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Chapter Two

“So we got a nanny?” Asked Darren, sitting beside Rebecca in bed.

“We do,” said Rebecca, “Finally, I’ll be able to go back to work.”

She knew Darren wasn’t happy about her going back to work, but she couldn’t care less. Her job was her life, and now she would have someone to take care of Amy. So, overall, a win-win situation.

“I’m glad you got what you wanted,” said Darren, “Good night, my love.”

The lights went off.

The dream was odd, to say the least. It started with Darren looking down at her. He was not lusting over her as he usually did, and he seemed worried. He asked if daddy’s baby girl needed a change. Which was the way he tended to talk with Amy, but Amy was nowhere near. Then, he asked if she preferred mommy to do it; and Rebecca found herself nodding. A minute later, Nelly appeared holding Amy, only Amy seemed to be older, maybe two years, and she was happy because she was finally potty trained.

“Wish we could say the same about you,” said Nelly, and the three of them glared at her, “Well, one less baby to change, at least.”

Rebecca looked down. She was wearing nothing but a diaper, and what’s worse, it was completely soaked. She screamed in desperation, and that’s when woke up.

Her heart was pounding.

She looked down to check her crotch. She was wearing her usual black thongs, but... they were damp. Not wet. Not the way her diaper had been in her dream. Just damped. It wasn’t her discharge. She had not had her period in a while. It was...it was pee.

Rebecca stood up and went straight to the bathroom, doing her best not to wake up Darren. She didn’t panic. That was for the weak. No, many women suffer from incontinence after giving birth. It was usual, and shouldn’t be a big problem. Though the timing was off, but still nothing to worry about.

She sighed, removed her panties, and cleaned herself with some baby wipes she had in the bathroom.

With new panties on, she went back to bed to hopefully catch some sleep before Amy woke up. Though, she would just send Darren to deal with the baby as she had done ever since Amy was born.

She laid next to her husband, who was still fast asleep and closed her eyes.

The next morning the family’s routine was as usual. Rebecca would wake up to Amy’s cries and do her duty, changing diapers was the worst part, but she also wasn’t very fond of breastfeeding. Luckily, it would be the last day she’d have to do it. Nelly would be home the next day, and Amy would be her problem until she was out of diapers; and even more.

“Goodbye, darling,” said Darren, kissing Rebecca on the forehead, “And goodbye, my precious baby girl,” he said, giving multiple kisses to Amy, who only answered by making some weird noises.

Rebecca couldn’t help but feel like Darren preferred Amy to her. But she said nothing and smiled. Was she actually jealous of her own daughter? No, that couldn’t be. Babies couldn’t work. And work was Rebecca’s priority.

She put Amy to sleep and began revisiting some files of her previous cases. There was nothing like a win, and she’s got many of those. It was like a boost in self-confidence for her. She kept going through those files for what seemed like hours, but that’s when she felt an odd sensation around her crotch. She rushed to the bathroom to find that her panties were almost completely soaked.


This time she couldn’t just ignore it. It wasn’t common for someone her age, with just one kid, to suffer this badly from incontinence. Not knowing what to do, she decided to call her doctor and make an appointment. Whatever it was, it couldn't be too serious. There was a solution; she was sure of it.

That’s when Amy woke up, crying.

Great. I have my own shit to deal with and now this, thought Rebecca. Luckily Nelly would be able to help with it all. Just one more day. One more day, and she would have one less responsibility.


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