly pulled her wet pants and panties down.

“You crazy bitch. I’m calling the police. You’ll spend the rest of your youth in….”


Rebecca felt the stinging pain on Nelly's hands against her bare butt.


The pain was increasing, and it was more than what Rebecca could tolerate.

“Please. No. Let me go….”


“Please,” she said, sobbing, “PLEASE, LET ME GO. No More…”


She was now crying like her own kid did the many times she had spanked her.


“I can stop…” said Nelly.

“Please,” said Rebecca, tears running down her cheeks.

“One condition.”


“Very well,” said Nelly, releasing the crying woman, “I want you to sit on the corner. Head watching the wall. Don’t pull your pants up, and don’t move. I’ll be back, and if I found you disobeyed me. Well, you already know what I’m capable of.”

Rebecca nodded.

She took Amy and left the room.

Rebecca did as commanded. She walked slowly to the corner and sat, still sobbing and feeling the burning pain in her butt. She didn’t know what else to do, and she didn’t know what Nelly had in mind.

She heard the front door open and close, and she knew she was alone in the house. But, even then, she did nothing to disobey Nelly’s orders.


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