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Chapter Seven

Carmen and Jacob were sitting in the living room, waiting for Chris, who had called them down for something important. For Carmen, whenever her son said anything, she would just do it. He was, in her eyes, the man her husband could never be, and she was loyal to him. For Jacob, his brother was everything he wished he could be. Tall, strong, masculine, but unluckily, he wasn't.

They both began hearing steps.

Jacob turned to see Chris with someone in his arms. At first, he couldn't recognize it. All he could see was an overgrown girl wearing a very noticeable diaper under her dress. But, when Chris got closer, he finally saw it. It was his own father. The one that had called him a sissy or effeminate so many times before.

He couldn't help but laugh.

The laugh got Carmen's attention, who also turned to see what was happening. She recognized it immediately. Her husband, mister macho man. The one that had always looked down on every woman, wearing a ridiculous dress and a very obvious diaper.

She also laughed.

"Family," said Chris, holding Robby tighter, "I would like to introduce this family's newest member, baby Roberta. Say hello, Roberta."

Robby was crying inside, but he couldn't control his actions.

"Hewos," he said with his thumb on his mouth, "Hewos mommy Carmen and uncle Jacob."

They laughed even harder.

"I knew you were a pathetic excuse of a man, but this... this is another level," said Carmen, standing up to get a clearer picture of her husband, "That's a pretty dress, Roberta."

Robby couldn't argue.

"And you are also wearing diapers. Are they wet? They must be, you big baby."

Jacob didn't say anything. He only took his phone out and began taking pictures. When they had assimilated Robby's presence, the three sat on the couches, and Robby sat on his daddy's lap. He felt safer in his daddy's lap, so he held tight and buried his head against Chris' massive chest.

"I bet you'd like an explanation," said Chris.

Both Carmen and Jacob nodded.

"Dad came to me a couple of weeks ago. He had never actually felt like a man and had problems keeping his pants dry. He said, begged in fact, that he wanted to be a baby again. But, not a baby boy...a girl. And he wanted me to be his daddy."

That was a lie, thought Robby. He wanted to tell them that it was a lie. But, instead of words, the only thing that came out of him was a loud wet fart. Carmen and Jacob looked at him with disgust.

"I think someone needs to make a little poo," said Chris, releasing Robby into the floor, "Go on, Roberta. Show mommy and Jacob your true self."

Robby fought it with all his strength, but it was in vain. He squatted right in front of his family and began pushing. It must have been the most entertaining spectacle ever, 'cause no one said a thing until it was over. And, when it was over, Robby could feel his warm mess spreading all over his crotch. Then, he released his bladder and placed his thumbs right back in his mouth.

"Classy," said Jacob.

"I don't know why, but this doesn't surprise me at all," said Carmen.

"This is who dad, I mean Roberta, really is. She is a baby, and we will treat her like one."

"We?" Asked Jacob.

"Well, I cannot be home all day," said Chris, picking Robby again and sitting him on his lap.

Robby felt his mess spreading all the way up his penis and even higher. He should start leaking all over his dress soon. That uncomfortable sensation made him start crying, which was a terrible mistake. Chris answered by making him bounce on his lap. The bounce only made Robby feel even more uncomfortable, but for some bizarre reason, he started laughing like a dumb toddler.

"You see," said Chris, "Just a dumb little baby that his daddy, mommy, and uncle."

Robby wanted out. He wanted his freedom. His manhood.

But he was defeated.


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